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3. Change the following sentences from the story:

A into direct speech

  1. I had warned Mrs. Thayer in advance [and Ben was served with coffee].

  2. He declined a second chop.

  3. There [upstairs] Ben stated grimly that I might do as I choose, but he was leaving Liberty Hall ere another sun had set.

B into indirect speech

  1. “You haven’t tasted your coffee,” said Mrs. Thayer.

  2. “Here! Wait a minute!” said Mr. Thayer. “Try one of mine [cigaret]”.

  3. “Don’t you care for cheese, Mr. Drake?” asked Mr. Thayer.

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. Were the Drakes first pleased with their spending time in Liberty Hall?

  2. Was Mr. Drake a self-restrained person? Prove it.

  3. Did he manage to play the melody that was in his head?

  4. What were Ben’s preferences and distastes in food?

  5. Why was Mr. Drake prevented from listening and reading what he wanted?

  6. Why didn’t Mrs. Thayer want to play bridge with her husband?

  7. How were the Drakes going to leave Liberty Hall?

  8. Did they succeed in it?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. What does it mean to be a hospitable person?

  2. Do you consider the Thayers to be perfect hosts?


P. 115-125


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

tongue, desolate, mahogany, sprawl, vaguely, sullen, bulldog, lawn, cavalcade, shire, callous, disaster, moustache, sensual, floutingly, haunch, sumptuous, swallow, echoing, dismally, alert, clean-limbed, coarse, muscle, jaunty, knee, jaw, mournful, exasperation, whistle, height, pause, futile, chenille.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

пустотлива легковажність; дрібка тютюну; кінчик язика; спустошений стіл; похмура їдальня; масивні меблі з червоного дерева; незграбно сидіти за столом; критичний бездушний погляд; не залишити внутрішньої свободи; скляний погляд безпорадності; бруд; черствий погляд; запрягтися; бути зарученим з; рештки шкірки від бекону; великі коричневі вуса; мармуровий годинник; таємне засідання; ні з того ні з сього; набивати люльку; нейтральна відповідь; роздратування; безглуздо шкірити зуби; шукати житло на узбіччі; витягувати шию; бути закутаним у; бути середнього зросту; новоприбулий; говорити сипло; мати легкий акцент; таця; згорнути скатертину; підібгати хвіст; стискувати губи.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

exasperation sprawled shallow unsettling jerk desultory moustache steady clean-limbed muffled up clenching haunches desolate futility

  1. The three brothers and the sister sat round the … breakfast table, attempting some sort of … consultation.

  2. His face was red, he twisted his black … over a thick finger, his eyes were … and restless.

  3. The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered its … , circled round, and lay down again.

  4. Fred Henry, the second brother, was erect, … , alert.

  5. He pushed back his chair, straddled his knees with a downward … , to get them free, in horsey fashion, and went to the fire.

  6. There was a silence of … and irritation in the room.

  7. He was … in overcoat and a purple woolen scarf, and his tweed cap, which he did not remove, was pulled down on his head.

  8. Fred Henry stared after her, … his lips, his blue eyes fixing in sharp antagonism, as he made a grimace of sour … .

  9. There was a strange air of ineffectuality about the three men, as they … at table, smoking and reflecting vaguely on their own condition.

  10. Mabel looked at him with her … , dangerous eyes, that always made him uncomfortable, … his superficial ease.