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Distance education: a means to an end, no more, no less.

The University of Phoenix and other purveyors of distance leaning have come un­der harsh criticism from a variety of educational organisations. Courses taken on line have been critcised as impersonal, su­perficial. misdirected. even potentially depressing and dehumanizing. A 1999 report on distance education from the National Education Association, says that on-line courses may disrupt the student-and-faculty interaction that creates a "learning community."

Unfortunately, much of the criticism misrepresents or ignores the realities of American higher education today. Let's look at the paths of three actual college students who were part of a 1999 survey conducted by the American Association for History and Computing. (Their names, here. however, are fictional.)

Marianne Suarez, a freshman last year at the University of Cincinnati, was considering a major in history and education. To test the waters, she took a Western-civilization survey course. Twice each week she at­tended class with 250 other students in a cavernous room on the first floor of McMicken Hall*. Visitors to the campus might recognize it as the classroom used in the Judie Foster film Little Man Tale.

For Suarez. the classroom was the setting for a series of staged performances. With the large enrollment, the instructor could do little more than deliver well-pre­pared lectures and hope that the students would he inspired to pursue course themes outside of class. Three teaching assistants were on hand to answer ques­tions after the lectures, but all of the talk in academe today about student-centered teaching, active learning, and providing "guide on the side" was silenced by the reality of all those students packed into a lecture hall.

Far across the country and several worlds away, Ian McFadden, also a first-year college student, was typing excitedly at his computer at home in Denver. Unlike Suarez, who was 18 last year and fresh from high school, McFadden was what universities call a "non-traditional" student. A lack of financial resources had compelled him to serve in the U.S. Army for six years after high school. His service complete, he was work­ing last year as a delivery-truck driver and decided to pursue his B.A. through the distance-learning programs of the University of Phoenix.

Because Phoenix's courses are offered on a rolling basis, rather than by the semester, McFadden was able to take one course at a time; he hoped to take five or six courses last year. He received his assignments, most of his course materials, and his evaluation on line and he conferred with his instructors often, in on-line confer­ences and through e-mail.

At the same time, back in the Midwest, Paul Toshido sat in a classroom on the campus of DePauw University, surrounded by 30 other students. Like Suarez. he was taking an introductory history survey, but like McFadden, he was able to ask his instructor questions through e-mail. Toshido's course offered lectures each week, as well as a wide variety of in-class and on-line discussions, debates, and role-playing.

Those three students provide a glimpse of the widely divergent experiences of American college-and-university students today, and highlight the changing face of higher education.

The University of Phoenix now enrolls more than 50.000 students each year, with 7,000 students taking their courses exclusively on line. According to a report by the Pew Higher Education Roundtable, by 2000 non-traditional students like McFadden will make up at least 60 per cent of all college students. For them distance learning will provide flexibility in terms of when, where, and how many courses to take. Increased competition among educational institutions of­fering such courses will probably also reduce the costs that non-traditional students will face.

For such students, there is clear evidence that dis­tance education can be as successful as classroom-based instruction, if not more so. That may well be be­cause the instructor does not monopolize attention in an on-line environment. "There is no counterpart to standing at the front of the classroom pontificating to a captured audience until the bell rings!," Kearsly says. Anyone who "lectures" to an on-line group will quickly find participants tuning out and turning off the computer.

Kearsley also suggests that distance education mini­mizes the prejudice that often arises in face-to-face settings. Unless someone deliberately reveals personal information, participants have no idea about the age, gender, ethnic background, or physical characteristics, of others on line. The discussions that ensue are about as free of socio-cultural bias as possible. Distance education, in short, can be more stimulating, and encour­age more critical reasoning, than the traditional large lecture class, because it allows the kind of interaction that takes place most fully in small-group settings.

In their recent book pro­fessors of information and computing systems give hundreds of anecdotal case studies and scholarly surveys suggesting that distance education is more suc­cessful than the large survey courses at many public colleges and universities. For example, the sociologist Jerald 0. Schulle of California State University at Northbridge, reports that he randomly divided students in a social-statistics course into two groups, one that was taught in a traditional classroom and the other entirely on-line: Test scores on both the midterm and the final examinations were an average of 20 per cent higher for those in the on-line course. Schulle also notes that students in distance-education courses say they have more peer contact with others in the class, spend more time on class work, understand the material better, and enjoy it more.

Another study, re­minds readers, on the other hand, that distance learning does not necessarily produce more contact with professors - or better outcomes. The on-line course can be as abused as the individual survey class, and the center warns against simply using teaching assistants and adjunct professors to teach massive on-line classes. Instead, it suggests, institutions should tap the po­tential of the on-line environment to foster small-group interaction.

Moreover, we should remember that distance learning is not the only path to good education. Just as many studies praise the benefits of on-line courses, an equal­ly wide array suggests that small classes with flexible, frequent, and face-to-race interaction among students and an instructor are optimum - when financially and practically possible. That is the lesson of several dec­ades of research on small class size in pre-collegiate education.

At the same time, administrators also sometimes mistakenly assume that distance education can solve all of higher education's ills. The recent survey by the history and computing association quotes many pro­fessors who are alarmed by the rush to technology:

A majority - 65 per cent - of the almost 500 professors who responded to the survey called their institutions' technology policies misguided or insufficient. Charges that administrators were forcing the adoption of tech­nology so rapidly that instructors could not decide how to use it most effectively echoed throughout the survey - as did suggestions that an increase in full-time professors would produce as much good teaching as new computer labs would.

It is clear, however, that administrators and universities are pressing ahead with a vision of computer technology as the golden solution to challenges ranging from rising costs to calls for greater accountability. Indeed, the success of the University of Phoenix and other virtual universities is not only drawing attention to the problems of access and instruction in higher education; even more, that success is seen as a market threat Institutions are not increasing tenure-track faculty positions, reducing course sizes, or emphasizing students' needs. But they are launching their own on-line courses. Across the country, colleges and universities are rushing to stake out their territory on the electronic frontier

As that happens, supporters of distance education - including administrators who see it as a cheap alterna­tive to hiring more faculty members - need to remem­ber that not all students are best served by electronic instruction. But critics of distance education must also keep in mind that many non-traditional students will undeniably benefit from its expansion. The reality of distance learning is complex, and we must give it the measured consideration it demands.

