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Теория рекламы (2).doc
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Creating the advertising platform

An advertising platform consists of the basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wishes to include in the advertising campaign. A single advertisement in an advertising campaign may contain one or several issues in the platform. Although the platform contains the basic issues, it does not include how they should be presented.

A marketer’s advertising platform should consist of issues that are important to consumers. One of the best ways to determine what those issues are is to survey consumers to learn what they consider most important in the selection and use of the product involved. The selling features must be important to consumers. Moreover, competitive products must not have such features.

One of the most effective methods to determine the issues of an advertising platform is research. But it is very expensive. As a result, the advertising platform is based on the opinions of personnel of the firm. This trial-and-error approach generally leads to some successes and some failures.

Determining the advertising appropriation

The advertising appropriation is the total amount of money that a marketer allocates for advertising for a specific time period. It is hard to decide how much to spend on advertising for a month, three months, a year or several years because there is no way to measure what the precise effects of spending a certain amount of money on advertising will be.

Many factors affect a firm’s decision about how much to appropriate for advertising. The geographic size of the market and the distribution of buyers within the market have a great bearing on this decision.

Executing the campaign

The execution of an advertising campaign requires an extensive amount of planning and coordination. Regardless of whether an organisation uses an advertising agency, many people and firms are involved in the execution of a campaign. Production companies, research organizations, media firms, printers, photoengravers and commercial artists are just a few of the people and organisations that contribute to a campaign.

Implementation requires detailed schedules to ensure that various phases of the work are done on time. Advertising management personnel must evaluate the quality of the work and take corrective action when necessary. In some instances, changes have to be made during the campaign, so it meets campaign objectives more effectively.


Complete the following sentences

  1. The basic issues of an advertising campaign are …

  2. One of the best ways to determine the issues is …

  3. An advertising platform is based on …

  4. The advertising appropriation is …

  5. It is hard to decide how much … because there is no way to …

  6. Such factors as … affect a firm’s decision about how much to appropriate for advertising.

  7. The execution of an advertising campaign requires …

  8. Such people and organizations as … are involve in the execution of a campaign.

  9. Implementation requires … to ensure …

  10. It is important to … to be sure that a campaign … effectively.

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