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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Acolyte of Divine Secrets

Wis 13

Invoker: Religion skill, invoker at-will 1/encounter




Arcane Prodigy

Cha 13

Sorcerer: Arcana skill, bonus damage 1/encounter




Bardic Dilettante

Cha 13

Bard: skill training, majestic word 1/day




Berserker’s Fury

Str 13, Con 13

Barbarian: skill training, bonus damage 1/day




Defender of the Wild

Str 13

Warden: skill training, mark adjacent enemies 1/encounter




Divine Bloodline

Wis 13

Avenger: Religion skill, oath of enmity 1/encounter




Initiate of the Old Faith

Wis 13

Druid: Nature skill, wild shape, at-will beast form power 1/encounter




Spirit Talker

Wis 13

Shaman: Nature skill, call spirit companion, spirit’s fangs or spirit’s shield



1/encounter, speak with spirits 1/day

Multiclass Feats

The following class-specific multiclass feats allow you to dabble in the classes presented in this book. See pages 208 and 209 in the Player’s Handbook for rules on multiclassing.

If you take a class-specific multiclass feat, you count as a member of that clas for the purpose of meeting prerequisites, including prerequisites for feats, paragon paths, epic destinies, and rituals.

Acolyte of Divine Secrets [Multiclass Invoker]

Prerequisite: Wis 13

Benefit: You gain training in Religion. Choose a 1st-level invoker at-will attack power.

You can use that power once per encounter.

In addition, you can wield invoker implements.

Arcane Prodigy [Multiclass Sorcerer]

Prerequisite: Cha 13

Benefit: You gain training in Arcana.

Once per encounter as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to your next damage roll. The bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.

In addition, you can wield sorcerer implements.

Bardic Dilettante

[Multiclass Bard]

Prerequisite: Cha 13

Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the bard’s class skills list.

Once per day, you can use the bard’s majestic word power.

In addition, you can wield bard implements.

Berserker’s Fury [Multiclass Barbarian]

Prerequisite: Str 13, Con 13

Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the barbarian’s class skills list.

Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Defender of the Wild

[Multiclass Warden]

Prerequisite: Str 13

Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the warden’s class skills list.

Once per encounter as a free action, you can mark each enemy adjacent to you until the end of your next turn.

Disciple of Divine Wrath [Multiclass Avenger]

Prerequisite: Wis 13

Benefit: You gain training in Religion.

Once per encounter, you can use the avenger’s oath of enmity power. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

In addition, you can wield avenger implements.

Initiate of the Old Faith [Multiclass Druid]

Prerequisite: Wis 13

Benefit: You gain training in Nature. You gain the druid’s wild shape power.

Choose a 1st-level druid at-will attack power that has the beast form keyword. You can use that power once per encounter.

In addition, you can wield druid implements.

Spirit Talker [Multiclass Shaman]

Prerequisite: Wis 13

Benefit: You gain training in Nature.

You gain the shaman’s call spirit companion power, but you use it as a standard action.

You gain either spirit’s fangs or spirit’s shield as an encounter power.

You gain speak with spirits as a daily power.

In addition, you can wield shaman implements.

C H A P T E R 3 | C h a r a c t e r O p t i o n s


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