Dennis A. Jinnkle is an assistant professor of history at DePauw University, and executive director of the American Association for History anil Cumpulinf.


distance education - дистанционное обучение, обучение на расстоянии; means - средство; learning - обучение; purveyor - поставщик; harsh - резкий, жесткий, грубый; impersonal - безличный, обезличивающий; superficial - поверхностный, неглубокий; on-line - посредством компьютера; to discrupt - подрывать, разрушать; faculty - профессорско-преподавательский состав, преподаватели вуза; interaction - взаимодействие; path - путь, линия действия или поведения; survey - исследование; freshman - первокурсник; major - здесь: специализация; to attend - посещать; cavernous - огромный, с глубокими нишами; похожий на пещеру; to recognize - узнавать; setting - окружение, обрамление, устройство; enrollment - набор, зачисление (студентов); to deliver letures - проводить лекции; to inspire - вдохновлять, воодушевлять; to pursue - продолжать (обсуждать, делать что-то); to be on hand - быть под рукой, быть наготове; to provide - обеспечивать, предоставлять; guide - руководство; to silence - заглушить, заставить замолчать; to type - печатеть; excitedly - с волнением; unlike - в отличие от..; lack (of) - отсутствие, нехватка; to compel - вынуждать, заставлять; to serve -  служить; to complete - завершить, закончить; delivery - доставка; rolling basis - здесь: сменяя друг друга, один за другим; assignment - задание; evaluation - оценка; to confer (with) - совешаться, беседовать (с); surrounded (by) - окруженный (кем-то); introductory -  вводный; glimpse - взгляд, мимолетное впечатление; divergent - расходящийся; to highlight - выдвигать на первый план, придавать большое значение; exclusively - исключительно, только; to make up - составлять; flexibility - гибкость; in terms of - с точки зрения..; increased - возрастающий, увеличивающийся; competition - конкуренция; to reduce - сокращать; to face - неожиданно столкнуться; evidence - доказательство; subject matter - суть вопроса, предмета; to get involved in - участвовать; environment - среда, окружение; counterpart - двойник, копия, дубликат; to pontificate - безапеляционно заявлять, утверждать; captured - увлеченный; to tune out - убрать звук; to turn off - выключить; prejudice - предубеждение; unless - если не; deliberately - специально, умышленно, намеренно; to reveal - открывать, выдавать (секрет); gender - пол (мужской, женский); to ensue - последовать, получать в результате, иметь результатом; bias - предубеждение; пристрастие; to encourage - поощрять, подбадривать, подталкивать; reasoning - размышление, рассуждение; объяснение, аргументация; to allow - позволять, разрешать; recent - недавний; study - исследование; survey - исследование; public college - государственный колледж (субсидируемый государством); randomly - случайно, наугад, произвольно; entirely - полностью, целиком; test score - проверочный счет; average - средний; peer - равный; to enjoy - наслаждаться, получать удовольствие, нравиться; to conduct - проводить; to remind - напоминать; outcome - результат; последствие, исход; to abuse - юранить, оскорблять, плохо обращаться, злоупотреблять; to warn - предупреждать; adjunct - помошник, адъюнкт; to tap - находить, выявлять (ресурсы); to foster - благоприятствовать, способствовать, поощрять; to praise - хвалить, восхвалять; benefit - польза, выгода; array - здесь: выбор; suggestion - предложение, предположение, совет; decade - десятилетие; to raise - поднимать; issue - вопрос; to adopt - принимать, одобрять; to promote - содействовать, способствовать, продвигать; efficiency - эффективность; mistakenly - ошибочно; to assume - полагать, считать; to solve - решать; ill - здесь: болезнь; to quote - цитировать; alarmed - встревоженный; misguided - неправильно направляемый; insufficient - недостаточный, неудовлетворительный; charges - обвинения; to force - заставлять, принуждать; adoption - принятие, одобрение; to echo - вторить, повторять; откликаться, отзываться; to press ahead -  подгонять; vision - видение, понимание; challenge - здесь: сомнение, возникшая проблема; to range (from... to...) - варьировать (от... до...); accountability - подотчетность; to draw attention - привлекать внимание; access (to) - доступ (к); threat - угроза; tenure-track faculty - штатные сотрудники; to reduce - сокращать; size - размер; to emphasize - подчеркивать; needs - потребности; to launch - запускать, начинать, стартовать; to rush - спешить, подгонять; to stake out - отгородить, отмежевать, застолбить; frontier - граница; supporter - сторонник; to include - включать; cheap -  дешевый; to hire - принимать на работу; faculty member - преподаватель; indeniably - несомненно, бесспорно; expansion - расширение; complex - сложный; measured - обдуманный; consideration - рассмотрение, изучение; to demand - требовать.

Word Study.

Ex. 1. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

  1. harsh criticism a/ гонка к техническому прогрессу

  2. student-and-faculty interaction b/ курсы посредством компьютера

  3. fresh from high school c/ возросшая конкуренция

  4. on a rolling basis d/ похожая на пещеру аудитория

  5. in-class debates e/ только что со школьной скамьи

  6. in terms of f/ результаты теста (в баллах/очках)

  7. clear evidence g/ общение студентов и преподавателей

  8. test scores h/ резкая критика

  9. final examination i/ обучение посредством эл.почты

  10. rush to technology j/ специализация по истории

  11. on-line courses k/ с точки зрения

  12. a major in history l/ заключительный экзамен

  13. cavernous room m/ на сменной основе

  14. a lack of financial resources n/ явное доказательство

  15. introductory survey o/ один за другим

  16. increased competition p/ общение равных

  17. captured audience q/ серьезные недостатки

  18. peer contact r/ решение трудных проблем

  19. serious shortcomings s/ отсутствие финансовых источников

  20. solution to challenges t/ вводное исследование

Ex. 2. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

  1. to misrepresent the reality a/ провести исследование

  2. to consider a major b/ давать/читать лекции

  3. to deliver lectures c/ быть встревоженным (по поводу)

  4. to pursue course theme d/ сократить расходы

  5. to type at computer e/ помнить

  6. to reduce the costs f/ неправильно представлять реальность

  7. to minimize the prejudice g/ рассматривать вопрос специализации

  8. to raise another issue h/ печатать на компьютере

  9. to be alarmed (by) i/ посещать занятия

  10. to keep in mind j/ продолжать обсуждать вопросы лекции

  11. to conduct a survey k/ восхвалять выгоды

  12. to attend classes l/ сталкиваться с трудностями

  13. to be on hand m/ поднять другой вопрос

  14. to receive assignments on line n/ способствовать эффективности

  15. to face difficulties o/ быть наготове

  16. to praise the benefits p/ получать задания по эл.почте

  17. to promote the efficiency q/ отвечать на вопросы исследования

  18. to respond to the survey r/ проводить исследование

Ex. 3. Translate the following expressions. Use them in the sentences below.

to be drawn into the subject matter of the course; because of the discussions they get involved in; to foster small-group interactions; the one's path to good education; to mistakenly assume; to solve all the higher education's ills; to be alarmed by the rush to technology; charges; to force the adoption of technology; to use it most effectively; to be echoed through the survey; vision, golden solution to challenges; to range from rising costs to calls for greater accountability; critics; to keep in mind; undeniably benefit from its expansion; supporters; on-line instruction; purveyor; harsh criticism; on-line course; to excoriate: impersonal, superficial; dehumanizing; to disrupt the student-and-faculty interaction; to consider a major in history; enrollment, to do little more than deliver well-prepared lectures; teaching assistant; to be on hand; to offer courses on rolling basis; unlike, fresh from high school; lack of financial resources; to compel to serve in the U.S. army, to complete one's service; to pursue; to take one course at a time;  to receive assignments and evaluation on line;  to participate in on-line conferences; to enroll; exclusively; to provide flexibility in terms of; to take courses.

  1. Поставщики дистанционного образования получают жесткую критику.

  2. Курсы, изучаемые посредством компьютерной сети критикуются как обезличивающие, поверхностные и даже негуманные.

  3. Говорят, что такие курсы могут разрушить взаимодействие между студентами и преподавателями.

