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Теория рекламы (2).doc
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Illustrate the meanings of the phrases in the sentences of your own.

After-reading activities

  1. Answer the following questions

  1. What are the main types of advertising media?

  2. What is understood by geographical selectivity of newspapers?

  3. In what way can an intense coverage of the local market be obtained?

  4. What are the advantages of newspaper advertising?

  5. What are the limitations of newspaper ads?

  6. What is the main advantage of magazines?

  7. What is understood by a selective market segmentation strategy?

  8. What is the main disadvantage of magazines?

  9. What firms prefer magazine advertising? Why?

  1. Complete the sentences matching the beginning of the sentences with one of the endings

  1. The general goal of advertising is …

  2. The function of advertising is …

  3. A particular advantage of magazines is …

  4. Magazines also offer a high degree of

  5. Most magazines are printed on …

  1. their selective readership

  2. great flexibility

  3. good paper

  4. to inform and influence people’s behaviour

e. to increase sales

f. geographical selectivity


Make up the summary of the text using the following lexical units

  • general goal

  • strengths and weaknesses

  • advantages and limitations

  • geographical selectivity

  • great flexibility

  • circulation costs

  • be hastily read

  • pulp paper

  • quality of reproduction and colour

  • selective readership

  • provide excellent colour ads

  • to lack flexibility

  • be placed close to the point of sale

  • available

  • be traffic hazard

Advertising Media (Part 2)


Check the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary

be tailored
















Read the text and find

1. what kind of mass media is the most expensive one;

2. what kind of media requires a particular accuracy of addresses on the mailing list;

3. what kind of media is characterised by the transient nature of presentation.

Direct mail

Direct mail is the most selective of any media because it reaches only that part of the market the advertiser wishes to contact. First of all, it is more personal than any other media. Secondly, it has the greatest flexibility. Messages can be tailored to the particular characteristics of the audience. Besides, best timing can be assured. A mailing list is a vital part of the direct mail campaign because the people addressed should really be prospects.

Undoubtedly, direct mail offers particular advantages to smaller firms that cannot afford mass media advertising because of the lack of the budget. So, it is evident that the quality of the mailing list, the extent of duplication and the accuracy of addresses are important. However, as there is no editorial or entertainment material, much direct mail material is thrown away without being opened.


TV has grown rapidly of the major media. The first advantage of TV is that it appeals to the audience through the eye and the ear, so it offers both demonstration and explanation. Besides, it has a tremendous impact because millions may watch a programme and a commercial simultaneously. To add to this, the majority of geographical areas have local channels, thus geographical and socioeconomic selectivity is reached. On the other hand, TV is extremely costly. A thirty-second commercial on a top-rated network programme costs a lot. At the same time a TV spot cost for a single station and for some shows with lower audience ratings will be much lower. So, it is evident that TV is most attractive to low-price, repeat sale, convenience goods manufacturers but not distillers or tobacco companies (who are banned from TV).


Radio reaches audiences at low cost, as a spot announcement is quite cheap. What is more, it is very flexible geographically, so a national firm can choose the areas where it wants to concentrate its efforts. In addition, the commercial itself can be changed up to broadcast time. Finally, market segmentation is facilitated because many stations concentrate on particular audiences, such as teenagers, classical music enthusiasts, etc.

However, radio audiences tend to be extremely fragmented because there are many radio stations competing in many areas. Secondly, the attention of the listeners is limited because of other activities while listening. It should also be mentioned that one of the most important disadvantages of the radio is the transient nature of any presentation, i.e. the message is not available for reference or reading.


Scan through the text and say whether the statements are true or false

1. Direct mail permits the most selectivity of any media.

2. Direct mail offers particular advantages to big firms that cannot afford mass media advertising.

3. TV offers the great the great advantage of appealing through both the eye and the ear.

4. TV offers low-cost advertising: millions can be viewing a programme and its commercials at one time.

5. Radio advertisement is costly.

6. Radio is very flexible geographically so that a national firm can pick the areas where it wants to concentrate efforts.

Word study