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F. Scott Fitzgerald winter dreams

Part I


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

neurasthenic, melancholy, haunt, dreary, abruptly, dismal, gorgeous, idiotic, gesture, triumph, frigidly, lounge, quit, decisively, linen, furtively, preposterous, pause, alternately, ominous, retinue, seize, ensue, fortuitous, haughty, enormity, perturbation.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

підробляти у гольф-клубі на кишенькові витрати; глибока меланхолія; скуйовджені горобці; по коліна; раптово закінчитися; відкрити сезон; чудовий матч; оточений захопленим натовпом; відкривши рот від подиву; бути схильним; невимовно красивий; було цілком зрозуміло; парусинова сумка; не по собі; неприродна бесіда; глянути потайки; трошки відкритий рот; потрапити в поле зору; засміятися мимоволі; засмутити; переступати з ноги на ногу, тупцювати; грізний погляд; почет; стримувати сміх; величезна впевненість; кинути на землю зі злістю; неочікувана поява; весело посміхнутися; йти невеличкими кроками; збентеження вимагало виходу.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

an ominous glance ceased twisted down go over profound course furtively in open-mouthed wonder dismal strolled

  1. At these times the country gave him a feeling of … melancholy.

  2. In April the winter … abruptly.

  3. Dexter knew that there was something … about this Northern spring.

  4. He … frigidly into the lounge of the Sherry Island Golf Club.

  5. Among those who watched him … was Mr. Mortimer Jones.

  6. You promised that next week you’d … to the state tournament with me.

  7. There was a general ungodliness in the way her lips … at the corners when she smiled.

  8. She had come eagerly out to the … at nine o’clock with a white linen nurse and five small new golf-clubs in a white bag which the nurse was carrying.

  9. She drew down the corners of her mouth, smiled, and glanced … around.

  10. Here she was stopped by … from Miss Jones, followed immediately by the smile.

3. Match up the synonyms. Consult the dictionary.

1) baffle

a) chilly

2) crisp

b) shiver

3) offend

c) noticeable

4) glare

d) blaze

5) abrupt

e) puzzle

6) tremble

f) astounding

7) marvellous

g) sudden

8) inexpressible

h) activity

9) vitality

i) unutterable

10) perceptible

j) insult

Grammar Tasks

1. Put questions to the italicized words.

  1. Dexter Green’s father owned the second best grocery-store in Black Bear.

  2. In April the winter ceased abruptly.

  3. Mrs. Mortimer Jones sent us out to play golf.

  4. The golf teacher is giving a lesson.

  5. For a moment this baffled her.

  6. The enormity of his decision frightened him.

  7. He gave an exhibition of fancy diving from the spring-board of the club raft.

  8. Among those who watched him in open-mouthed wonder was Mr. Mortimer Jones.

  9. There aren’t very many people out here this morning (disjunctive question).

  10. Here she was stopped by an ominous glance from Miss Jones.