  4. Марианна обдумывала вопрос о специализации в области истории

  5. При большом наборе студентов профессор не может дать больше, чем прочесть хорошо подготовленные лекции.

  6. После лекции ассистенты готовы ответить на вопросы студентов.

  7. Курсы изучаются один за другим.

  8. В отличие от 19-летнего Суареца, который был только что со школьной скамьи, Мак Фадден был нетрадиционным студентом.

  9. Отсутствие финансов заставило его отслужить в армии США в течение 6 лет.

  10. По окончании службы он стал работать водителем и решил продолжить образование.

  11. Он решил брать по одному курсу по программам дистанционного образования университета Феникс.

  12. Он получал задания, учебные материалы и оценки через компьютер, участвовал также в заочных (on-line)  конференциях.

  13. Университет набирает ежегодно 56 тысяч студентов, из которых 7 тысяч учатся исключительно посредством компьютера.

  14. Для них дистанционное образование обеспечивает гибкость с точки зрения того, когда, где и сколько курсов изучать.

  15. Они вовлечены в суть предмета более глубоко, чем традиционные студенты, - из-за дискуссий, в которых они участвуют.

  16. Этот вид обучения способствует взаимодействию в малых группах.

  17. Дистанционное образование  - не единственный путь к хорошему образованию.

  18. Администраторы иногда ошибочно полагают, что дистанционное образование может решить все проблемы высшей школы.

  19. Многие преподаватели встревожены гонкой за технологией

  20. Обвинения в том, что администраторы заставляли принимать технологии так быстро, что преподаватели не успевали обдумать, как применять ее наиболее эффективно, четко отражены в этом исследовании.

  21. Это - понимание технологии как решение всех проблем, начиная от растущих цен до призывов к большей подотчетности.

  22. Сторонникам дистанционного образования следует знать, что не все студенты понимают компьютерные инструкции.

  1. Критикам дистанционного образования следует также помнить, что многие

нетрадиционные студенты несомненно получат выгоду от его расширения.

Comprehension Check. Answer the following questions: 1. What is meant by distance learning"? 2. Why are the purveyors of distance leaning strongly criticized? 3. Give the stories of the 3 actual college students:    a/ Marianne Suarez;    b/ Ian McFadden;    c/ Paul Toshido. 4. How many students does the University of Phoenix enroll each year?

How many of them get on-line education?   5. How many non-traditional students are there in the country? 6. What opportunities does distance learning provide for them? 7. Can distance learning solve all the problems of higher education? 8. What are most faculty members alarmed with? 9. What do they charge administrators for? 10. What does technology mean for administrators? 11. What is the opinion of distance education supporters? Topics to Discuss. 1. Merits of distance learning. 2. Drawbacks of distance education.

Grammar exercises

Ex 1.Define the kinds of attributive clauses ( of time , place , cause and condition ) , translate into Russian .

  1. When Mc Donald’s opened in 1954 it started a trend that has continued. 2. After Brenda came home last night , she made a few phone calls. 3. I can’t go to sleep tonight until I finish studying for my economics exam. 4. Go back where you came from. 5. I hope to visit you whenever I come to St. Petersburg. 6. Then Mark came to New York where he remained three years. 7. I waited while she took off her hat. 8. If I turn out to be mistaken , I’ll apologize to you. 9. As soon as I come home I’ll call you. 10. I won’t leave home until I finish my composition. 11. If you are not satisfied with my plan , I have nothing else to suggest. 12. I’ll remember our meeting as long as I live. 13. Don't make a final decision before you’ve got all the necessary information. 14. Since he is not interested in classical music, he never goes to the concerts. 15. Whenever she came to us , she was always in a bad mood. 16. We won’t go away until we have solved the problem. 17. What will you do if you friend is late ? You can miss the train. 18. Please let me know as soon as you get news from your partner. 19. Wherever you go far a holiday , I’ll join you with pleasure. 20. The cafeteria food improved , when the college hired a new food manager. 21. Wherever they met , they always started to quarrel. 22. You can stay in the classroom after the lesson providing you don’t make too much noise . 23. I had hardly entered the room when I heard John’s angry words.

Ex2: Insert conjunctions of:

a) Time

1. You will stay with me, Marry, ( до тех пор пока) your mother comes.2. I am sure you will change your mind (после того как) you have seen him. 3. I will not forget my trip to Paris (до тех пор пока) I live. 4. My secretary will contact you ( когда) we get your documents. 5. We will leave the house ( как только) the rain stops. 6. Let us start (когда) it gets warmer.

B) Condition

1. (если) You study hard you will pass your exam. 2. You can’t get a driver’s license (если не ) you are 18 years old. 3. I’ll give you my office’s phone number ( на случай если) you need to get in touch with me. 4. You will feel hungry during class (если не ) you eat breakfast. 5. I don’t think you need any more information but (в случае) you do you can call me. 6. I’ll come to meeting (при условии что) somebody can give me a ride.

C) Place

1. (Куда бы) I go I always meet this strange man. 2. He came ( оттуда где) there was no winter at all. 3. We looked (куда) she pointed. 4. Begin to read ( с того места где ) Andrew stopped. 5. Why didn’t you stay ( там где) you were out in Italy.

D) Cause

  1. I hope to get a job as an interpreter ( поскольку) I know English perfectly. 2. ( так как) sunday is a holliday, a lot of offices are closed. 3. The Berlin Wall was torn down (потому что) it was a symbol of oppression. 4. ( так как) Subway fares are going up tomorrow, I’ll buy extra tokens tonight. 5. ( поскольку) Tom and David love basketball, they often shoot baskets after school .

Ex. 3. Complete the following using adverbial clauses of:

  1. Time

    1. We`ll have a big party when…

    2. Where are you going after…

    3. I`ll try to get in touch with you as soon as…

    4. Everybody burst out laughing when….

    5. She`ll have to stay at home till…

    6. They won`t change their decisions until…

    7. You`ll fell more comfortable after…

  2. Condition

    1. You can`t see the doctor unless…

    2. Provided that no one objects…

    3. … unless I get a higher salary.

    4. You`ll enter the university providing that…

    5. I`ll promise to tell you everything on condition…

    6. I`ll come home in time if…

  3. Place

    1. We met where…

    2. A car stopped where…

    3. Begin to write from where…

    4. She started crying wherever…

    5. They arrived from where…

  4. Cause

    1. We don`t insist on your joining us because…

    2. I`ll stay at home today so that…

    3. We had to leave early because…

    4. He takes no execise to keep fit as…

    5. Since we don`t trust each other…

Ex. 4. Choose the correct word or expression for next sentence

Example: You`ll pass your exam



You study hard.

(Providing is correct)



1. I`ll leave you

You want me to stay.

