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6. Fill the gaps with suitable words. (More than one answer may be possible in some cases.)

1 She decided to wear a and a instead of a dress.

2 I tried on a ; the jacket was fine but the were too


3 It was hot, so I took off my jacket and , and rolled up the sleeves of


4 It was very embarrassing because I couldn't up the zip on my jeans.

5 I wanted to buy the jacket, but unfortunately the one I tried on wasn't big …………………………and they didn't have it in a bigger

6 I tried on a jumper, but the medium size was big and the small size

wasn't big

7. Write down:

  1. Five things usually worn by women only.

  2. Five things usually worn by men only.

  3. Five more items of clothing you have recently bought.

4 Five more items of clothing you are planning to buy.

8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я обожаю покупать одежду.

2. Я всегда избегаю многолюдных супермаркетов.

3. Если я не могу позволить купить что-то, я жду распродажи.

4. Он не может отказать себе в покупке нового современной электронной штучки.

5. Она никогда не забывает взять чек о покупке.

6. Я терпеть не могу ходить по магазинам просто так, чтобы сравнить качество и цены. Я считаю это пустой тратой времени.

7. К счастью, я могу совершать почти все покупки по Интернет. Недавно я смогла купить отличную пару туфель и духи.

8. Что ты делаешь? – Я смотрю на ценник, и цена мне кажется подходящей.

9. Мужчины думают, что лучший подарок для женщины – букет цветов, бутылка вина и коробка конфет.

10. Покупатели должны выбирать товары, подлежащие вторичной переработке. Дешевая одежда плохого качества наносит вред нашей планете.

11. Что ты ищешь? – Яркую недорогую бижутерию хорошего качества.

12. Какой у вас размер?

13. Возьмите чек, пожалуйста и сохраните его на случай, если товар не подойдет вам, и вы захотите обменять его.

14. Я хотел купить пальто, но то что я примерил, было большим.

15. Что вы продаете? – Обычные вещи: брюки, юбки, рубашки, джемпера и жакеты, а также все необходимые аксессуары: туфли, сумки, перчатки, шарфы и ремни – то, что поможет вам выглядеть неотразимо.

16. Вы не хотели бы примерить вот эту юбку? – Да, конечно. – Тогда пройдите в примерочную номер два.

18. Сколько стоит этот шерстяной костюм в полоску?


Shopping Mania or Addiction?

Summer in Central Europe – swimming, sunbathing and ... shopping. Summer sales have become so popular in Central Europe that some are beginning to ask: is shopping an addiction?

Psychologist Maria Bratska, from the Comenius University in Bratislava says sales can have positive as well as negative effects on people.

“For people who have low self-esteem and are liable to addictions, they can be dangerous, or trigger the shopping mania. For those who just buy things in sales because they cannot afford the full price, it is certainly good to shop in sales”.

Sales are predominantly a manipulation from the side of retailers. Although it might seem that you are tricking the retailer by getting a smaller price, it is actually the exact opposite.

“Manipulation is when someone uses the weakness of others for his or her own purpose. For some customers to realise that they are being manipulated is often very hard to do. Often they only realise it after leaving the shop. I think many retailers operate with this kind of calculation”.

Such manipulations and developing shopping habits can even lead to an addiction. And believe it or not, pathological shopping, compulsive spending, or shopping addiction, are terms used in psychology.

“Research has shown that 2-10% of the adult population, when shopping, have some compulsive tendencies. Often material things help to raise low self-confidence. Men are often caught up in unhealthy shopping for sports goods or electronic devices. Women tend more to buy things connected with their self-image, it can be cosmetics, clothes, jewellery...We have to say though that in terms of shopping addiction women greatly outnumber men.”