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19. Прочитайте следующий текст и переведите его на русский язык. The International Accounting Standards


worldwide recognition of the necessity – признание необходимости во всем мире

mainly – главным образом

urgent – срочный

In other words – другими словами

oday, there is worldwide recognition of the necessity of harmonising accounting practices in different countries. It is mainly determined by globalized capital markets and internet information systems that make the need for unified accounting rules of valuation, measurement and disclosure urgent. In other words, using a single language financial reporting is of great importance for all the countries of the world. Over the last decade a number of efforts were made to reach uniformity and harmonisation in the system of financial reporting. Much was done by the IASC (the International Accounting Standards Committee).


single language– единый язык

a number of efforts – ряд усилий

to reach uniformity – чтобы достичь однообразия

objective – цель

acceptance and observance – принятие и соблюдение

relating to - относительно

since the foundation – с момента основания

differences – различия

reduce – сокращать

in its turn, в свою очередь

significant improvement – значительное улучшение

achievement – достижение

are being undermined – подрываются

poor compliance with – слабое соответствие с

survey- исследование

in the absence of – в отсутствие

It is believed – предполагается

Improvement - улучшение

he International Accounting Standards Committee (IAS) dates from 1973. It was set up at the initiative of leading accounting professionals. Its objectives were:

  1. to formulate accounting standards for the presentation of financial statements;

  2. to promote them to their world-wide acceptance and observance;

  3. to improve and harmonies regulations, accounting standards and procedures relating to the presentation of financial statements.

Much progress has been made since the foundation of the IASC. As a result, the differences between national accounting rules and international accounting standards have been reduced in many countries of the world. And that, in its turn, has led to a significant improvement in financial reporting transparency.

At the same time the achievements of the IASC in many countries are being undermined by poor company’s compliance with IASs. According to the IASC's survey many large European companies use IASs only in the absence of national standards, while others claim full IAS compliance but adopt accounting policies that conflict with IASs. And some companies in Australia, Canada, Netherlands and other countries do not comply with IASs. It is believed that convergence of accounting standards may be achieved only through cooperation between government, the business community and the accountancy profession. Any improvements in accounting practice will also require the development of educational, professional and other infrastructures.