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Утверждено Отделом учебных заведений ММФ в качестве учебного пособия для высших учебных заведений Министерства морского флота




Mechanical handling equipment

Lesson one


At present all modern -ports are equipped with various mechan­isms and machines that do the job of loading and unloading. Among the equipment there are quay cranes, floating cranes, float­ing coaling cranes, heavy lift cranes, power-driven elevators, con­veyors, excavators, electric cars, diesel locomotives, etc.

Cargo handling equipment includes rail-mounted cranes, fork lift trucks and mobile cranes. The stevedoring industry moves towards greater use of mechanization and improved handling methods. Goods are now delivered at greater speeds and at smaller costs, possible damage has been brought to the minimum. Most goods loaded and unloaded are palletized. Pallets are handled by fork lift trucks. Fork lift machines are used in ever increasing numbers on the wharves to carry general cargo. Besides, greater use is made of fork lift machines in ships' holds.

Unit loads that cannot be palletized are handled by cranes. The- lifting port appliances include stationary and mobile cranes. There are bridge cranes at transloading points.

Much work is done by quay cranes. In the last few years, quay cranes have been greatly improved and now many ports are equip­ped with speedy level-luffing self-propelling electric quay cranes of up to 5 tons capacity.

Although quay cranes have become larger and more efficient, it is the mobile cranes, and particularly the fork lift trucks, that have revolutionized the handling methods. The fork lift truck is now used to lift, convey and stack loads. There can be no doubt that it was the employment of the fork lift trucks that made engineers and stevedores pallet-conscious. At present pallets, stillages and special containers for handling by fork lift truck are widely used

in ports. Mechanization of handling cargoes ensures growth of speed of loading and unloading and reduces demurrage.

Improvement of shed equipment is also of great importance. Many new types of electric capstans and electric pneumatic hoists are now in use. Among the small lifting appliances are the latest types of heavy and light portable jacks.

New cargo handling equipment has revolutionized methods of handling of goods and provided a new approach to the problem of transfer of goods from ship to shore and their delivery to their destination.


Loading погрузка

Unloading разгрузк

аquay crane береговой кран

floating crane плавучий кран

floating coaling craneу глеперегрузочный плавучий кран

heavy lift crane тяжелый кран

power-drivenс механическим приводом

rail-mounted crane кран на рельсовом ходу

fork lift truck автопогрузчик

mobile [moubail] crane передвижной кран

stevedoring industry зд.организация погрузочно-разгрузочных работ

palletize пакетировать

pallet универсальная площадка

in ever increasing numbers во все возрастающих количествах

generalcargo генеральный груз

liftingappliancesподъемные приспособления

stationary ['steifnsri] стационарный, неподвижный

bridge crane мостовой кран

transloading point перегрузочный пункт

level-luffing изменение вылета стрелы с горизонтальным пере­мещением груза

self-propelling самоходный

efficient [l'fijnt)] производительный, продуктивный

to convey транспортировать, подавать

to stack укладывать штабелями

to invert переворачивать, опрокидывать

pallet-conscious ['konjas] сознающий значение пакетного спо­соба переработки груза

stillage стеллаж, низкая подставка

demurrage [di'mArid3] простой (судна)

shed equipment складское оборудование

capstan лебедка с вертикальной осью, кабстан

pneumatic |nju:'maetik] пневматический

hoist подъемник

jack таль, домкрат

approach подход

destination местоназначения


I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What mechanisms and machines used in loading and unload­ing do you know?

  2. Why does the stevedoring industry move towards greater use of mechanization and improved handling methods?

  3. How are the pallets handled?

  4. What machines are used for carrying general cargo?

  5. What machines are used in ship's holds?

  6. What is done by cranes?

  7. What are floating cranes used for?

  8. What machines do the heavy work of loading and unloading?

  9. What equipment has revolutionized the handling methods'

  10. What operations does the fork lift truck do?

  11. What methods of cargo handling do you know?

  12. What small lifting appliances do you know?

    1. Analyse the following sentences:

      1. Goods are now delivered at greater speeds and at smaller


      1. Fork lift trucks are used in ever increasing numbers on the wharves to carry general cargo.

    1. What is the function of the verb "should" in these sen­tences? Translate the sentences into Russian:

      1. We said that we should discharge the ship in 10 days. 2. This cargo should be handled by the cheapest method possible. 3. Engi- ners should use better handling methods to make work easier. 4. You should read this article on electric crane equipment. 5. There should be a definite correlation between the quantity of cargo and the shed capacitv.

    1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Применение различных усовершенствованных приспособле­ний увеличило объем комплексной механизированной обработки jсудов. 2. Все суда, прибывающие в наш порт, обрабатываются 4 в срок. 3. Трюмы № 2, 3 и 4 будут разгружаться береговыми кра- нами. 4. Количество перегружаемого груза в нашем порту значи-iтельно превышает послевоенные цифры. 5. Эти бригады смогут 1 обеспечить высокопроизводительную работу плавучего крана. 6. В наших портах широко используется механизация процессов jподъема и перемещения грузов. 7. В России около ста лет назад подъемные краны производил Костромской механический завод.

  1. В конце XIX века крупнейшие машиностроительные заводы страны производили различные типы подъемного оборудования.

