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Теория рекламы (2).doc
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1. Finish the following sentences using the information from the text

  1. Among those who work in the Creative Department there are …

  2. One of the major activities of the creative team is …

  3. The basis of the work of a creative team may be …

  4. The Account Service is called …

  5. The workers of the Account Service are …

  6. The function of an account executive is …

  7. The traffic department’s work consists in …

  8. The interns are involved in …

2. Answer the following questions

  1. Who work in the Creative Department?

  2. What does a copywriter do?

  3. What is an art director responsible for?

  4. Is the main function of the creative team to write advertiser’s messages?

  5. How do creative teams operate?

  6. The Account Service is in charge of working with clients’ accounts, isn’t it?

  7. What are the main duties of an account executive?

  8. Is the work of the Creative Service “Production” important?

  9. What is the difference between the work of small and large agencies?

  10. What work does an ad agency implement?

  11. Why is the traffic department so important?

  12. What is an intern involved in?

Talking Point

Discuss the following questions in groups of 3 or 4. Choose the speaker who will represent your ideas to the class. Share your ideas with the class.

  1. The work of which department is the most important for an ad agency? Why?

  2. If you had an agency how would you organize its work and structure? Why?

  3. Think of a famous and successful ad agency, analyze the reasons for its success; the structure, the type, its work.


  1. You are two beginning advertisers, who are going to open their own ad agency. Discuss the type, structure and the sphere of work of your future agency.

  2. Choose a famous ad agency, analyze its work (on the example of any advertisement), structure and type. Prepare a monologue “The keys to a success of an ad agency”.

Advertising Agencies (Part 3)


1. Check the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary

a. product life cycle

market volume

competitive advantages of the product

positioning of the product

advertising strategies

advertising expenses

comparative analysis

sales promotion strategy

to launch the product

2. Watch the pronunciation and spelling of these words and word-combinations

to cater for

joint efforts

patent testing



BTL (below-the-line) concept

accompanying materials

POS (point-of-sale) materials

to make a test purchase


Work in groups and discuss the following questions

1. How do you see the work of an ad agency?

2. What problems can occur in the work of an ad agency?

3. What steps are necessary to turn a trademark into a brand?


Read the following text and take notes on the following aspects:

1. the stages of an ad agency work with short characteristics

2. the steps of turning a trademark into a brand.

The work of an adverising agency

The work of an advertising agency includes six stages. If a product goes through all these stages it helps to increase the success of the product and to turn a trademark into a brand.

The first stage

(analysis of the product group where the existing product is developed)

At this stage a client explains how he sees the product. The main aspects here are:

  • analysis of the client’ product, analysis of similar products

  • life cycle and competitive advantages of the products

  • quality and quantity, market volume for this kind of products

The second stage

(analysis of competitors)

This stage includes the following steps:

  • product line and brand of competitors

  • target groups and positioning of competing products

  • advertising strategies of competitors and their advertising expenses

  • plans of competitors

The client provides this information. The advertisers analyze this information to make right conclusions and not to repeat the mistakes of competitors.

The third stage

(analysis of the target group, its consumption and attitude to the product)

This stage includes the following steps:

  • age, sex, and preferences of the target group

  • attitude of the potential customers to the product

  • geographical distribution of the target group and priority markets

  • comparative analysis of the target group for the advertised product and the target group of competitors

The fourth stage

(sales promotion strategy)

It includes the following steps

  • to work out the positions of the product

  • to determine unique qualities and competing advantages of the product

  • to plan strategy of influence on the target group

  • to work out strategy of launching the product

At this stage the agency works out different concepts of positioning the product. Positioning is a concept that allows us to make consumers take the product. Positioning is both rational and emotional cover, which caters for tastes and values of the target group.

At this stage the agency and the client work in close cooperation: they analyze, approve and think through. It takes joint efforts to create the right concept of positioning.

The fifth stage

(developing the product image)

This stage includes:

  • development, analysis and testing of brand names, packages and labels

  • development, analysis and testing of the logo and trademark

  • sound and patent testing

  • patenting of the brand name, logo and trademark

At this stage the client explains his demand as clear as possible. Agency experts develop all visual elements of the product. They also carry out a patent testing. Moreover the agency carries out special sound testing. A word can have a positive or a negative effect. The results of the sound testing show whether the brand name is suitable for the product.

The sixth stage

(implementation of the sales promotion strategy)

This last stage consists of the following steps:

  • development of creative concepts and creative materials (advertising videos, models, screens)

  • development of media concepts and media plans

  • development of BTL (below-the-line) concepts and BTL plans

  • development of accompanying materials, POS (point-of-sale) materials

Te agency experts develop all creative materials and media plans, and the lient has to approve of them.

The agency introduces the product into the market. It is important to introduce a trademark successfully and to turn it into a brand. Turning a trademark into a brand goes through the following stages:

  • “knowing” the trademark – a consumer learns smth about the trademark

  • “recognition” of the product – a consumer recognizes the trademark on the market

  • “attitude” to the trademark – a consumer pays attention to the trademark and makes a test purchase

  • “consumption” of the product – a consumer buys the product constantly if he has the positive attitude to it

Positive attitude is an important stage, a key towards success. However if the attitude is negative, it’s easier to “kill” this trademark, than to reanimate it.

Word Study