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методичка Pre-Int моя редактир.doc
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1. Transcribe the following words.

receipt, high quality, gadget, compare, furniture, scissors, tissues, luxury, perfume, biscuit, faulty, boutique, pinstriped, checked, linen, leather, casual, digital, mall, earring, diamond, furcoat, item, clothes, jewellery, sweater, compare, intuitive, refund

2.Look at the picture and give the Russian equivalents of all things shown.

3. Give the Russian equivalents of all collocations in bold type.

I get up at 7.30, have a shower, get dressed, and have breakfast. I put on and do up my coat and leave home about 8.20. When I get to work I sometimes can’t undo the buttons – my hands are too cold. So when I take my coat off I hang it up behind the door. It is hot in the office, so I take my jacket off as well. During my lunch break I have a look round the shops. If I see something really nice I usually try it on. Sometimes the things I like don’t fit me – they are either too small or they don't have the right size. When I get home I unbutton and take off my suit and shoes and change into jeans and a T-shirt.

4. Fill in the correct words from the list below.

Refund, discount, tag, by cheque, sales, in cash, expensive, receipt, go window shopping, retailer, shopping list

Before you go out to buy some new clothes it’s a good idea to ….. first, in order to find out which shops are worth visiting. This will also help you if you are bargain hunting and don’t want to spend a lot of money. Write a(n) …. To make sure you get everything you need. A small shop may have more unusual goods and a more personal service. If they don’t have exactly what you want in stock, they could order it from the wholesaler. The …. could give you a …. If you buy in bulk and pay …. or … . For something …. you could leave a deposit. To reserve it until you can afford it. Alternatively, you could wait until the …. , when it will definitely be cheaper. When you decide what to buy, the cashier will look at the price. …. and then give a …. from the cash register. If you have a problem with your goods, the shop owner should …. you money.

5. Use the appropriate words and collocations instead if the outlined ones to complete the gaps un the following dialogues.

1.A: I bought a chair at a thrift store yesterday. It isn't new, but it's

very nice.

B: You bought a chair.

2. A: The chair was inexpensive.

B: It was ______________________________ .

3. A: I didn't have as much cash as I needed to buy it.

B: So I paid ____________________________ .

4. A: I never pay the full price. I always buy clothes on ________.

5. A: Do you buy things without thinking about the price?

B: Never. I always _______________________ before making a choice.

6. A: I like this dress. I’d like to try it on. Where is ________________?

B: Oh, it ________ you perfectly. What’s the price? Have a look at _______________.

A: I’m lucky, it’s from last year’s collection, so the ____________ is 50%. I’ll _______ it!

7. A: Do you like shopping?

B: I like shopping for __________. But I don’t like large _______________. I prefer small designer ________________.

A: Me too. But I like just ______________ most of all, when you needn’t buy anything at all.

8. A: Can I bring the shoes back and take another pair if they don’t fit?

B: Certainly. You can __________ them within two weeks.

A: Do I have to show you some document?

B: Yes, you should not forget to bring the ___________________.

9. A: You know this clock doesn’t work.

B: When did you buy this ___________ ?

A: Two days ago at your shop. If it doesn’t work, it’s _____________ .

B: OK. It’s on the guarantee, so you’ll get a _____________________ .