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2.2.2 Денежная система в России

21. Прочитайте следующий текст и переведите его на русский язык.


subdivided into

is derived from – происходит от

verb – глагол

to chop- рубить

a piece of a certain weight – определенного веса кусок

hence – отсюда

noun – существительное

seam – рубец

mold – отливать в форму

clearly visible on the side – четко видимый по краю

though – хотя

letter – буква

ussian ruble

The ruble or ruble is the currency of the Russian Federation. The ruble is subdivided into 100 kopeks or copecks.

According to the most popular version, the word "ruble" is derived from the Russian verb руби́ть, meaning to chop. Historically, a "ruble" was a piece of a certain weight chopped off a gold or silver ingot (grivna), hence the name. Another version is that the name comes from the Russian noun рубе́ц, meaning "seam", as coins were molded and a seam was clearly visible on the side.

Currently there is no official symbol for the ruble, though the abbreviation руб. is in wide use. A currency symbol was used for the ruble between the 16th century and the 18th century. The symbol consisted of the Russian letters "Р" (rotated by 90° counter-clockwise) and "У" (written on top of it). The symbol was placed over the amount number to which belonged to. This symbol, however, fell into disuse during the 19th century onward.


rotated by 90° counter-clockwise – повернутая на 90° против часовой стрелки

place over – располагать над

the amount number – указатель номинала (суммы)

belong to- принадлежать

pure silver – чистое серебро

was set to – был установлен на уровне

fаll into disuse - выйти из употребления

Almost – почти

with a ratio of – с соотношением

change - менять

the gold content – содержание золота

peg the gold ruble to the French franc – привязать золотой рубль к французскому франку

peg – искусственная поддержка курса

revise – пересматривать

With the outbreak of – с началом

Drop – падать

ever since – с тех пор

he ruble has been the Russian unit of currency for about 500 years. From 1710 the ruble was divided into 100 kopeks.

The amount of precious metal in a ruble varied over time. In a 1704 currency reform, Peter I standardized the ruble to 28 grams of silver. While ruble coins were silver, there were higher denominations minted of gold and platinum. By the end of the 18th century, the ruble was set to 4 zolotnik 21 dolya (almost equal to 18 grams) of pure silver or 27 dolya (almost equal to 1.2 grams) of pure gold, with a ratio of 15:1 for the values of the two metals. In 1828, platinum coins were introduced with 1 ruble equal to 77⅔ dolya (3.451 grams).

On 17 December 1885, a new standard was adopted which did not change the silver ruble but reduced the gold content to 1.161 grams, pegging the gold ruble to the French franc at a rate of 1 ruble = 4 francs. This rate was revised in 1897 to 1 ruble = 2⅔ francs (0.774 grams gold).

With the outbreak of the First World War, the gold standard peg was dropped and the ruble fell in value, suffering from hyperinflation in the early 1920s.

All Russian paper money is currently printed at the state-owned factory Goznak in Moscow, which was organized on 6 June 1919 and has continued to operate ever since. Coins are minted in Moscow and at the Saint Petersburg Mint, which has been operating since 1724.