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дом.читання част.1.doc
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Grammar Tasks

1. Use the verbs in brackets in an appropriate tense.

  1. At first Krebs, who _____ (to be) at Belleau Wood, Soissons, the Champagne, St. Mihiel and in the Argonne _____ (not to want) to talk about the war at all.

  2. His town _____ (to hear) too many atrocity stories ________(to thrill) by actualities.

  3. His lies _____ (to be) quite unimportant lies and _____ (to consist) in attributing to himself things other men _____ (to see, to do) or _____ (to hear) of.

  4. Before Krebs _____ (to go) away to the war he never _________(to be) allowed to drive the family motor car.

  5. It _____ (to be) a history and he _____ (to read) about all the engagements he _____ (to be) in.

  6. It _____ (to be) the most interesting reading he ever _____ (to do).

  7. One morning after he _____ (to be) home about a month his mother _____ (to come) into his bedroom and _____ (to sit) on the bed.

  8. You _____ (to decide) what you are going to do yet, Harold?

  9. If you _____ (to love) me, you _____(to want) to come over and watch me play indoor.

  10. She _____ (to cry) with her head in her hands.

2. Complete these sentences with prepositions.

  1. People seemed to think it was rather ridiculous … Krebs to be getting back so late, years … the war was over.

  2. A distaste … everything that had happened … him … the war set … because … the lie he had told.

  3. When he occasionally met another man who had really been a soldier and they talked a few minutes … the dressing room … a dance he fell … the easy pose … the old soldier … other soldiers: that he had been badly, sickeningly frightened all the time.

  4. … this time, it was late summer, he was sleeping late … bed, getting up to walk down … the library to get a book, eating lunch … home, reading … the front porch … he became bored and then walking down … the town to spend the hottest hours … the day … the cool dark … the pool room.

  5. His father was … the real estate business and always wanted the car to be … his command when he required it to take clients out … the country to show them a piece … farm property.

  6. She handed him The Kansas City Star and he shucked … its brown wrapper and opened it to the sporting page.

  7. He folded The Star open and propped it … the water pitcher … his cereal dish to steady it, so he could read while he ate.

  8. She put the eggs and bacon down … him and brought … a jug of maple syrup … the buckwheat cakes.

  9. I pray … you all day long, Harold.

  10. He had felt sorry … his mother.

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. What was Krebs’ usual day?

  2. What were Krebs and his mother talking about one morning?

  3. Where did his sister invite him?

  4. Why did Krebs hurt his mother saying that he didn’t love her?

  5. Why did he decide not to go down to his father’s office?

  6. Did Krebs really love his family?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. What was Krebs’ greatest problem in your opinion?

  2. Describe his attitude to girls.


Parts I-II


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

triumph, veracity, embarrassment, humility, honour, declivity, accent, pecuniary, impulse, factotum, chisel, machination, rueful, interlocutor, groan, omniscient, cabal, innocence, genius, chimney, mortuary, present (n), present (v), juncture, vulgarity, urge.

Vocabulary Tasks

  1. Find in the story the English for:

збентеження; дожити до п’ятдесяти років; уникнути шлюбу; жити на власні кошти; хоч і останній, але не найгірший; раз і назавжди скласти про себе певну думку; друзі, яким він довіряв найбільше; численна колекція мармурових статуй; гіркота, яку навіть час не притупив; жалкувати за кимсь, оплакувати когось; уся ситуація була справді дивом; насолоджуватися статуями, радіти статуям; пестити як єдину дитину; друг сім’ї; хрещеник; бити байдики майже щодня; схованка для таємниць; підтримувати чистоту смаку; маєток; знебарвлена штукатурка; закоханий до нестями скульптор; у будь-якому разі; майстер на всі руки; видатні руки; підлеслива ідея; бути народженим більше для пензля, ніж для різця; обирати кар’єру; продовжувати закривати очі на якийсь факт; атласна шкіра вершкового кольору; шовкове каштанове волосся; схильність із дитинства; грубо, невдало малювати; чудова спадковість; стриманий свист; брутальний, грубий смак; повертатися в університет; жереб кинуто; біржовий маклер; застогнати; блаженство, раювання; мати нещастя все знати; не схвалювати, ставитися негативно; я наглядатиму за тобою; виказувати підозру; від цього його кидало у дрож; два тижні; незвично зручний, підхожий розмір; усе монументальне ставало маленьким; полиця над каміном; близькі дружні стосунки; легкі пориви вітру; вірити у свою вдачу; позбавляти ілюзій, оман; затемнення; мінливість долі, удачі й невдачі; пити за щось; оволодіти секретом популярності; обвинувальна любов; прийти комусь на допомогу; бути незмінно щедрим; естетичні недоліки, вади.

  1. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

immemorial daub shortened burn out instead subdued blind confess stucco detached die sake formless

  1. The little green door of his domain was in a garden-wall on which the discoloured ... made patches, and in the small ... villa behind it everything was old, the furniture, the servants, the books, the prints, the ... habits and the new improvements.

  2. His one worry was that Lance – to which they had … his godson – was, in spite of a public school, perhaps a shade too Italian.

  3. It had been impossible longer to remain ... to the fact that he was gaining no glory at Cambridge, where Brench’s own college had for a year tempered its tone to him as for Brench’s own ... .

  4. I’ve never been unaware, certainly, of his disposition, from his earliest time, to … and draw; but I … I’ve hoped it would … .

  5. Peter looked off a little and, in his familiar ... way, kept up for a moment, a sound between a smothered whistle and a ... hum.

  6. Lance was not to go up again, but to go ... to Paris where, since the ... was cast, he would find the best advantage.

  1. Match up the synonyms. Consult the dictionary.

1) portion

a) adulatory

2) confess

b) state

3) intimate

c) unconsciousness

4) fortune

d) request

5) flattering

e) share

6) vain

f) horror

7) beg

g) wealth

8) ignorance

h) admit

9) affection

i) futile

10) dread

j) fondness