2. You`ll miss the last train as long as you hurry. Unless________

3. He considers people his friends providing he trusts them. As long as___________

4. We are going to play soccer tomorrow unless it`s raining. Providing_________________

5. I`ll let you use my car unless you drive carefully. As long as_______

6. We`ll take the 7.30 flight to L.A. providing we can get the tickets. Unless______________

7. He`ll lend you money as long as you pay him back in due time. Providing_________________

Ex.5. Join these sentences with a subordinating conjunction ( more than one correct answer is possible)

  1. Lisa got two speeding tickets. She took a special driving course.

  2. It is late. Rachel will quickly heat dinner in the microwave.

  3. Cindy left early. She didn`t see the last act.

  4. I like to fly gliders, I love the silent speed.

  5. You want to plat tennis, I can be ready at nine o`clock.

  6. The coffee is bitter. I add cream and sugar.

  7. I always take a cold shower. I dive into the lake.

  8. You return. I`ll wait at this table.

  9. The instructor gave him the answer key. He will use it.

  10. The weather turns cold, I love to sit by fire.

  11. I was afraid of math, I took, I took Professor Park`s course.

  12. Joe reread the article, he underlined the key ideas.

  13. Riding the express train is a pleasure. The cars are air- conditioned.

  14. Senator Brown has fought for a clean environment, I will vote for him.

Ex. 6. Translate into English using adverbial causes of:

    1. Time

  1. Как только я увидела его, я всё поняла.

  2. Когда полицейские ворвались в универмаг, грабители бросили сумки на пол и сдались.

  3. Студенты обрадовались после того, как преподаватель отменил контрольную работу.

  4. Пока он говорил, я всё больше убеждался, что где-то видел его раньше.

  5. Поговорите с ней, пока она в хорошем настроении.

  6. Не беритесь за эту работу до тех пор, пока не узнаете все условия.

    1. Condition.

  1. Здесь можно курить при условии, что окна будут открыты.

  2. Он не окажет вам помощь, если вы как следует не попросите его об этом.

  3. Вы скоро поправитесь, если будете выполнять все предписания врача.

  4. Я надеюсь, что если вернусь через 20 минут, вы уже закончите всю работу.

  5. Ты успешно сдашь экзамен, но только, если будешь много заниматься.

    1. Place.

1.Куд бы ты не поехала, последую за тобой.

2. Продолжайте рассказывать стихотворение с того места, где вы остановились.

3. Местные жители были дружелюбны к туристам, куда бы они ни пошли.

4. Мы решили встретиться там, где встречались всегда.

    1. Cause.

  1. Так как уже стемнело, вам лучше вызвать такси.

  2. Я согласилась встретиться с вами, потому что мой брат очень просил меня об этом.

  3. Раз вы настаиваете на моем участии в этом проекте, мне придется согласиться.

  4. Я сделаю это, так как обещал помочь тебе.

Ex. 7 Translate into English.

  1. Я думаю, она всё поймёт, как только получит твоё письмо. 2. Подожди меня здесь, пока я буду разговаривать с учителем. 3. Она решила купить родителям подарки, когда получит свою первую зарплату. 4. Так как семестр уже закончился, я собираюсь немного поработать, а потом уеду в небольшое путешествие, при условии, что у меня будет хватать денег для этого. 5. Я не могу больше доверять этому человеку, так как он не раз обманывал меня. 6. Когда я увижу Девида, я попробую ещё раз поговорить с ним об этом, но я не уверен в успехе. С ним очень трудно иметь дела. 7. После того как мы окончим университет, мы надеемся найти хорошую работу. 8. Вы можете прийти на этот приём только если у вас будет пригласительный билет. 9. Нельзя ехать заграницу, если у вас нет загранпаспорта. 10. Куда бы он ни шёл, её последние слова всегда преследовали его. Его мучило чувство вины перед ней, так как он фактически предал её. 11. Пока идет дождь, лучше не выходи из дома. Если ты промокнешь, ты снова заболеешь. 12. Пока мы живы, мы не забудем нашу первую учительницу. 13. К тому времени, как ты заедешь за мной, я уже сделаю все свои дела и буду свободна. 14. Раз у них общие интересы, они смогут подружиться. 15. Мери хорошо говорит по-испански, так как больше года прожила в Мексике. Кроме того ей всегда легко давались языки.

Ex.8: Insert conjunctions (if, for, when, yet, as, because, since).

The first semester of college is for many students… they must take on many new responsibilities. For instance, they must create their own schedules. New students get to select their courses. In addition, they have to decide… they will take them. Students also must purchase their own textbooks,… colleges do not distribute textbooks each term,… high school do. No bells rings to announce… classes begin. …students are supposed to arrive in time. Furthermore, many professors do not call the roll, … they expect students to attend classes regularly and know their assignments. New students must be self-disciplined. No one stands over them telling them to do their homework. Students must control temptation to have fun… they desire to build successful future.

Ex.9: Use articles or pronouns where necessary.

Dear Dad,

I was glad to get… letter. It came… few days ago, but I’ve been pretty busy, I`ve been painting… boat. It`s… hard work. David, … friend of mine, has been helping me. Oh! Thanks for… check you sent in… letter. I was really happy to get it. I made…car payment and had enough left to buy… cans of… paint for… boat. By… way, I don`t have… job… yet. In… way, I’m lucky that I still haven’t found… job. If I had to go to… work every day, how would I find… time to work on… boat? It takes… lot of … time and… hard work. I`ve got to stop writing now, David`s leaving, and I want him to mail… letter to me.

Love, Peter.

Ex.10. Make up dialogue (turning indirect into direct speech). Add all the necessary details. Finish the dialogue.

I told Jack I didn`t want to go to Helen`s party. He said he was going, and asked me why I didn`t wan to go. I told him I just didn`t want to go. I said I`d much rather stay home and watch TV, and I asked Jack if he would call Helen for me. At first, he didn`t want to, but then he said he would. He asked me what to tell her, and I said to tell her anything he wanted to. I told him he could tell her I was coming down with a cold. But Jack said he couldn`t do that. He said he didn`t want to tell a lie. I told Jack that Helen wouldn`t know he was not telling the truth. I told him to tell her I was developing a bad sore throat, and said I was sure she would believe him. Jack said he was ashamed of me. He said I should just tell Helen the truth. But I said I didn`t want to hurt Helen`s feeling. I said I`d rather tell a lie than hurt her feelings.

Ex. 11. Put the infinitives in brackets in the proper tense-forms.

I often (not to lose) things and I (to be) especially careful with money, so I quite (to be surprised) when I (to reach for) my wallet and it (not to be) there. At first, I ( to think) it ( to be) possible that I (can leave) it at home. Then I ( to remember) taking it out to pay for the taxi, so I (to know) I (to have) it with me just before I (to walk) into the restaurant. I (to wonder) if it (to be) possible that it (can slip) out of my pocket while I (to eat) dinner. So I (to turn) and (to walk) back to the table where I (to sit). I (to call) a waiter and (to explain) to him that my wallet (to fall) out of my pocket while I (to sit) at that table a few minutes earlier. While the waiter (to look for) it, the manager of the restaurant (to come), up to me and (to ask) if anything (to be wrong). I (to tell) the manager what (to happen). I (to be) in a hurry and I (to explain) to him that my biggest worry at the moment (to be) how I (to be going) to pay the check. He (to tell) me not to worry about that. He (to write down) my name and address, and (to say) he (to send) me a bill.

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the use of tenses.

  1. Советую тебе согласиться на работу в этой фирме. Ты ищешь работу уже два месяца, и это- первое подходящее место, которое ты нашла.

