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271. The “use of product” approach is intended to provide R&D data as comparable as possible with other economic statistics at the establishment level, notably value added. It is therefore particularly useful when dealing with enterprises active in more than one industry.


It is recommended that current intramural R&D expenditure in the business enterprise sector should be distributed by product field for all industry groups. However, if this is not possible for all industry groups, it is at least recommended for ISIC Division 73. It is recommended that the product field distribution should be based on the use of product approach (industry served for ISIC Division 73). The classification outlined in Table 3.1 should be used.

4.4.Fields of science and technology

4.4.1. Use of distribution by field of science and technology

273.The fields of science and technology used for functional distribution differ in three ways from the institutional classification by major field described in Chapter 3 (see Sections 3.6.2 and 3.7.2). First, the R&D itself is examined, rather than the main activity of the performing unit. Second, the resources are usually distributed at project level within each performing unit. Third, a more detailed list of fields should be used. Such a detailed list is not agreed; the list in Chapter 3, Table 3.2, is presented as an illustration. However, countries are encouraged to use their detailed classifications of fields of science. Work to develop a more detailed international classification of fields of science for statistical use is to be undertaken. A distribution by fields of science is most easily applied in the higher education and private non-profit sectors. The units surveyed in the government sector may also be able to break down their R&D activities by field of science, but this has rarely been attempted in the business enterprise sector.

274.This classification is recommended for all R&D carried out by units in the higher education, government and private non-profit sectors.

4.4.2. The distribution list

275. Unfortunately, no up-to-date, detailed standard international classification of fields of science and technology, suitable for the functional distribution of R&D activities, is available. Therefore it is recommended that the major fields of science and technology described in Table 3.2 should be adopted as the functional fields of a science classification system.

FRASCATI MANUAL 2002 – ISBN 92-64-19903-9 – © OECD 2002


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