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Теория рекламы (2).doc
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4. Find the odd-one-out

  • to analyze - to examine - to research - to learn

  • to specify - to define - to find out - to determine

  • critical - essential - common - significant

  • to allot - to assign - to apply - to allocate

  • to aim at - to intend - to aspire - to stand idle

  • efficient - resultant - bootless - effective

  • to estimate - to disburse - to assess - to evaluate

5. Fill in the gaps using the words and word-combinations

  1. The group of people toward which the ___ is ___ is called ___ ___.

  2. The main steps of ___ ___ are ___ and ___ the advertising target.

  3. The fact that companies are becoming more interested in understanding their customers or ___ ___ increased a number of ___ ___ into this area.

  4. Advertisers are aimed at ___ ___ ___ and developing an ___ for a campaign.

  5. The campaign ___ ___ ___ ___ if the advertising target is not ___ and ___.

6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary

  1. Важными шагами в разработке рекламной кампании являются анализ и определение основных потребностей целевой аудитории.

  2. Для лучшего и более эффективного анализа целевой аудитории необходимо создать информационную базу.

  3. Информационная база включает в себя данные о местоположении, распределении достатка, пола, образования, а также частоте использования рекламируемых и конкурирующих продуктов.

  4. В целом, успех рекламной кампании зависит от того, насколько эффективно определены и проанализированы цели рекламной кампании.

  5. Что касается целей рекламной кампании, то основными факторами в их определении являются точность и измеримость.

Talking Point

Discuss the following questions in groups of 3 or 4. Choose the speaker who will represent your ideas to the class. Share your ideas with the class.

  1. What do particularly advertisers analyze and identify while developing an advertising campaign?

  2. Necessary information for information base includes the basic date about the target groups. Why is it so essential to know this information?

  3. Comment on the following sentence: ‘Advertising objectives should be stated clearly and precisely.’ What is the role of precision and measurability in evaluating the effectiveness of a campaign?


Use the active vocabulary and write an essay “The basic steps in developing an advertising campaign” (200 words)


1. Use the following words and word-combinations to make up a summary of the text (not more than 15 sentences)

  • to be aimed at

  • an advertising target

  • to identify

  • to analyze

  • to develop a campaign

  • advertising objectives should be stated clearly and precisely

  • precision

  • measurability

  • to evaluate advertising success

  • to contain benchmarks

  • to give the current position or condition of the firm

  • to allot the time of the achievement

2. Prepare a monologue with the use of the active vocabulary (25-30 sentences) “The role of identifying and analyzing an advertising campaign”

3. Work in pairs, use the information from the text, choose any product to advertise (food, technology, cosmetics, cars) and work out the first steps of an advertising campaign for this product. Use the active vocabulary!

Advertising Campaign (Part 2)


1. Note the pronunciation of the following words

an advertising platform


a survey

competitive products


a trial-and-error approach


to allocate

to have a great bearing on smth

the execution of an advertising campaign

2. Watch the pronunciation and spelling of the words and word-combinations

to require





to contribute


a schedule

a phase

to ensure



Work in groups and discuss the following questions

  1. What do you understand by an advertising platform? What are the components of it?

  2. How much money should be spent on advertising? What factors should be taken into account?

  3. What factors are involved in the execution of an advertising campaign?


Read the following text, compare your ideas with the ideas of the text