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дом.читання част.1.doc
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3. Change the following sentences from the story into indirect speech:

  1. “Peter, don’t you think I’ve talent?” Lance repeated.

  2. “But I forgot,” his companion went on – “you’re not to know about that.”

  3. “What a pity Lance isn’t with us to rejoice!” Mrs. Mallow on this occasion sighed at supper.

  4. “We’ll drink to the health of the absent,” her husband replied, “but we must hope he’s preparing himself for a happiness much less like this of ours this evening.”

  5. Peter got up from the sofa, “Lance, if you’ll go up again I’ll pay your way at Cambridge.”

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What sort of a man was Peter Brench?

  2. What was Peter’s attitude to the Mallows?

  3. Did Peter Brench believe in his godson’s talent?

  4. What career did Lance choose for himself?

  5. What did Peter offer Lance when he got to know that the latter was not to go up again?

  6. What was Lance’s decision?

  7. Did Master and Peter have different attitude to art?

  1. Discuss the following:

  1. What did Peter and Lance call a success? Did they have the same opinion?

  2. Do you have any ideas why so many artists were unrecognized during their lifetime and became popular only after their death?

  3. Do you agree that “art ends where big money begins”?

Parts III-IV


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary.

mere, bound, mantel, inexorably, curiosity, encouragement, divine, conundrum, sublimely, feverishly, vow, solemn, desperately, humbugging, avert, contingency, trial, alienation, usher, impotence, aloft, indignant, deficiency, despise, duplicity, decent, height, blood, queer, cease, muse, suppress, futility, deuce

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

вигнання; бути зобов’язаним сказати; бути змушеним признавати; барліг; гидкий нікчема; майже з полегшенням; запитати скептично; закінчення навчання; бути страшно розумним; витріщити очі; приголомшлива звістка; повністю розкрити гірку правду; виявляти менше задоволення; порушувати тему; зухвала цікавість молодості; мати на увазі; нетерпіння з боку юнака; несподівана зустріч; зрозуміти з першого погляду; залишитися наодинці; безнадійний невдаха; перебивати кого-небудь; змогти мовчати про щось; не позбавлена збентеження поважність; секрет розкрито; я хочу, щоби ти дав обітницю; приносити в жертву; підраховувати; коротше кажучи; продовжувати обдурювати; заголосити; безперечний факт; бути біді; пильно дивитися на полум’я; жахлива непередбачена обставина; повернутися до Парижу для ще одного випробування; холодок відчуженості; старий друг дитинства; „кидати” Париж; збуджений та обурений; щиро звертатися до хрещеного; ставитися з презирством, зневажати; плазувати у посередності; лаяти кого-небудь; шляхетна дволичність; пристойна сума; продовжувати гру; тримати язик за зубами; засвоєна наполегливість; стримуваний довгий низький звук; марність, даремність.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

mantel trial bound bottled queer indignant den fat begotten interior suppressed confess

1. “I’m … to say high spirits don’t show in your face,” Peter was rather ruefully forced to … .

2. These remarks were exchanged in Peter’s … , and the young man, smoking cigarettes, stood before the fire with his back against the … .

3. And what I don’t now understand is how the deuce then for so long you’ve managed to keep … .

4. “Why this certainty: that the moment your mother, who feels so strongly, should suspect your secret – well,” said Peter desperately, “the … would be on the fire.”

5. Lance had returned to Paris for another … ; then had reappeared at home and had had, with his father, for the first time in his life, one of the scenes that strike sparks.

6. The difficulty for poor Lance was a tension at home – … by the fact that his father wished him to be at least the sort of success he himself had been.

7. Lance, heated and … , frankly appealed to his godparent on this score.

8. The thing, the Master complacently set forth was – for any artist, however … to himself – at least to “do” something.

9. Peter showed a … face as he had often shown it before – that is by turning it straight away.

10. Peter was silent a long time; during which his companion might have heard him gently breathe, and on touching him might have felt within him the vibration of a long low sound … .