  2. Где ты был вчера с 8.00 до 9.00 вечера? Я звонил тебе, чтобы рассказать о том, что я выиграл приз за лучшую игру.

  3. Эл вошел в церковь и остановился. Он увидел Эби. Она стояла на коленях и молилась. Эл прислушался и, к своему удивлению, услышал, что Эби все время повторяет его имя. Он тихо вышел из церкви.

  4. Эндрю пытался объяснить полицейским, что он живет в этом доме, но он оставил ключи внутри, когда уезжал на работу и теперь не может открыть свою дверь. Но полицейские не поверили ему и увезли Эндрю в полицейский участок.

  5. Энн узнала о том, что ее маму увезли в больницу, и сразу поехала туда. Когда он добралась до больницы, ей сказали, что ее маму сейчас оперируют. Энн прождала два часа, пока ей не сообщили, что с мамой все в порядке, и она может пройти к ней в палату.

  6. Впервые американское правительство исследовало НЛО в 1940-х годах. Многие свидетели утверждают, что видели в небе яркие предметы в виде дисков. Сейчас правительство официально не исследует НЛО, однако многие полагают, что такие исследования тайно продолжаются.

  7. Сенбернары - легендарные собаки, известные своей храбростью. Они работают в спасательных группах в горах Швейцарии. Всего сенбернары спасли более 2 тысяч человек. Эти собаки известны уже несколько сотен лет, а свое имя получили лишь 100 лет назад по приюту в Швейцарских Альпах.


НЛО-UFO (unidentified flying object)

Сенбернар- a Saint Bernard.

Ex.13: Complete the sentences with so or because. Add COMMAS where appropriate. CAPITALIZE as necessary.

1. a. He was hungry ___/ s0______ he ate a sandwich.

b. Because_____ he was hungry ^ he ate a sandwich.

c. He ate a sandwich because_____ he was hungry.

2. a. ____________ my sister was tired she went to bed.

b. My sister went to bed ____________ she was tired.

c. My sister was tired ____________ she went to bed.

3. a. ____________ human beings have opposable thumbs they can

easily pick things up and hold them. b. Human beings have opposable thumbs ____________ they

can easily pick things up and hold them. c. Human beings can easily pick things up and hold them

____________ they have opposable thumbs.

4. a. Schoolchildren can usually identify Italy easily on a world map

____________ it is shaped like a boot.

b. ____________ Italy has the distinctive shape of a boot

schoolchildren can usually identify it easily. c. Italy has the distinctive shape of a boot ____________

schoolchildren can usually identify it easily on a map.

Ex.14: Complete the sentences by changing the quoted speech to reported speech Practice using the formal sequence of tenses.

1. Bob said, "Where do you live?"

Bob asked me where I lived.________________

2. He said, "Do you live in the dorm?" He asked me ______________

3. I said, "I have my own apartment." I told him _______________

4. He said, "I'm looking for a new apartment." He said _____________________

5. He said, "I don't like living in the dorm." He told me __________________

6. I said, "Do you want to move in with me?" I asked him ___________________

7. He said, "Where is your apartment?" He asked me _______________

8. I said, "I live on Seventh Avenue." I told him _______________

9. He said, "I can't move until the end of the semester." He said _____________

10. He said, "I will cancel my dorm contract at the end of the semester." He told me 11. He said, "Is that okay? "He asked me ________________________________

12. I said, "I'm looking forward to having you as a roommate." I told him ____________________________

Ex.15: Change the reported speech to quotations. Use quotation marks.

1. Eric asked me if I had ever gone skydiving.

Eric said , "Have you ever gone skydiving?"_____

2. Chris wanted to know if I would be at the meeting. Chris said_________

3. Kate wondered whether I was going to quit my job.

Kate said___________________________________

4. Anna asked her friend where his car was.

Anna said__________________________________

5. Brian asked me what I had done after class yesterday.

Brian said _________________

6. Luigi asked me if I knew Italian. Luigi said ________________

7. Debra wanted to know if I could guess what she had in her pocket. Debra asked_________________________________

8. My boss wanted to know why I wasn't working at my desk and why I was wasting the company's time. My boss angrily asked me

Ex.16: Complete the sentences by changing the sentences in quotation marks to noun clauses. Practice using the formal sequence of tenses.

  1. "Where do you live?" Tom asked me ... where I lived.

  2. "Do you live in the dorm?" He asked me ... if I lived in the dorm.

  3. "I stole the money." The thief admitted... that he had stolen the money

  4. "Where is Jane?" Ed asked me ....

  5. "I'm going to quit school and get a job." Jessica announced ....

  6. "Did you mail the letter?" Tim asked me ....

  7. "What are you thinking about?" Karen asked me ....

  8. "/ have to go to the drug store." Steve said....

  9. "/ can't pick you up at the airport." Alice told me ....

  10. "I will take a taxi." I told her....

  11. "You should speak English as much as possible." My teacher told me ....

  12. "Do you like spaghetti?" Don asked me ....

  13. "Have you already eaten dinner?" Sue asked me ....

  14. "Did you finish your work?" Jackie asked me ....

Ex.17: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (active or passive in parentheses.

  1. Yesterday our teacher (arrive) ___arrived____ five minutes late.

  2. The morning paper (read) _____________ by over 200,000 people every day.

  3. Last night my favourite TV program (interrupt) _________________________ by a special news bulletin.

  4. That's not my coat. It {belong) _____________ to Louise.

  5. Our mail (deliver) ________________ before noon every day.

  6. The "b" in "comb" (pronounce, not) ___________________ It is silent.

  7. A bad accident {happen) ____________ on Highway 95 last night

  8. When I (arrive) _____________ at the airport yesterday, I (meet) _____________ by my cousin and a couple of her friends.

  9. Yesterday I (hear) _____________ about Margaret's divorce. I (surprise) _________________ by the news. Janice (shock)

  10. A new house (build) ___________________ next to ours next year.

  11. Roberto (write) _______________ this composition last week. That one (write) _______________ by Abdullah.

  12. Radium (discover) __________ by Marie and Pierre Curie in 898.

  13. At the soccer game yesterday, the winning goal (kick) _________by Luigi. Over 100,000 people (attend) _________ the soccer game.

  14. A: Do you understand the explanation in the book?

B: No, I don't. I (confuse) _______________ by it.

  1. A: Where are you going to go to school next year?

B: I (accept) ___________________ by Shoreline Community College.

  1. A: I think football is too violent.

B: I (agree) _____________ with you. I (prefer) ___________ baseball.

  1. A: When (your bike, steal)_______________________?

B: Two days ago.

  1. A: (you, pay) ___________________ your electric bill yet?

B: No, I haven't, but I'd better pay it today. If I don't, my electricity (shut off) __________________ by the power company.

  1. A: Did you hear about the accident?

B: No. What (happen)____________?

A: A bicyclist (hit) ____________ by a taxi in front of the dorm.

B: (the bicyclist, injure) ______________________?

A: Yes. Someone (ca//) ____________ an ambulance. The bicyclist (take) _______________ to City Hospital and(treat) _______________ in the emergency ward for cuts and bruises.

B: What (happen) ____________ to the taxi driver?

A: He (arrest) _______________ for reckless driving.

