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3. Start each sentence with the name of a suitable creature from above.

1 can fly at a great height.

2 can swim very long distances.

3 can understand lots of human commands.

4 can run very fast.

5 can travel through the desert for long distances without water.

6 can be 30 metres in length, can eat fruit from tall trees.

7 change their skin several times a year.

8 can pick things up with their trunk.

9 provide us with wool.

4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1 Мир животных огромен: гепарды, жирафы, черепахи, слоны, муравьи, а также мухи и комары. 2. У старого дядюшки Сэма была ферма, где он выращивал кур, свиней, овец, коров и лошадей. 3. Собаки очень умные животные, и они не раз спасали человеку жизнь. 4. У моего знакомого был говорящий попугай, который умел говорить только одно слово «Несомненно» (There is no doubt about it). 5. Некоторые люди держат рептилий в качестве домашних животных. 6. Змеи могут передвигаться по поверхности очень быстро, если они этого захотят. 7. Дети любят наблюдать в зоопарке за «большими кошками»: такими, как львы, тигры, гепарды и леопарды. 8. Вы когда-либо пробовали змей и лягушек? – Да, и даже улиток, мидий, устриц, крабов и осьминогов. 9. Слоны могут поднимать тяжести с помощью хобота, а верблюды могут провести несколько дней в пустыне без воды. 10. Самый большой вид кенгуру – это серый кенгуру, они достигают в высоту 213 сантиметров и бегают со скоростью 56 км / ч. 11. Его не интересует проблема вымирания этого вида. 12. У моей тети аллергия на кошек. 13. Она боится пауков? – Они приводят ее в ужас!14. Лошадь- животное, которое может спать стоя. 15. Ветеринар- это специалист, который лечит больных животных.16. Если бы она была животным, она была бы кошкой - мягкой, доброй и пушистой.17. Если бы у него был миллион долларов, он бы построил клинику для бездомных животных и помог бы спасти вымирающие виды. 18. Ах, если бы я умела летать, как птица!


1.Discuss the questions with your partner before you start reading the article.

Do you know any organizations that prevent cruelty to animals?

What do you think their main activities are?

Would you like to be the member of such an organization? Why?

2. Read the text. The British and their Treatment and Attitudes to Animals

There are six and a half million dogs and six to eight million cats in Britain. This means that approximately one in ten people own a dog or a cat. Every year the British spend over 1 ½ billion pounds on pet food such as tinned dog food. They also support over 380 charities and societies which aim to protect animals. These include donkey sanctuaries, horses rest homes and dog and cat sanctuaries. The RSPCA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals) is the largest animal welfare society in Britain. It provides practical help to animals in homes, hospitals and clinics. However it also campaigns against animal cruelty. It has over 250 inspectors who make sure nobody breaks the laws which protect animals.

Each year, the RSPCA receives more money than the NSPCC ( The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). The Bransby Home of Rest for Horses looks after about 100rescued horses, ponies and donkeys. The International Fund of Animal Welfare (IFAW) campaigns to stop cruelty in different parts of the world. The Animal Liberation Front works for empty cages, not better cages. It is ready to use violence and sometimes attacks people and places which do experiments on animals. Lynx works against the fur trade.

However there are still 250 000 homeless dogs in Britain. People still go fox hunting and the sport of dog fighting is coming back.

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. Do you think the British are a nation of animal lovers? Why? Why not?

  2. Do you think any of the charities mentioned above are good causes?

  3. Would you give money to any of these groups?

  4. What would you do if you were a member of these organizations?

  5. (E.g. If I were a member of the WWF I would stop selling products made from animals..)

  6. What do you think of sports like fox hunting and dog fighting ?

  7. Are there any similar sports in your country? Do you think these sports should be banned?