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1. training - обучение

2. tool - инструмент

3. to specialize in - специализироваться на

4. to take courses – ходить на курсы

5. to be engaged in – быть занятым

6. to conduct an experiment – ставить опыт

7. equipment - оборудование

8. applied physics – прикладная физика

9. basic physics – физические основы

10. application - применение

11. research laboratory – научно-исследовательская лаборатория

2.12 Read the following words correctly. Mind reading rules:

Career, physicist, science, higher, specialise, course, nuclear, electricity, bachelor, doctorate, engage, experiment, equipment, analysis, equally, industry, development, manufacturing, laboratory, foundation, scientist.

2.13 Make up sentences using the following words and phrases:

Career, to specialise in, to be engaged in, to conduct research, to take courses in, to require, to receive a degree, equipment.

2.14 Give the Russian equivalents for the following:

training for a career, to take place in, a basic tool, to specialise,

to be engaged in research and development activities, to be closely related, to improve a manufacturing process, to have practical applications, conduct research.

2.15 Complete the following sentences:

  1. Training for a career in physics begins… .

  2. It continues with… .

  3. After a year or two of general courses in physics… .

  4. They may take courses in… .

  5. More than half of the physicists in the United States are engaged in… .

  6. Some physicists conduct experiments and work with… .

  7. Many industries employ physicists in… .

  8. Many industries employ physicists in their research departments. These scientists work in… .

  9. They may also work in… .

2.16 Comprehension questions:

  1. Where does training for a career begin?

  2. Is physics studied at elementary and high schools?

  3. What is the basic tool for studying physics?

  4. What are courses taken by students studying physics?

  5. What is required for most positions of responsibility in physics?

  6. What do physicists trained in mathematical analyses work with?

  7. What do physicists employed in industry deal with?

2.17 Translate into English

  1. Они работают в одной команде.

  2. Вопрос, который сейчас рассматривается, очень важен.

  3. В прошлом году он ходил на компьютерные курсы.

  4. Обучение этих специалистов будет длиться 3 месяца.

  5. Новое оборудование устанавливается сейчас в исследовательской лаборатории.

6. Сын Джона решил специализироваться по ядерной физике.

2.18 Speak on career in physics.

2.19 Find Participle II in the following sentences and translate them correctly.

1. Physics is the science devoted to the study of matter and energy.

2. Knowledge obtained from the study of physics is important in other sciences, in­cluding astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geology.

3. Such predictions come from laws and theories developed by another group of physicists, called theoretical physicists.

4. One branch of mechanics, known as fluid mechanics, deals with the behaviour of liquids and gases.

5. Physics is the science devoted to the study of matter and energy.

6. So physicists, called experimental physicists, perform the fully designed experiments and then compare the results with what was predicted to happen.

7. The subjects studied by physicists consist of two broad categories, classical physics and modern physics.