B: He's lucky that the bicyclist (kill, not) _________________.

  1. The Eiffel Tower (be) ______ in Paris, France. It (visit) ________ by millions of people every year. It (design) ——————————————— by Alexandre Eiffel (1832-1923). It (erect) _________________ in 1889 for the Paris exposition. Since that time, it (be) ___________ the most famous landmark in Paris. Today it (recognize) __________ by people throughout the world.

EX18: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (active or passive) in parentheses.

  1. This book (have to return) ___________________ to the library today.

  2. The other books (return) ____________________ yesterday.

  3. That book (should return) ____________________ tomorrow.

  4. These letters (be going to mail) ___________________tomorrow.

  5. That letter (ought to send) ___________________ immediately.

  6. This letter (must send)___________________today.

  7. Those letter (arrive) ___________________ yesterday.

  8. I don't have my car today. It's in the garage. It (repair) ______________________ right now.

  9. Kate didn't have her car last week because it was in the garage while I (repair) ___________________, she took the bus to work.

  10. The mechanic (repair) __________,________ Tina's car last week.

  11. Glass (make) ___________________ from sand.

  12. You (should carry, not) ___________________ large sums of money with you.

  13. Large sums of money (ought to keep) ___________________ in a bank, don't you think?

  14. At our high school, the students' grades (send) _____________ to their parents four times each year.

  15. I'm sorry, but the computer job is no longer available. A new computer programmer (hire, already) ____________________.

  16. Household cleaning agents (must use) __________________ with care. For example, mixing chlorine bleach with ammonia (can produce) ____________________ toxic gases.

  17. What products (manufacture) ____________________ in your country?

  18. Aluminum* is a valuable metal that (can use) ______________ again and again. Because this metal (can recycle) _____________________, aluminum cans (should throw away, not)

  19. Endangered wildlife (must protect) ___________________ from extinction.

  20. People with the moral courage to fight against injustices (can find) ____________________ in every corner of the world.

Ex 19: Choose the correct form (-ing or -ed) of the words in parentheses.

  1. Don't bother to read that book, it's(boring, bored).

  1. The students are (interesting, interested) in learning more about the subject.

  2. Ms. Green doesn't explain things well. The students are (confusing, confused).

  3. Have you heard the latest news? It's really (exciting, excited).

  4. I don't understand these directions. I'm (confusing, confused).

  5. I read an (interesting, interested) article in the newspaper this morning.

  6. I heard some (surprising, surprised) news on the radio.

  7. I'm (boring, bored). Let's do something. How about going to a movie?

  8. Mr. Sawyer bores me. I think he is a (boring, bored) person.

  9. Mr. Ball fascinates me. I think he is a (fascinating, fascinated) person.

  10. Most young children are (fascinating, fascinated) by animals.

  11. Young children think that animals are (fascinating, fascinated).

  12. I was very (embarrassing, embarrassed) yesterday when I spilled my drink on the dinner table.

  13. That was an (embarrassing, embarrassed) experience.

  14. 15.I read a (shocking, shocked) report yesterday on the number of children who die from starvation in the world every day. I was really (shocking, shocked).

  15. The children went to a circus. For them, the circus was (exciting, excited). The (exciting, excited) children jumped up and down.

Ex.20: Complete the sentences with the expressions in the list. Use the Present Indefinite Tense

be acquainted be broken be composed be crowded be disappointed be exhausted be located be lost be mad e be qualified be related be satisfied be related be scared be spoiled be worried

  1. Dennis isn't doing well in school this semester. He is worried about his grades.

  2. My shirt _______________ of cotton.

  3. I live in a one-room apartment with four other people. Our apartment

  4. Vietnam _______________ in Southeast Asia.

  5. I'm going to go straight to bed tonight. It's been a hard day.

  6. I ________________ to Jessica Adams. She's my cousin.

  7. Excuse me, sir, but I think I _______________. Could you please tell me how to get to the bus station from here?

  8. My tape recorder doesn't work. It ________________.

  9. We leave a light on in our son's bedroom at night because he ________________ of the dark.

  10. Alice thinks her boss should pay her more money. She _______ not ________________ with her present salary.

  11. The children ________________. I had promised to take them to the beach today, but now we can't go because it's raining.

  12. ________ you ________________ with Mrs. Novinsky? Have you ever met her?

  13. According to the job description, an applicant must have a Master's degree and at least five years of teaching experience. Unfortunately, I _______ not _______________ for that job.

  14. This milk doesn't taste right. I think it ________________. I'm not going to drink it.

  15. Water _______________ of hydrogen and oxygen.

Ex.21: Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.

  1. The day before Christmas, the stores are crowded With last-minute shoppers.

  2. Are you qualified ______ that job?

  3. Mr. Heath loves his family very much. He is devoted ______ them.

  4. Our dog runs under the bed during storms. He's terrified ______thunder.

  5. My sister is married ______ a law student.

  6. Are you prepared ______ the test?

  7. I'll be finished ______ my work in another minute or two.

  8. Jason is excited ______ going to Hollywood.

  9. Ms. Brown is opposed ______ the new tax plan.

  10. Jane isn't satisfied ______ her present apartment. She's looking for a new one.

  11. .I failed the test because I didn't study. I'm disappointed ______ myself.

  12. Janet doesn't take good care of herself. I'm worried ______ her health.

  13. I'm tired _______ this rainy weather. I hope the sun shines tomorrow.

  14. In terms of evolution, a hippopotamus is related ______ a horse.

  15. The students are involved ______ many extracurricular activities.

  16. Are you acquainted ______ this author? I think her books are excellent.

  17. When will you be done ______ your work?

  18. I'm starving! Right now I'm interested ______ only one thing: food.

  19. The children want some new toys. They're bored ______ their old ones.

  20. Sam is engaged ______ his childhood sweetheart.

  21. Our daughter is scared______dogs.

  22. You've done a good job. You should be very pleased ______ yourself.

Speech Practice

Ex.1. Study the models and mind the difference between Active and Passive Participles:

to interest - “Computers interest me very much”.

to be interesting - “Computers are very interesting to me”.

to be interested in - “I am interested in computers very much”.

Complete the chart and translate the formed words into Russian:

to impress (by)

surprising (at)

to bore (with)

shocked (at)

to annoy (with)



to depress

disappointed (with)

to delight



to offend

Translate the following into English using the above-mentioned words:

1. Меня сильно разочаровал его последний фильм. 2. Я никогда не встречал такого скучного человека.. 3. На церемонии он чувствовал себя смущенным. 4. Комары раздражают всех. 5. Результат оказался впечатляющим. 6. Кажется, я его обидел. Он выглядел унылым. 7. Сэм был просто в восхищении, когда ему подарили комьютер. 8. Вы меня удивляете. 9. Меня совершенно не интересует политика. 10. Стихи теперь никого не волнуют, важнее всего музыка.. 11. Я был поражен, услышав эту новость. 12. Мэтью боится быстрой езды, а я считаю, что это сильно возбуждает. 13. Какой смешной ребенок! Я удивляюсь, откуда у него столько энергии.

