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27.2. Письмові завдання

Вправа 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово наступний текст.

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may pollute the air in big cities and small towns.

Some air pollutants are poisonous. Inhaling them can increase the chance you’ll have health problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from air pollution. Air pollution isn’t just outside – the air inside buildings can also be polluted and affect your health. Sources of indoor pollution include biological contaminants like mold and pollen, tobacco smoke, household products and pesticides, gases such as radon and carbon monoxide, materials used in the building such as asbestos, formaldehyde and lead.

Indoor air quality problems usually only cause discomfort, and most people feel better as soon as they eliminate the source of the pollution. However, some pollutants can cause diseases that show up much later, such as respiratory diseases or cancer. Making sure that your building is well-ventilated and eliminating pollutants can improve the quality of your indoor air.

27.3. Читання

Прочитайте діалог по ролях.

A: Can you tell me anything about smoggy cities?

B: I know that the smoggiest cities in the world are Teheran, Baghdad, Delhi, Calcutta, Athens and Madrid.

A: Really?! I didn’t know that. And what is the reason?

B: It’s the presence of great amount of sulphur dioxide and suspended particles in the air. Rain washes these harmful substances out of the air, and this creates “acid rain”.

A: And how does it differ from the usual rain? Is acid rain harmful?

B: Certainly. It pollutes water, damages crops, forests and buildings.

A: And what about people? Does it affect people’s health?

B: Of course, it does.

27.4. Граматика. Пряма та непряма мова

У непрямій мові обставинні слова змінюються:

Пряма мова

Непряма мова


that day


the day before


the next day

... ago

... before

this (these)

that (those)



last year

the year before

next ...

the following ...

Перетворення спонукальних речень в непрямій мові

Keep quiet! Don’t make noise!

He told (asked) me

to keep quiet and not to make noise.

Перетворення стверджувальних речень з прямої в непряму мову

I am an engineer. I work at a plant. In the evening I study English.

He said

Не told me


he was an engineer and worked at a plant

and added that he studied English in the evening.

I saw my friend yesterday.

He said

He told me


he had seen his friend the day before.

We lived in Rome two years ago. My father worked there.

He said

He told me


they had lived in Rome two years before and added that his father had worked there.

I will tell you about it tomorrow.

He said

He told me


he would tell me about it the next day.

Час підрядного речення не змінюється, якщо підрядне речення є висловлюванням, що не викликає заперечень. Наприклад, “The earth is round,” said the teacher. – The teacher said (that) the earth is round.

Past Continuous зазвичай не змінюється: “I was travelling to Brighton while she was flying to the USA,” he said. – He said he was travelling to Brighton while she was flying to the USA.

Модальні дієслова would, could, might, should, ought to не змінюються у непрямій мові: “He might visit us,” Mum said. – Mum said that he might visit us.

Вправа 2. Передайте непрямою мовою, використовуючи дієслова у дужках.

1. Close the door, please. (tell) – The teacher ___. 2. Will you hold these books for a moment, please? (ask) – The librarian ___. 3. Please don’t tell anyone about what happened. (ask) – Mike ___. 4. Keep silence! (tell). The teacher ___. 5. Could you give me a lift? (ask) – Jack ___. 6. Put on your hat and scarf at once! (tell) – Mother ___.

Вправа 3. Передайте речення непрямою мовою.

1. The teacher explained, “In fact every hydraulic system can be reduced to a simple pump-motor system”. 2. The expert said, “Laser cutting is excellent at processing different materials”. 3. The researcher explained, “Radio waves have been used since 1931 to investigate celestial objects”. 4. The oceanographer said, “We will develop innovative techniques to restore aquatic ecosystems”. 5. The manager said, “We offer you a part-time job on your computer”.

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