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Самостоятельная работа к урокам 7-8


Complete sentences 1 to 8. Use the words in the box

Check crew control lounge trip facilities galleries locker

  1. A business_____trip__________needs careful planning.

  2. Good hotels usually offer guests a range of business_________________.

  3. Every airline passenger has to go through a security_______________.

  4. People arriving in Britain need to go through passport_________________.

  5. Passengers can wait for their flights in the departure______________.

  6. Press the call button to call a member of the cabin_________________.

  7. You can put your hand-luggage in the overhead_________________.

  8. Try to leave time to visit places of interest such as art_________________.

2.Complete the words map with the words in the box. Then, use the words to complete sentences.

Network flight press sightseeing travelers

Flight attendant; path; announcement.

Business; international; holiday _____________.

___________ briefing; officer; photographer.

Railway; communications; road______________.

________________________ trip; tour; bus.

  1. A government press officer came out to give the

waiting newspaper reporters a

  1. Our today will take us east over the

North Sea, and then we’re going to turn south-east towards Antwerp.

  1. If you want to look round the city in just two hours, why not take a…….?

  2. Today’s allows us to telephone almost

anywhere in the world.

  1. The airport was full of on their way to

the sea, sand, and sun.

  1. I’m a , and I need some pictures of the

accident for tomorrow’s newspaper.

Supplementary reading comprehension material eating out

1.Work in pairs. Look at this menu from Claret’s restaurant. Write the different kinds of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit under the correct headings.



Smoked Scottish salmon

King prawns with herb butter

Duck pate

Salad of artichoke hearts


Grilled trout with almonds served with a crispy salad

Roast Normandy pork cooked in a cream and mushroom sauce

Veal cutlets with sauteed potatoes and onions

Chicken with lemon sauce

Whole Dover sole grilled or fried, with fresh green beans


Strawberries and cream

Selection of fresh fruit sorbets

Bananas with rum

Yoghurt with figs and passion fruit








4.Think of five other foods you know and add them to the lists.

Look at the menu again. Underline any methods of cooking.

Example Grilled trout with almonds

Write fried, grilled,…

5.Work in groups. Think of your favourite dish but don’t say the name. Find out the favourite dish of each person in your group. Ask questions until you have the correct answer.

Examples Is it a main course? How do you cook it?

Does it contain meat? Which other dish is it like?

What are the ingredients?

6.Work in groups. Prepare a menu for four foreign visitors to your company. The group consists of two Europeans (one is a vegetarian), a Japanese, and an American. Suggest at least one starter, one main course, and one dessert.

7.Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Then read the text below to check your answers.

Which country in Europe has one of the lowest rates of heart disease?

a. the UK

b. Germany

c. France

Why is a daily aspirin good for you?

Which meat has more fat, beef or chicken?

Which countries do these come from? What do they all have in common?

a. aioli

b. gambas al ajillo

c. bruschetta

d. tzatziki

Why are the French

so lucky?

That was the question medical researchers wanted to answer. The French eat much more cheese than other Europeans but they have the lowest rate of heart disease. Cheese is bad for the heart because, like butter and cream, it has a lot of fat. The results of research are surprising, and good news for wine lovers everywhere. The French are also the biggest wine drinkers in Europe and drinking wine with food reduces the risk of heart attack. And if you’re not a wine lover? No problem, a daily aspirin has the same result.

The ancient Greeks were also lucky, it seems. Their diet of olive oil, garlic, fish, vegetables, and bread was very healthy. They ate very little meat, fat, or sugar. The experts today tell us to eat less meat and more vegetables, fruit, fish, pasta, bread, and potatoes. Chicken is healthier than beef because it has less fat. Garlic, the basis of French aioli, Spanish gambas al ajillo, Italian bruschetta and Greek tzatziki, also has a good effect on the heart, as well as other benefits, which is perhaps why the ancient Greeks ate so much of it. So, if you love your heart, add a little more garlic and wine to your diet!

Food and Health International magazine