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дом.читання част.1.doc
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3. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

aware lingerie ingenuous whim string shrinking abdomen sinuous stretch superiority

  1. It was a small laundry when he went into it, but Dexter made a specialty of learning how the English washed fine woolen golf-stockings without … them.

  2. A little later he was doing their wives’ … as well – and running five branches in different parts of the city.

  3. Before he was twenty-seven he owned the largest … of laundries in his section of the country.

  4. He was impressed by the tremendous … he felt toward Mr. T. A. Hedrick, who was a bore and not even a good golfer any more.

  5. A bright new ball sliced abruptly over the hill and caught Mr. T. A. Hedrick in the … .

  6. It was impossible to determine whether this question was … or malicious.

  7. Because the sound of a piano over a … of water had always seemed beautiful to Dexter he lay perfectly quiet and listened.

  8. Dexter raising himself on his arms was … of a figure standing at the wheel, of two dark eyes regarding him over the lengthening space of water.

  9. Then she was in the water, swimming to the floating surf-board with a … crawl.

  10. His heart turned over the fly-wheel of the boat, and, for the second time, her casual … gave a new direction to his life.

Grammar Tasks

1. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

  1. He _____(not to consider) it necessary to remark that he _____(to carry) once Mr. Hart’s bag over these same links.

  2. The quality of exaggeration, of thinness, which _____(to make) her passionate eyes and down-turning mouth absurd at eleven, _____(to go) now.

  3. She _____(to wear) a blue silk afternoon dress, and he was disappointed at first that she _____(not to put) on something more elaborate.

  4. She _____(to go) to the door of a butler’s pantry and pushing it open _____(to call): “You can serve dinner, Martha”. He _____(to expect) that a butler would announce dinner.

  5. He _____(to remember) the last time he _____(to see) her father, and he _____(to be) glad the parents were not to be here tonight.

  6. He _____(to be) born in Keeble, a Minnesota village fifty miles farther north, and he always _____(to give ) Keeble as his home instead of Black Bear Village.

  7. They _____(to talk) of his University, which she _____(to visit) frequently during the past two years.

  8. There was a man I _____(to care) about, and this afternoon he _____(to tell) me out of a clear sky that he _____(to be) poor as a church-mouse. He never even _____(to hint) it before.

  9. I _____(not to think) of him that way, and my interest in him _____(not to be) strong enough to survive the shock.

  10. It didn’t take him many hours to decide that he _____(to want) Judy Jones ever since he_____(to be) a proud, desirous little boy.

2. Complete the sentences with prepositions.

  1. He wanted not association … glittering things and glittering people – he wanted the glittering things themselves.

  2. Men were insisting that their Shetland hose and sweaters go … his laundry, just as they had insisted … a caddy who could find golf-balls.

  3. He found himself glancing … the four caddies who trailed them, trying to catch a gleam or gesture that would remind him … himself, that would lessen the gap which lay … his present and his past.

  4. Her glance fell casually … each … the men – then scanned the fairway … her ball.

  5. She wore … a blue gingham dress, rimmed … a throat and shoulders … a white edging that accentuated her tan.

  6. When the time had come … him to wear good clothes, he had known who were the best tailors … America, and the best tailors … America had made him the suit he wore … this evening.

  7. His mother was a Bohemian … the peasant class and she had talked broken English … the end … her days.

  8. … dinner she slipped … a moody depression which gave Dexter a feeling … uneasiness.

  9. When the scarlet corners … her lips curved down, it was less a smile than an invitation … a kiss.

  10. A lump rose … Dexter’s throat, and he waited breathless … the experiment, facing the unpredictable compound that would form mysteriously … the elements … their lips.