Ex. 2. Study the expressions with verbs and try to memorise them:

to DO = perform, carry out an action; work at, be busy with; study, learn;

to MAKE = construct or produce by combining parts together; establish; acquire; force; turn into

How do you do?

to do a favor

business with

one’s best

housework (washing,cooking,gardening)

a translation

DIY = do it yourself (usu. house decoration)

to have to do with (be connected)

to make progress, a success

an experiment, a mistake,

an attempt, an effort

a decision, one’s mind

a /no difference

a profit, a fortune

an offer, a promise

a good/bad impression

tea, coffee

Insert the correct verb-noun combinations and translate into Russian:

1. We are ... much business with German companies. 2. Could you ... me a favor and ... some tea? 3. While ...ing the translation he ... few mistakes. 4. He has ... great progress in his studies since I last met him. 5. David ... his best to ... a good impression on the employer. 6. Several years ago Eltec was in financial difficulties, but then they ... some efforts to recover. Now it is a profit-...ing company. 7. On Sundays John always ... shopping while his wife ...washing and cooking. 8. He left for America and ... a fortune there. 9. You ... a promise to keep it a secret. How could they learn about it? - I have nothing to ... with that. 10. It ... no difference now. I have already ...up my mind. 11. He ... another attempt but it ... no good to him. 12. She is fond of ..., especially knitting.

Ex. 3. Study the verbs and use them in the sentences that follow:

to get = become, change the state ; receive; understand

to keep = remain in the same state; to observe

Once he got in touch with a businessman who offered him a job.

I always try to keep in touch with my friends.

1. You should ... your promise. 2. I’m ... too old to dance. 3. She ... mad when she heard the news. 4. He’s a very reliable person. I’m sure he’ll ... a secret. 5. Go upstairs and ... dressed! 6. I feel so excited! I’ve ... my money back at last. 7. He ... extremely tired but ... doing his work. 8. She never ... my jokes. 9. Please ... the fire burning. 10. I hope you’ll manage to pass your exam. I’ll ... my fingers crossed! 11. We ... to know each other ages ago. 12. I did ask you to ... silence. Why are you making so much noise?

Ex. These are some things that have improved the quality of people's live.

Describe each of them in accord with the examples given below:

  • a personal stereo;

  • - a mobile phone;

  • - a calculator;

  • - a refrigerator;

  • - a microwave;

  • - a TV and video;

  • - a washing machine;

  • - a fridge-freezer;

  • - a hi-fi system;

  • - a computer.


a/ Describe it and say when it was invented.


A personal stereo is a small, portable machine for playing tapes, which are listened through headphones. Some personal stereos have special features like an auto-reverse (автоперемотка) system and anti-roll mechanism to make the tape roll smoothly and play good quality stereosonic sound. The first stereo the Sony walkman was introduced in...

b/ Say why you think it has improved the quality of life.

It has improved the quality of life, because you can listen to your favourite music whrever you are - in the street, in the park, even on a bus or train. You can also listen to music while you are doing sports. The most important thing is that you don't disturb (беспокоить, мешать) other people with...

Ex. Read the E-mail tales below and share your experience of using it:



I'm a freelance writer and before e-mail I sent off my writing to an editor. I now participate in a kind of textual Darwinism. I spent 10 hours in front of my computer examining the blocks of text I've written for fitness. In this electronic economy, the survivors seem to fit onto a single screen.


I live in Hawaii, and last year my daughter Alia studied in Japan while my son Weston served in the Peace Corps in Micronesia. My youngest, Sara, just started at Brown University in Rhode Island. E-mail keeps us in touch and helps avoid phone bills of nearly $500 per month.


When I moved from San Francisco to New York, I found that via e-mail I ended up talking more with folks than I did when I lived in S.F. In the last six years, I've met people all over the world through a music-discussion group. The message archives are a great time capsule. Unfortunately, anything stupid you say gets preserved, as well.

Ex. Read the text paying attention to the numbers in brackets that designate services/possibilities, provided by Internet and discuss the possibilities of the latter in your city


Such cyber-towns are already being built that hard-wire residents to each other and to the outside world. These towns will bring a whole new way of shopping, working and keeping in touch.

Welcome to Wiredville, where state of the art, fibre-optic cable under the street (1) changes the way you live and work. The Internet is always on (2), at speeds that are 100 times faster than today's 56K modems. The same wires also deliver cheap phone service with video capability (3) plus hundreds of digital cable channels to your televisions (4). The network within your home allows to monitor systems such as your burglar alarm (5) and air conditioner (6) from any computer in the world. Meanwhile, you can also log in to your office from you den???(7). In the neighbourhood, casual conversation will move from the yard to the Not (8). With everyone's e-mail address listed on the community Intranet you can plan parties over e-mail (9) or peruse the local bulletin boards to hire a babysitter (10). Handheld (11) and auto-based computers will offer access to the community network, letting you, say, tracks the location of a public bus (12) or get directions and traffic reports on your way to work (13). Worried moms can check the videocam in the local day-care center (14). And since the local stores and commercial outlets like the bank (15) operate online, you can order dinner, a dry-cleaning pickup, even groceries (16) to be delivered to your door. The local hospital (17) and school (18) are also on the network, which means that you can check in remotedly with doctors and teachers, and they can access the largest in long-distance learning and tele-medicine technology. But the whole thing really starts to pay off when you sign your kids up for activities like Little League (19), and then easily find other parents to shuttle them to the game.


resident - житель

outside - внешний

state of the art - (зд.) современный

keep in touch - поддерживать связь/контакты

fibre - волокно

deliver - доставлять, поставлять

within - в, в пределах

monitor - отслеживать

burglar - взломщик

alarm - здесь: система тревоги

casual - случайный, нерегулярный

listed - перечисленный, указанный

peruse - рассматривать

hire - нанимать

handheld - ручной

access - доступ

track - проследить

location - местонахождение

direction - направление

traffic - дорожное движение

worried - обеспокоенный

groceries - овощи и фрукты

remotedly - на расстоянии

shuttle - увозить и привозить

Ex.1 Improve your interpreting skill

Electronic Books

You will hear a radio programme in which two people, Marcia and Robert, talk about the differences between electronic book discs and conventional printed books.

Radio Presenter: You’ve probably noticed that you can’t buy long-playing records anymore – they’ve all been replaced by CDs. Is it possible that the same thing could happen to printed books? Will printed books disappear from our lives and be replaced by electronic books? We invited Marcia Brown, a computer expert, and Robert Smith, a novelist, to discuss the issues. You first, Marcia.

Marcia: It is my view that books are the dinosaurs of the 20th. I think that by the second or third decade of the 21st century, books will only be produced in tiny quantities for specialist collectors, if at all. We will obtain all the information we need by inserting CD-ROM discs into handheld computers, or downloading it from the Internet and reading from the screen. In fact, we can do this now. People will prefer this way of reading because of its sheer convenience. For example, the entire Oxford English Dictionary, twenty very heavy volumes in book form, can be placed on a disc that you can carry around in your pocket. The books weigh 66 kilograms. Because discs are so much lighter than books, people will find them much more convenient.

