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Involve [in'volv] повлечь за собой

advent ['aedvant] появление

diesel engine ['di:zal 'end3in] дизель

transmission передача

to consume [kan'sju:m] потреблять

slackness зд. бездействие

to make strides делать успехи

moderate ['modarit] средний, умеренный

quay crane портовыйкран, береговой кран

briefly кратко

which is quite in a class by itself among a great variety of cranes and lifting appliances который занимает особое место сре­ди весьма разнообразных кранов и подъемных приспособле­ний

crudeaffairзд. несовершенное устройство

fixed jib стационарная стрела

expeditious [/ekspi'dijss] быстрый, скорый

Impetus ['impitas] толчок

carnage equipment крановое оборудование

uniform ['ju:nib:m] однообразный

of no inconsiderable value немалойважности

merchandise ['ma:tjandaiz] товары

efficiently производительно, продуктивно

inreferenceв отношении

to luff'перемещаться по горизонтали

to devise [di'vaiz] изобретать

obstruction [ob'strAkJn] препятствие

to entail fm'teil] влечьзасобой

to suspend [sas'pend] подвешивать

superfluous [sju/pa-.fluas] излишний

expedient [iks'pi.'diant] средство

ingenious [in'd3i:njas] остроумный

to put forward предлагать

to specify ['spesifai] точно определять, устанавливать

draft зд. партия

consumption [kan'sAmpJn] потребление, расход

the more powerful the crane, the greater the initial outlay чем

больше мощность крана, тем выше первоначальные из­держки

unremunerative ['Anri'mjuinarativ] невыгодный investmentкапиталовложение

to slew поворачивать

multiple состоящий из нескольких единиц

I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What lifting appliances do you know?

  2. What is a floating crane used for?

  3. What mechanical apparatus do loading and unloading?

  4. What is the average speed of a modern 5-ton mobile crane?

  5. Have you ever operated a crane?

  6. What does the capacity of a crane depend on?

  7. What average crane capacity is required for the ordinary mixed cargo?

  8. In what cases are high-capacity cranes provided?

  9. Have you ever seen a floating crane?

  10. What is the maximum capacity of the floating crane?

  11. What cranes are called quay cranes?

  12. What cranes are called mobile cranes?

  13. What is the most striking feature of the modern quay crane?

  14. What motions are required in the quay crane?

  15. How are these motions provided?

  16. Is it possible to work all the motions of the crane by a single motor?

  17. What is the maximum working load of the quay crane?

  18. What is the average luffing speed of the quay crane?

  19. What are some of the advantages of cranes driven by elec­tricity?

  20. What are quay crane requirements?

    1. Analyse the following sentences:

      1. This type of crane is known to be suitable for dealing with medium loads.

      2. Progress in recent years in port and harbour design and in equipment is indicated by the existing activities at many ports, and an increased use of mechanical appliances is evident.

    1. (a) Form nouns from the following adjectives and trans­late them into Russian:

effective, hard, active, cool, compressive, wide, strong, long, deep.

(b) Form nouns from the following verbs and translate them into Russian:

cool, connect, compress, elongate, produce, admit, seize, require, situate, move, apply, design, consume, hoist, render, equip, operate, lift, apply, consider, function, arrange, introduce, correspond, travel, slew, satisfy, distribute, govern.
