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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Fierce warriors who combine human resolve with orc savagery


Average Height: 9˝–6´

Average Weight: 155–225 lb.

Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, Giant

Skill Bonuses: +2 Endurance, +2 Intimidate Half-Orc Resilience: The first time you are blood-

ied during an encounter, you gain 5 temporary hit points. The temporary hit points increase to 10 at 11th level and to 15 at 21st level.

Swift Charge: You gain a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Furious Assault: You have the furious assault power.

Furious Assault

Half-Orc Racial Power

Your monstrous wrath burns inside you, giving strength to your



Free Action Personal

Trigger: You hit an enemy

Effect: The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon

attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.

An obscure legend claims that when Corellon put out Gruumsh’s eye in a primeval battle, part of the savage god’s essence fell to earth, where it transformed a race of humans into fierce half-orcs. Another story suggests that an ancient hobgoblin empire created half-orcs to lead orc tribes on the empire’s behalf. Yet another legend claims that a tribe of brutal human barbarians chose to breed with orcs to strengthen their bloodline. Some say that Kord created half-orcs, copying the best elements from the human and orc races to make a strong and fierce people after his own heart. If you ask a half-orc about his origin, you might hear one of these stories. You might also get a punch in the face for asking such a rude question.

Play a half-orc if you want . . .

to be big, strong, and fast.

to harness anger into resilience and combat power.

to be a member of a race that favors the barbarian, fighter, ranger, and rogue classes.


C H A P T E R 1 | C h a r a c t e r R a c e s


Physical Qualities

Half-orcs favor their human lineage in appearance, but are distinguished by skin that tends to various shades of gray, broad jaws, and prominent lower canine teeth—though these are still a far cry from the jutting tusks of orcs. On average, they are taller and stronger than humans as well. Their hair is usually black, though it grays quickly with age. Most half-orcs who live among humans favor human styles of clothing and hairstyle, but a few adopt orc traditions, tying small bones or beads into long braids or bunches

of hair.

Half-orcs don’t live quite as long as humans do. They mature quickly, reaching adulthood at about 16 years, and rarely live past the age of 60.

Playing a Half-Orc

Half-orcs combine the best qualities of humans and orcs, though some would argue that the good qualities of orcs are few and hard to find. From their orc blood, half-orcs inherit great physical strength and toughness. They are fierce warriors, fleet of foot as they charge into battle.

Their human blood makes half-orcs decisive and bold, resourceful and self-reliant. They are adaptable and able to make their way in almost any circumstance. Although half-orcs often live on the fringes of society in human towns and cities, they still find ways to prosper in a world to which they don’t fully belong.

For all their good qualities, many half-orcs exhibit characteristics that polite society finds uncouth or undesirable. Half-orcs have little patience for complicated rules of etiquette or procedure and find little value in hiding their true opinions in order

to spare someone’s feelings. They enjoy the simple pleasures of food and drink, boasting, singing, wrestling, drumming, and dancing, and they don’t find much satisfaction in more refined or sophisticated arts. They’re prone to act without much deliberation, preferring to overcome obstacles as they arise rather than consider every possible outcome and make contingency plans. These qualities lead some members of other races to consider them rude or crass, but others find their brashness refreshing.

Half-orcs generally live among either human or orc cultures—some in bustling human towns or cities, others among remote human or orc tribes. Most half-orcs have two half-orc parents, but sometimes half-orcs marry and have half-orc children

with humans or orcs. Orcs show grudging respect to half-orcs for their considerable strength and for their cunning intelligence, which sometimes allows halforcs to rise to leadership positions in orc tribes.

Although possessed of many strengths, half-orcs frequently encounter prejudice in human communities. Thus, most half-orcs gravitate to careers

involving physical labor or violence. For some, the life


of an adventurer is either a natural extension of that


trend or a way to throw off the weight of prejudice.

The adventuring life also means finding a place in a


group of allies and equals—a simple pleasure that is



all too hard for many half-orcs to find in the world.


Half-Orc Characteristics: Brash, ferocious, hedo-


nistic, impulsive, short-tempered, tough, uninhibited


Male Names: Brug, Dorn, Druuk, Gnarsh, Grumbar,


Hogar, Karash, Korgul, Krusk, Lubash, Mord, Ohr,


Rendar, Sark, Scrag, Tanglar, Tarak, Thar, Ugarth,




Female Names: Augh, Bree, Ekk, Gaaki, Grai,


Grigri, Gynk, Huru, Lagazi, Murook, Nogu, Ootah,


Puyet, Tawar, Tomph, Ubada, Vanchu


Half-Orc Adventurers


Three sample half-orc adventurers are described




Tarak, a half-orc rogue, is at home in the city. He


grew up in the rough-and-tumble wharf quarter and


ran with street gangs and rough sailors. Everything


changed when a sailor dropped dead at his feet,


leaving a mysterious box in Tarak’s possession. The


box brought chaos into his life until he fled the city


and fell in with some adventurers on the road. Tarak


doesn’t know what’s in the box—its strange lock has


defeated every attempt to open it, and its hard metal


sides resist breaking. But goblins and doppelgangers


have proven themselves willing to kill to get the box


for themselves, piquing Tarak’s interest.


Murook is a warden, born and raised among an


orc tribe. She was a staunch defender of her tribe


for years, but her ties to the primal spirits of wood


and stone slowly coaxed her away from the worship


of Gruumsh and led her to question the brutality


the orcs performed in his name. She made her way


to human lands and has struggled to fit in, trying to


leave behind the barbarian ways of her tribe and


adopt at least a veneer of civilization, but she is still


far more comfortable among the trees and mountains


than confined in a city or village.


Dorn is a half-orc ranger who prefers not to talk


about his birth and his family. He spent most of his


life in a hut at the outskirts of a farming village, hunt-


ing and trapping in the surrounding forest, keeping


to himself and asking only to be left alone. His life


turned upside down on his thirtieth birthday, when


a group of adventurers stopped in the village looking


for directions to an ancient ruin. The villagers steered


the adventurers to Dorn, who agreed to guide them


through the forest. He never returned home, because


that first adventure led him into many more.


C H A P T E R 1 | C h a r a c t e r R a c e s


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