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1. At the Ready-Made Clothes Department

Shop-assistant: - What can I do for you?

Customer: - I’m looking for skirt. I’d like something in green.

Sh.-as.: - What size are you?

C.: - I’m not sure but I think … 14.

Sh.-as.: - Here is an excellent skirt in green silk. Will you try it on?

C.: - Yes. Where is the fitting-room?

Sh.-as.: - Come this way.

(Some minutes later)

C.: - How does it look?

Sh.-as.: - It looks great. It’s exactly your size.

C.: - How much is it?

Sh.-as.: - It’s only 15 dollars.

C.: - All right. I’ll take it. Thank you.

Sh.-as.: - Thank you. Come again.

2. In a shop

Customer: - Good morning.

Assistant: - Yes, madam.

C.: - Show me the brown suitcase.

A.: - This one?

C.: - Yes, that one. Tell me how much does it cost?

A.: - $50.

C.: - It is very expensive. I would like one for about $35.

A.: - Look at this one. It costs $40. A very good suitcase.

C.: - I’ll take it. Pay at the cashier, please.

A.: - Thank you.

C.: - Come again.

3. At the supermarket

A.: - Let’s go to the meat counter.

B.: - O.k. I think we need some veal, ham and a chicken.

A.: - … and a turkey. Don’t forget about the Christmas holiday.

B.: - We also need half a pound of butter, a packet of sour cream and a dozen of eggs. Dairy products are in aisle 3.

A.: - How about fruit and vegetables? There are no apples in our fridge and not many vegetables. Let’s find this counter.

B.: - Oh, fruit is in aisle 8, and vegetables are next.

A.: - I wonder what apples and tangerines cost now.

B.: - They are cheap because it’s the height of the season.

A.: - We’ll take three pounds of apples and two pounds of tangerines. And I want to buy half a pound of berries. I’m going to make a pie. O.k. Our cart is full. Let’s go to the cash register.

Задание 3. Составьте мини диалоги, используя образец:

a) - What is the price of the pair?

- They are 3.50. They wear very well.

(trousers – 20; frock – 25; jacket – 30; shirt – 10; shoes – 25)

  1. - Can you show me a brown purse to match the gloves?

- Here is a nice one.

(a silk tie – the skirt; a blouse – the skirt; a scarf – the coat; a shirt – the suit)

c) - I like that purse. Why don’t you buy it?

- All right.

(bag, shirt, skirt, shoes, dress, jacket)

d) - May I help you?

- I’m looking for a grey suit.

(a brown bag, a leather jacket, a winter coat, a suit for everyday wear, jeans)

Задание 4. Составьте диалог по ситуации.

Situation I

You are at a men’s ready-made clothes department. You want a suit for everyday wear, some shirts and a tie to match the suit. The shop assistant is ready to help you.

Situation II

You are at a shoe department. You want a pair of good summer walking shoes. The shop assistant is very helpful.

Situation III

Tomorrow is your mother’s birthday. You’ve come to the grocer’s. You want to buy a lot of food. The grocer is eager to help you.

Задания для самостоятельной работы

  1. Выполните лабораторную работу по теме в лингафонном кабинете.

  2. Выучите новые слова и выражения по теме.

  3. Переведите тексты темы на русский язык.

  4. Составьте план пересказа темы на русском языке (используйте графологическую структуру к теме).

  5. Подготовьте пересказ и диалог по теме на английском языке.

  6. Подготовьтесь к участию в беседе по ситуационным задачам к теме.

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