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2 Explain the meaning of the words in bold. Use the dictionary if it is necessary. Give examples.

3 Answer the questions.

  1. Why is our planet under threat?

  2. What may the destruction of the rainforests cause?

  3. Why can simple pleasures like swimming or drinking a glass of water become a thing of the past?

  4. What is the main cause of breathing problems?

  5. What can we do to help our environment?


UN - We can control Global Warming

1. With your partner(s), rank these things – which are best to slow down / control climate change?

  • Walk or take public transport instead of driving.

  • Replace your electricity supply with renewable energy, such as solar or wind power.

  • Use the lights in your house less.

  • Replace your electrical appliances with more energy efficient ones.

  • Plant a tree in the forest.

  • Recycle everything you use.

  • Donate money to organizations pushing for controls on global warming.

2. In pairs rank the following outcomes of global warming - most serious at the top

  • Polar bears and penguins will disappear

  • Winters will be 10 degrees colder

  • Malaria will spread around the globe

  • Cockroaches will be everywhere

  • Africa will have more droughts

  • Hurricanes will be stronger

  • Skin cancer will increase

  • Drinking water will be expensive

  • Many countries will disappear under water

  • Water wars will break out between nations

3. Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):


The UN said global warming and climate change are not problems.

T / F


Over 120 nations met to discuss how to limit greenhouse gases.

T / F


The UN’s report said Armageddon may still happen.

T / F


People will have to buy cars and refrigerators that use less energy.

T / F


Tackling climate change will cost 10% of world economic output.

T / F


The UN’s report doesn’t provide governments with any answers.

T / F


Rising temperatures are not such a big problem now.

T / F


The report stressed the need for a wide range of clean technology.

T / F

4. Match the following synonyms from the article:

  1. committee

  2. limit

  3. strategies

  4. indicated

  5. spending

  6. addressing

  7. relatively

  8. range

  9. threatening

  10. deep

    1. pointed out

    2. purchasing

    3. big

    4. solving

    5. endangering

    6. plans

    7. panel

    8. comparatively

    9. cap

    10. variety

5. Match the following phrases from the article:

      1. A United Nations committee

      2. limit the harm

      3. the picture of Armageddon

      4. a remarkable step

      5. individuals need to change their

      6. addressing this problem

      7. We've got a big problem

      8. this report provides governments

      9. more violent

      10. a wide variety

        1. lifestyles and spending patterns

        2. and destructive storms

        3. forward

        4. on our hands

        5. on climate change

        6. with a way out

        7. greenhouse gases do

        8. of clean technologies

        9. painted by many scientists

        10. at relatively low costs