  2. Инженеры должны хорошо знать устройство подъемно-транс­портных машин. 10. Автопогрузчики могут быть использованы

как для работы в трюмах судов, так и на складах. 11. Все про->; цессы, выполняемые машинами, должны обеспечить безопасность работы и сохранность груза. 12. Еще несколько лет тому назад в этом порту целлюлозу грузили вручную. Затем грузчики перешли на пакетный способ погрузки целлюлозы, увеличив выработку в 2 раза. 13. В конце года состоится конференция по обмену опы­том организации перегрузочных работ в портах. В ней примут участие делегации многих стран.

Lesson two


The most important means of cargo handling in loading and discharging ships is by their own gear. Ship's gear is so important for the following reasons: (a) it makes the loading and discharging of ships possible in ports where there are no quay cranes, (b) it provides the only practical means of discharging of loading ordina­ry general cargo overside when ships are not able to come along­side berth, (c) it gives the ship a possibility for cargo working pur­poses to be independent of power failures on shore, (d) it is often superior in lifting capacity to the average quay crane, and last, but not least important, (e) it has to be carried by the ship wherever she goes.

For cargo handling purposes, ship's gear consists principally of: (a) masts or Samson posts. Masts are situated in the centre of the ship and where Samson posts are used they are sited on each side of the ship, i. e. port (left-hand side facing the bow) and star­board (right-hand side facing the bow), (b) derricks (also known as cargo falls), (c) preventers, (d) rigs and (e) union purchase. Some vessels are fitted with deck cranes instead of derricks.

Masts and Samson Posts

The purpose of the masts of Samson posts for cargo handling is < .to support the derricks, runners, blocks, when they are rigged, i. e. in position for loading or discharging cargo. The masts are them­selves supported by steel wire ropes known as stays and shrouds. The stays run fore and aft, the shrouds athwart ship. They form part of the ship's "standing rigging." The number of masts on a modern power-driven ship depends mainly on the number of holds and hatches in the ship. A hold is a compartment in a ship provi­ded for the carriage of cargo, a hatch is an aperture in the deck of a ship which gives access to the hold, through which cargo may be hoisted or lowered. In an ordinary 5-hatch cargo ship there are usually two masts, one between number 1 and 2 hatches and one between number 4 and 5. Number 3 hatch is usually situated amid­ships, and for this reason is often hemmed in by superstructures which do not in many cases leave sufficient room to accommodate derricks. This difficulty is overcome by using Samson posts, which, since they are situated near the corner of the hatches instead of the centers, permit shorter derricks to be used. When Samson posts are used, two are required, one for each side of the hatch. Some ships are designed with Samson posts at all hatches. Some cargo vessels are constructed with three forward of the bridge and two aft. Most modern cargo ships are constructed so that the largest hatches are each provided with two masts, one at each end, this permits of additional purchases being rigged. Ships' holds are numbered from the bow of the ship (forward) to the stern of the ship (aft). In some ships the Samson posts are built very high and joined in pairs by bars athwart the ship.


Derricks, usually two to each mast, are fixed to the mast or to a table at the base of the mast. The lower end of the derrick which is joined to the mast is known as the heel of the derrick. The actual joint connecting the derrick to the mast is known as the "goose­neck." The outer end of the derrick is known as the head of the derrick. The lower end of the derrick is joined to the mast. When a derrick is lowered, as is usually the case when the ship is at sea, the free end is supported in a form of a cradle known as a "crutch" which word accurately describes its appearance which closely re­sembles a large surgical crutch. When a derrick is raised in posi­tion for cargo handling it is said "to be topped." It is held in po­sition for cargo handling by a rope. The derricks are usually ca­pable of handling loads from 2 1/2 up to 5 tons. Ships which are required to handle heavy lifts are commonly equipped with separate heavy lifting derricks.


Winches are the machinery by means of which the runners are paid out or hauled in through the blocks attached to the masts and derricks. They are normally constructed with a rotating barrel di-

vided into three separate parts, the centre part is known as the winch drum, and the other two parts on each side of it as the drum ends. Winches are usually provided one to each derrick and situated so that the winch drum is in line with the heel of the derrick They are usually operated by electricity.


ship's gear [gia]судовые перегрузочныемеханизмы

failure I'feilja] авария, разрыв, ослабление

to be independent of power failures не зависеть от подачи энергии

is . . . superior in lifting capacity to the average quay crane - превосходит по грузоподъемности средний береговой кран

they are sited они расположены

bow [ban] нос

derrick деррик-кран

preventer [pn'vnto]предохранительный трос

rig оснащение, оборудование

union purchase зд. система погрузки и выгрузки двумя стрела­ми, приспособленными для спаренной работы

stay оттяжка (столба)

shrouds [jraudz| ванты, растяжка

athwartship [a`$wotju] поперек

standing rigging такелаж стоячий; тросы, служащие для удер­живания частей рангоута в надлежащем положении

aperture ['sepatjua] отверстие

to give access (to) давать доступ

is . . . hemmed in by superstructures окpужен надстройками

do not leave sufficient room to accommodate derricks не оставляют

достаточно места для размещения стрел

since they are situated поскольку они расположены

stern корма

bar балка

table плоская поверхность

heel основание, крен

goose-neck узкое место

cradle деревянная или железная опора

crutch вилка, костыль, стоика

accurately точно

which closely resemble sкоторое очень напоминает

surgical хирургический

heavy lifting derrick тяжеловесная стрела

to pay out сматывать

to haul |ho:l] in втягивать, наматывать

rotating barrel вращающийся барабан

winch drum барабан лебедки