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Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. What happened to Mr. Mooney after his father-in-law’s death?

  2. Why did Mrs. Mooney decide to get a separation from him?

  3. How did she earn her living?

  4. What reputation did her boarding house have?

  5. What kind of person was Jack, Mrs. Mooney’s son?

  6. Why didn’t Mrs. Mooney intervene in Polly’s affair?

  7. What did “outrageous mother” think of Bob?

  8. Why didn’t Bob run away?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. “She felt sure she would win”. Why was Mrs. Mooney so positive in her plan?

  2. “Come down, dear. Mr. Doran wants to speak to you”. What was he going to say to Polly?

  3. Could the situation have had another denouement?


P. 95-104


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

hotel, decent, faucet, performance, swaggeringly, miraculously, augment (v), augment (n), growl, utter, congenial, emergency exit, basin, suspicion, ridiculous, tryout, rehearsing, engagement, genius, gushing, remonstrate, limousine, maintain.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

репетиція, написати партитуру; безумовно ненавидіти; ніколи не відмовлятися від запрошення; поїхати через бізнес; водопровідний кран; клавіші на піаніно западали; вкусити кого-небудь; абсолютний незнайомець; у нього випала пломба; близькі по духу люди; запасний вихід; метод скорочування візитів; зробити похмурі обличчя; так що до побачення і таке інше; зовсім не розбиратися в музиці; страждати від; зберегти у таємниці зміст телеграми; страх як хочеться познайомитися; проводити репетицію; пара звичайних поціновувачів; сентиментальний; найближчі плани; чесно обіцяти; заперечувати; не афішувати; наспівувати мелодію; м’яти одяг; похмуре мовчання.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

put on wedged tryout week abhors hummed on account of immediate railing beyond morose gushing emergency exit so forth

  1. He absolutely … visiting and thinks there ought to be a law against invitations that go … dinner and bridge.

  2. Finally they moved to Albany … Mr. Buckley’s business.

  3. It was after our visit to the Craigs at Stamford that Ben originated what he calls his “…”.

  4. We would … long faces and say how sorry we were, but of course business was business, so good-by and … .

  5. Ben was conducting the performance – “Step Lively” – and I was standing at the … of the Boardwalk in front of the theatre, watching the moonlight on the ocean.

  6. Mr. Drake never makes engagements during a … .

  7. And on Friday I got Ben to lunch with them and he liked them, too; they were not half as … and silly as most of his “fans”.

  8. At dinner on Saturday night, they cross-examined me about our … plans.

  9. On the way over to Philadelphia he … me an awfully pretty melody which had been running through his head since we left the apartment.

  10. Ben was … between us and throughout the drive maintained a … silence, unable to think of anything but how terrible his coat would look when he got out.