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3.7.3.Other institutional sub-classifications

227.For some countries, it may be helpful, for the purposes of international comparison, to know the breakdown between public and private universities and between universities proper and other post-secondary institutions.

228.Statistical units should therefore be classified by the most appropriate type of main activity:

Teaching units (e.g. faculty or departments):



Research institutes or centres.

Clinics, health centres or university hospitals.

Other units at the borderline of the higher education sector not elsewhere classified.


3.8.1. Coverage

229.This sector consists of:

All institutions and individuals located outside the political borders of a country, except vehicles, ships, aircraft and space satellites operated by domestic entities and testing grounds acquired by such entities.

All international organisations (except business enterprises), including facilities and operations within the country’s borders.

3.8.2. The principal sector sub-classification

230. The principal sector sub-classifications are essentially designed to classify all the R&D activities of a performing unit. However, “Abroad” occurs in R&D surveys only as a source of funds for R&D performed by statistical units already classified in one of the four national sectors or as a destination for their extramural R&D expenditures. Thus, as it occurs only as a sub-item of the R&D resources of a statistical unit, the choice of a standard sub-classification does not arise.


FRASCATI MANUAL 2002 – ISBN 92-64-19903-9 – © OECD 2002


3.8.3. Other institutional sub-classifications

231. The sector may be divided into the four sectors used for domestic R&D, plus a fifth: international organisations. The recommended classifications are:

Business enterprise.

Other national governments.

Private non-profit.

Higher education.

International organisations.

232. When financial flows for R&D between national and foreign business enterprise sectors are significant, they may usefully be subdivided among:

Enterprises within the group.

Other business enterprises.

3.8.4. Geographic area of origin or destination of funds

233. It may also be helpful to break down flows of funds to and from abroad by geographical area as follows:

North America: Canada, Mexico, United States.

European Union.

Other European OECD countries.

Asian OECD countries: Japan, Korea.

Oceanian OECD countries: Australia, New Zealand.

Other European non-OECD countries.

Other Asian non-OECD countries.

South and Central America.

Other Oceanian non-OECD countries.


234.This categorisation has been chosen to ensure that:

All countries of the world are included and all continents singled out.

The OECD zone may be identified separately.

Major economic blocs (NAFTA and the EU) within the OECD zone are shown separately.

The list is inclusive.

235. Other groupings, such as the Nordic countries, EU candidate countries, transition countries, etc., may also be of interest. In addition, it is important to identify funding from the EU and from international organisations.

FRASCATI MANUAL 2002 – ISBN 92-64-19903-9 – © OECD 2002


ISBN 92-64-19903-9

Frascati Manual 2002

Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development

© OECD 2002

Chapter 4

Functional Distribution

FRASCATI MANUAL 2002 – ISBN 92-64-19903-9 – © OECD 2002


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