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1. Read the article and answer the questions.

  1. How many people do sport in England?

  2. What are the most popular activities? Put them in order of popularity.

  3. In general, which part of the country exercise the most?

  4. What social factor affects participation in sport?

  5. What does the government think people have to do?

  6. Who plays more sport, men or women? What is the reason?

Sports Survey Shock

The English may be obsessed with sport but for half the population this only involves picking up the TV remote control. A study of nearly 364,000 people, commissioned by Sport England, reveals half of the adult population do no exercises at all. The survey reveals just one in five adults do sport or recreational activities for 30 minutes every week.

The top three activities are walking, swimming and going to the gym. Amongst the more minority sports, nearly a million people play badminton at least once a month, compared to netball which has just over 150,000 regular players. Pilates is a growing activity with nearly 300,000 participants.

The results also show a general difference between the north and the south of the country. It seems that more sport is played in the south than in the north. However, there are exceptions to this general rule. For example, the London Olympics will take place in one of the least sporting parts of the country; only 14.5 percent of the population in East London do 30 minutes exercise a week.

Sports participation is lowest in the poorest parts of the country. These results might make the government improve sports facilities in poor areas. The sports minister said the results were disappointing. “We have invested £30 bn in sports facilities over the last ten years. However, individuals must start to take responsibilities for their health. We can’t force people to switch of the TV, get up from the sofa and do sport”.

More men take part in sport than women, 27.3 percent compared with 18.5 percent. Sue Tiballs, of the Women’s Sports Federation, said the results were shocking. “Media coverage dedicated to women’s sport is almost non-existent. Until these issues are addressed, and the perception that doing sport and exercise is a “mail” pursuit is altered, we are concerned that the number of women taking part will remain at these worrying levels”.

2. Are the questions above true for your country? Discuss with the partner. Listening Researchers say jogging alone is unhealthy

1. Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true or false.


A new report says jogging could be bad for your health.

T / F


Jogging with other people may be healthier than running alone.

T / F


The brain cell growth of rats went down when they ran alone.

T / F


A professor said social interaction while running is good for the brain.

T / F


A research team studied groups of rats running on exercise wheels.

T / F


Rats who ran with other rats doubled their brainpower.

T / F


In a group setting, running stimulates brain growth.

T / F


For rats, jogging is healthier than racing.

T / F