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12.4.Граматика. Повтореннячасовихформдієслова

Вправа 4. Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи дієслова у потрібній формі.

1. When I (to come) to his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 2. On checking up his answers he (to find) out that he (to make) several mistakes. 3. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 4. You (to read) this book? – Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 5. What the children (to do) now? – Oh, they (to play) the new table game which I (to buy) them the day before yesterday. 6. They (to reach) the corner of the street by now and (to stand) at the bus stop. 7. We could not go out because it (to rain) hard since early morning. 8. She (to teach) at our school for twenty years now. 9. I (to ring) you up tomorrow. 10. He (to begin) to write his composition at three o’clock. It is already eleven, and he still (to write) it. He says he (to finish) it by twelve. 11. We (to help) our librarian to put the books in the right order for already three days, but we (to arrange) only half the books. 12. How long you (to wait) for me? 13. When I (to come) home yesterday, my sister already (to return) and (to sit) at the fireplace looking through some old photographs. 14. Light (to travel) more quickly than sound. 15. Here you (to be) at last! I (to wait) for you for twenty minutes.

12.5.Домашнє завдання

Вправа 5. Поставте дієслова в дужках у потрібну форму.

1. Yesterday Tom (not / to wake up) very early. 2. We (know) our examination results the day after tomorrow. 3. Look! Somebody (to climb) up that tree over there. 4. I (to lose) my key! Can you help me to find it? 5. The Moon (to go) round the Earth. 6. Ann (to wait) for me when I (to arrive). 7. Jim (to play) tennis since 2 o’clock. 8. Before the train came we (to wait) for 2 hours. 9. By this time tomorrow you (to receive) the answer. 10. This supermarket (to work) 24 hours. 11. Jane (to cook) a cake for the dinner when we came. 12. They (to paint) the wall since the morning. 13. It (to rain) now. 14. He (to study) the whole day tomorrow. 15. She always (to read) at mealtime. 16. Before we came, the film (to finish). 17. There (to be) many people at the last party. 18. Please, don’t make noise. He (to write) an important document. 19. He never (to be) to London. 20. When we came, Tom (to watch) TV. 21. Tomorrow I (to send) you the letter by E-mail. 22. What (to do) you tonight?

Вправа 6. Поставте запитання до виділених фрагментів речень.

1. He is going to Paris next week. 2. This supermarket works 24 hours. (general question) 3. Tom was cooking a cake for the dinner. 4. They have been painting the wall since the morning. 5. Einstein developed the theory of relativity. 6. When we arrived to Italy the weather was awful. 7. There were three red roses in the vase. 8. He went to his office in the morning. 9. He will arrive at the station at 6 p.m. 10. The scientists are studying the behaviour of elementary particles.

Вправа 7. Знайдіть три англійських прислів’я, що характеризують національні традиції та звички.

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