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14.3. Читання

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What are the Smallest Particles We Know about?

For many years, the only known subatomic particles were protons, neutrons and electrons. By the 1960s, however, advancements in particle accelerator technology had shown evidence of hundreds of smaller constituent particles. These particles fall into several main categories.

Fermions are the building-block particles. There are two types of material fermions: quarks, which work to hold the nucleus of an atom together, and leptons, which do not.

Hadrons are composite particles made of smaller particles. A proton, for example, is a hadron made from a combination of different quarks.

Bosons are subatomic particles that carry force.

Виберіть правильний варіант.

1. The existence of many elementary particles was proved in ___.

a) the middle of the 20th century b) in the 18th century c) last year

2. There are ___ of fermions.

a) hundreds of types b) two types c) five types

3. Bosons are elementary particles that carry ___.

a) light b) mass c) force


One student in Rutherford’s lab was very hard-working. Rutherford had noticed it and asked one evening: – Do you work in the mornings too? – Yes, – proudly answered the student sure he would be commended. – But when do you think? – amazed Rutherford.

14.4.Граматика. Пасивний стан дієслова груп Indefinite Пасивний стан (Passive Voice)

Стан – це категорія дієслова, яка демонструє відношення дії до суб’єкта чи об’єкта дії.

Пасивний стан показує, що дія направлена на предмет або особу, які є підметом (статтю перекладено, дім будується).


Popov invented the radio. – активний стан (Active Voice) – Попов винайшов радіо.

The radio was invented by Popov. – пасивний стан (Passive Voice) – Радіо було винайдено Поповим.

Пасивний стан – це складна аналітична форма, яка утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідному часі, особі та числі та дієприкметника минулого часу (Participle II):

to be + Participle II

Запам’ятайте! Вживання часів пасивного стану відбувається за такими ж правилами, як і часів активного стану.

Приклади речень у Passive Voice Стверджувальна форма

The letter is written (every day).

The letter was written (yesterday).

The letter will be written (tomorrow).

The letter is being written (now).

The letter was being written (at 5 o’clock yesterday).

The letter has been written (already).

The letter had been written (by 5 o’clock yesterday).

The letter will have been written (by 5 o’clock tomorrow).

Питальна форма

У питальній формі змінюється порядок слів: перед підметом ставиться перше допоміжне дієслово.

Is the letter written (every day)?

Was the letter written (yesterday)?

Will the letter be written (tomorrow)?

Is the letter being written (now)?

Was the letter being written (at 5 o’clock yesterday)?

Has the letter been written (already)?

Had the letter been written (by 5 o’clock yesterday)?

Will the letter have been written (by 5 o’clock tomorrow)?

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