Robert: Well, I think that you are overstating your case quite a bit, Marcia, because although the Oxford English Dictionary can fit onto one disc, it can’t be used with a handheld computer. It has to be used with the kind of computer you have on your desk, which certainly can’t be carried around. It is much quicker to find the information in a book, to look up a word in a dictionary, for example, than to locate the information on a disc or from the Internet. And even a handheld computer is heavier than a paperback book, although I agree that the actual discs are lighter, but they are useless without something to play them on.

Marcia: Well, I’m not sure I entirely agree. The latest pocket computers are very small and light indeed. Of course, there is a long way to go and a lot of things to improve. We are in the same position as we were with books in the fifteenth century. I think you are forgetting how quickly things catch on and improve. The batteries, for example, although they don’t last very long, last a lot longer than they did a few years ago and the image, even in color, is very clear on the most up-to-date machines. Also although people like you, Robert, who are used to books and actually like books, can quickly find information in them, people who have grown up using computers from an early age can find the information they need very quickly and often prefer to do it that way. It is very noticeable that young people feel more comfortable with computers than they do with books.

Robert: I can see that certain types of books, especially reference books such as encyclopaedias and dictionaries, are very suitable for using in the form of electronic discs because you can have all the information available in your home or office without lots of space being taken up by large books. But this question of the quality of the image is a very important one. It is possible to call up a street plan on your disc, for example, and find you can’t read the street names because they are blurred. Until that is improved, people will still prefer to read print from a page. It’s just a much more pleasant experience to hold a book in your hand.

Marcia: I still think you are ignoring the pace of change. Think how fast mobile phones have improved and how popular they have become. When the first printed books appeared more than 500 years ago, I’m sure there were people who thought they were ugly compared with the beautiful, hand-written manuscripts produced by monks. They thought they were losing something valuable and in a sense they were right, but books had the immense advantages of being cheap and practical. It’s like that now with books on disc.

Robert: But not cheap, surely. The discs, not to mention the computers themselves, are much more expensive than books. And there are so many different systems, which are not necessarily compatible with each other.

Marcia: It’s true that we still have several different formats for disc books – and we need to reach agreement on one format – and that will happen, I’m sure. And prices are still higher than for conventional books but not for long. Quite soon a book in electronic form will be about the same price as a hardback novel. Think of videos – they used to cost much more than books, now they are cheaper. We have to look ahead and imagine how much things will have improved in thirty years’ time. That’s when there won’t be any more bookshops in your town.

Robert: I don’t know. What I can see right now is lots of new, very large and impressive bookshops opening up everywhere, which are a pleasure to visit.

Marcia: Yes, because they are facing a lot of competition from computer-based entertainment.

Электронные книги

Вы услышите радиопрограмму, в которой два человека, Марсия и Роберт, обсуждают отличия книг, записанных на электронные диски, от обычных печатных изданий.

Ведущий: Вы, наверное, заметили, что в продаже больше нет долгоиграющих пластинок, - их заменили компакт-диски. Может ли то же самое случиться с печатными книгами? Исчезнут ли они из нашей жизни и будут заменены электронными книгами? Мы пригласили специалиста по компьютерам, Марсию Браун и писателя Роберта Смитта высказаться по этому вопросу. Вам слово, Марсия.

М.: По-моему, наши книги – это динозавры 20 века. Я думаю, что ко второму - третьему десятилетию 21 века книги, если и будут издаваться, то лишь крохотными тиражами для коллекционеров. Мы же будем получать всю необходимую информацию на экране, вставив диск в портативный компьютер или загрузив ее из интернета. Мы и сейчас уже фактически можем это делать. Люди будут предпочитать этот вид чтения из-за его удобства. Например, весь Большой оксфордский словарь, который представляет собой 20 тяжелых томов в книжном варианте, может поместиться на диск, который вы сможете носить в кармане. А книги весят 66 кг. Именно потому, что диски так намного легче книг, люди предпочтут их.

Р. Ну, я думаю, Марсия, вы слегка приукрашаете свой пример, потому что хотя большой оксфордский словарь и может поместиться на один диск, Вы не сможете пользоваться им с помощью портативного компьютера. Для этого понадобится что-то вроде стационарного компьютера, который с собой не возьмешь. Да и гораздо быстрее найти информацию в книге, посмотреть слово в словаре, чем разместить ее на диске или перекачать из интенета. Да и к тому же, даже портативный компьютер тяжелее, чем книга в легком переплете, хотя, я согласен, что сам диск легче, но он бесполезен без соответствующей техники.

М: Не могу вполне с вами согласиться. Последние портативные компьютеры - очень маленькие и легкие. Но, конечно здесь предстоит еще долгий путь, многое надо сделать. Ситуацию здесь можно сравнить с той, что была в 13 веке с книгами. Мне кажется, Вы не учитываете, насколько быстро сейчас улучшается техника. Например, батарейки. Хотя они и сейчас недолговечны, они работают намного дольше, чем несколько лет назад, а изображение, даже в цвете, - очень высокого качества на большинстве современных машин. И к тому же, Роберт, хотя такие люди как Вы, кто привык к книгам и может быстро находить в них нужную информацию, те, кто вырос с компьютером и пользуется им с детства, легко и быстро находят то, что им нужно. Они, конечно, предпочтут компьютер. То, что молодые люди чувствуют себя комфортнее с компьютером, чем с книгой, - очевидно.

Р: Я понимаю, что определенные виды справочных книг, такие как энциклопедии и словари, очень удобны для использования в электронном виде, так как можно иметь дома или в офисе всю необходимую информацию, не загромождая пространство большими книгами. Но вопрос о качестве изображения очень важен. Можно, например, вызвать на экране план какой-то улицы и обнаружить, что названий прочесть невозможно, из-за "размытости" изображения. До решения этой проблемы люди будут всегда предпочитать чтение с бумажных страниц. Да и гораздо приятнее держать в руках книгу.

М. И всё-таки, мне кажется, Вы недооцениваете ритм времени. Задумайтесь о том, как быстро были усовершенствованы мобильные телефоны. Когда 500 лет назад появилась первая книга, я уверена, были люди, которые считали их уродливыми по сравнению с красивыми манускриптами, написанными монахами. Они считали, что теряют что-то значительное, и они были правы в некотором смысле, но книги имели огромное преимущество дешевизны и практичности. Ситуация с книгами и компьютерами сейчас аналогична той.

Р. Только не дешевизна! Диски, не говоря уж о компьютерах, намного дороже книг. А такое количество различных систем, которые не всегда подходят друг к другу!

М. Да, это так. Существует несколько различных форматов для книг-дисков, и нам надо достичь согласия по формату, что, я уверена, произойдет. А цены все еще выше, чем для обычных книг, но не для длинных. Очень скоро книга в электронном виде будет стоить столько же, сколько роман в твердой обложке.Вспомните о видео, - они когда-то стоили намного дороже книг, а теперь они дешевле. Надо заглянуть вперед и представить себе, насколько улучшатся наши вещи через 30 лет. Вот тогда-то и не будет больше книжных магазинов.

Р. Ну, не знаю. Сейчас же я повсюду вижу множество новых больших и впечатляющих книжных магазинов, которые приятно посещать.

М. Да, и это потому, что они сталкиваются с сильной конкуренцией со стороны компьютерной индустрии развлечений.

Ex. 2. Interpret the following texts
