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методичка Pre-Int моя редактир.doc
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1. Mark the statements “true” or “false”.

  1. Sales have only positive effects on people.

  2. Sales can cause the shopping mania for weak and unconfident people.

  3. Retailers don’t trick people in sales.

  4. Customers realise that they are being tricked.

  5. Shopaholics tend to experience psychological problems.

  6. Material things help to improve low self-esteem.

  7. There are more women suffering from shopping addiction than men.

2. Find the equivalents of the following in the text.

зависимость, психолог, самооценка, покупать за полную стоимость, покупать на распродаже, розничный продавец, покупатель, расчет, покупательские привычки, привести к чему-либо, исследование, общие тенденции, спортивные товары, электротовары, косметика, бижутерия, превосходить.

3. Retell the text using the vocabulary from exercise 2.


I’m looking for…

Task 1

Listen to a woman in a department store. You’ll hear three conversations. Decide which things she chose. All these things are illustrated in the pictures below. Note down the key words and phrases that helped you identify each object.

Task 2

Make up a dialogue between Kathy and one of her friends who wants to give some advice about her shopping addiction.


Discuss the following questions in groups and use them as a plan to make your final monologue on the topic.

Questions for Reproduction

  1. Do you prefer to shop in sales or do you not care about price tags?

  2. When is it good to shop in sales?

  3. What kinds of goods do you usually buy on sales?

  4. What quality of clothes do you buy?

  5. What kind of clothes do you like buying?

  6. What kind of clothes would you never buy?

  7. What would you do if the item of clothes you like is too expensive?

  8. Do you sometimes buy second-hand clothes? Explain your answer.

  9. Is it important to buy things that can be recycled?

  10. Do you ask shop assistants for advice?

  11. Have you ever exchanged faulty goods? What was it?

  12. Do you use online shopping? Why? Is it cheaper?

  13. How do you usually pay for goods?

  14. What do you usually buy as presents for men and women?

  15. Do you usually go window shopping? Why?

  16. When are overjoyed?

  17. What is your favourite type of shop? Why?

  18. What is manipulation?

  19. Why do retailers manipulate?

  20. Do you ever buy things that you don’t really need?

  21. Are in the habit of making shopping lists?

  22. Are sales wide-spread in Russia?

  23. Are you a shop addict? Do you know any shop addicts? Can you describe their attitude to sales and shopping in general?

  24. Describe your wardrobe. Which things are essential ones? What colours dominate? How often do you buy shoes, coats, jewellery and cosmetics?

  25. Do you follow fashion trends in clothes or something else? Why? Why not?

  26. Can shopping improve or spoil your mood? Why?

  27. Do you think designer goods are worth the money, or are you paying for the name? Explain your answer.