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iii)Budget proposal (figures presented to the parliament for the coming year).

iv)Initial budget appropriations (figures as voted by the parliament for the coming year, including changes introduced in the parliamentary debate).

v)Final budget appropriations (figures as voted by the parliament for the coming year, including additional votes during the year).

vi)Obligations (money actually committed during the year).

vii)Actual outlays (money paid out during the year).

479.Stages i)-iv) describe the government’s intentions. The data for budgetary year y should be available as soon as possible after the end of year y – 1. It is suggested that the preliminary GBAORD data should be based on the first budget agreed between the government and the parliament, or stage iv). Some countries might even base their preliminary figures on stage iii). During the budgetary year, supplementary budgets may be voted, including increases, cuts and reallocations of R&D funding. These are reflected in stage v). Data should be available as soon as possible after the end of the budgetary year. It is suggested that the final GBAORD data should be based on final budget appropriations. Some countries may have to base their final figures on stages vi) or vii).

8.4.Coverage of R&D

8.4.1.Basic definition

480. The basic definition is the one given in Chapter 2, Section 2.1. Basic research, applied research and experimental development are all included but are not identified separately.

8.4.2. Fields of science and technology


The analysis covers natural sciences and engineering (NSE) and social sciences and humanities (SSH) and makes no distinction between the two.

8.4.3. Identifying R&D

482. As far as possible, all guidelines and conventions listed in Chapter 2 for distinguishing R&D from non-R&D activities should be applied. Particular care should be taken to check the real R&D content of budget items officially described as “development contracts” or as “purchase of prototypes” as discussed in Chapter 2, Section 2.3.4, and Chapter 6, Section 6.3.2, as well as Annex 10.

FRASCATI MANUAL 2002 – ISBN 92-64-19903-9 – © OECD 2002


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