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20. A. Заполните пропуски информацией из текста.

1. The name of this text is ____________________________________________.

2. The text gives information about __________________________________.

3. According to it there are three function of money: _____________________. The first function of money is ____________________________________, the second function of money is________________________________, the third function of money is___________________________ and the last function of money is_______________________________________________________.

4. The text mentions that the monetary unit is _____________________________.

To prove it the text illustrates this idea on the example of comparison of the price of ________________and the price of ______________________________.

5. The text also says about money as a medium of exchange or_______________. From the text we can see that across places and times some things have served as money - _______________________________________________________.

6. The text underlines that when we pay out pensions, principal and interest on debt, salaries etc. we mention such a function of money as __________________.

7. It is necessary to remember that money may also perform the function of _____________________________________________________. It may be noted that _______________________may also perform this function. The text gives us the examples of such assets. They are __________________________.

10. However, it should be made clear that on the one hand these assets unlike money have the advantage because they___________________________. On the other hand it is necessary to emphasize their disadvantages because they are subject to 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________.

11. To sum up, I`d say that this text is ___________________ because ______________________________________________________________.

20. Б. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово: losses, functions, price, costs, exchanged, purchasing power, debts, appreciate, income, interest.

1. All goods and services are measured and expressed in ___________.

2. Playing cards can result in _________________________________.

3. _______________________ on storage some assets can be very high.

4. __________________________ means what amount of goods and services you can purchase at a certain period of time.

5. How much is your _________________________________________?

6. Money performs four specific______________________________.

7. Across places and times people ______________________________ different things for goods and services.

8. Last world economic crisis caused great __________________ for many businesses in many countries.

9. If you take money from the bank you will have to pay ______________.

10. Cars ________________________in value over time.

Учим термины.

270. Unit of value /a unit of account – единица стоимости

271. Medium of exchange /a medium of payments – средство обращения/платежа

272. Standard of deferred payments – средство погашения долга

273. Store of value – средство сбережения

274. Purchasing power – покупательская способность

275 offer a bargain – предлагать сделку

276. Salary- зарплата

277. Depreciate – обесценивать, уменьшать цену, падать в цене