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Английский язык - Учебное пособие.docx
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U n I t 1. Let me introduce myself


  1. Местоимения §§ 1, 2

  2. Множественное число существительных § 3

  1. 3. Числительные § 12

  2. 4. Глаголы to be § 6, to have § 8

  3. 5. Оборот there + be § 7

  4. A. 1. Recollect your school vocabulary

and и, а

but но, а

city город

date число

face лицо

form класс

friend друг

it это

July июль

June июнь

live жить

May май

my мой

nose нос

old старый

or или

south юг

town город

us нас, нам

word слово

year год

yes да

your ваш

ago тому назад

April апрель

at в, на, у, при

August август

book книга

brother брат

cinema кино

family семья

father отец

future будущее history история

January январь

March март

month месяц

mother мать

October октябрь

play играть

room комната

school школа

sister сестра

time время, раз

week неделя

well хорошо

assistant [ə′sistənt] помощник

blue синий, голубой

class класс, занятия; курс (обучения) classroom классная комната, аудитория

December декабрь

English английский

e.g. = for example например

February февраль

finish заканчивать

grandfather дедушка

grandmother бабушка

have – had – had иметь, обладать

how как, каким образом

like любить; нравиться

music ['mju:zik] музыка

name называть, имя

not нет / not нет, не, ни

November ноябрь

schoolgirl школьница, ученица

September сентябрь

subject предмет, тема

surname фамилия

television = TV телевидение

E. 1. Сheck your school progress

a) 1. I (1 – am, 2 – are, 3 – is, 4 - was) 17 years old. 2. (1 – She, 2 – He, 3 – They, 4 - I) are engineers. 3. Do you (1 – talk, 2 – say, 3 – speak, 4 - tell) English? 4. Have you many books (1 – of, 2 – in, 3 – to, 4 - at) home? 5. (1 – Are, 2 - Is, 3 – Am, 4 - Were) it hot or cold? 6. My mother’s brother is my (1 – daughter, 2 – aunt, 3 – son, 4 - uncle). 7. Mr. Brown (1 – be, 2 – have, 3 – has, 4 - are) one child. 8. (1 – He, 2 – Him, 3 – Them, 4 - His) brother is a first-year student.

b) 1. He is (1 – of, 2 – in, 3 – to, 4 - on) Moscow. 2. (1 – Me, 2 – Him, 3 – I, 4 - My) sister is at the University. 3. He (1 - is, 2 – have, 3 – has, 4 - are) a sister. 4. They (1 – are, 2 - is, 3 – am, 4 - was) 20 years old. 5. She (1 – is, 2 – be, 3 - are, 4 - am) a pupil. 6. He eats (1 – shirts, 2 – eggs, 3 – umbrellas, 4 - games) for breakfast. 7. Where (1 - does, 2 - is, 3 - do, 4 - are) you live? 8. She (1 – are, 2 - is, 3 – am, 4 - were) a doctor.

  1. A. 2. Change the plural into the singular

  2. Apples, students, days, tables, boys, libraries, knives, women, children, theatres, faculties, lives, ferries, teeth, doors, cities, institutes, feet, floors, universities, windows, men, lorries, mice, balconies

A. 3. Transform the sentences as in the model

e.g. Ann is an architect. She is an architect.

1. Mike is 18 years old. 2. Mary and I are students. 3. Nick and I are fond of books. 4. This woman is a housewife. 5. These things are new.

6. This book is interesting. 7. That chair is modern. 8. Those chairs are old. 9. These girls get up early. 10. That man is an engineer. 11. Their children are abroad. 12. My brother likes travelling.

  1. A. 4. Translate the following international words

student [′stju:dənt], English [′iŋgli], laboratory [ləbɔrətəri], faculty [′fækəlti], ecology [i′kɔlədʒi], disc [disk], Russian [′r∧ən], Mathematics [,mæi′mætiks], Physics [fiziks], Chemistry [′kemistri], program(me) [′prougræm], ballet [bælei], comedy [′kɔmidi], basketball [′bα:skitbɔ:l], football [′futbɔ:l], compact [kəm′pækt], jazz [dʒæz], oval [′ouvəl], sport [spɔ:t], university [,ju:ni′və:siti], video [′vidiou], institute [′institju:t]

A. 5. Learn new words

busy занятой

cаr машина

chair стул

east восток garden сад

in в, через

many много

new новый

on на

people люди

road дорога

summer лето

table стол

thing вещь

this этот

wall стена

children дети

engineer инженер

evening вечер

flat квартира

free свободный

good хороший

magazine журнал

man мужчина

page страница

teacher учитель

today сегодня

tomorrow завтра

what что, какой

woman женщина

worker рабочий

yesterday вчера

answer ответ, отвечать

several несколько

department отделение

do – did – done делать

house дом, здание

how many сколько

interesting интересный

lab assistant лаборант

lab = laboratory лаборатория

letter письмо, буква

long длинный, долгий, долгo, давно

library библиотека

now сейчас, теперь

thаt тот, этот; который, что

theatre [′iətə] театр

visit [′vizit] визит, посещать

winter зима

construction строение, зданиe; конструкция, строительство

аbоut о, около, приблизительно

be – was / were – been быть, находиться

at present в настоящее время

first-year student первокурсник

read – read – read читать

region край, область, район

past прошлый, прошедший, минувший

present ['preznt] настоящее время; настоящий study изучать, учить(ся); изучение, учеба thinkthought - thought думать, считать

economy [ikɔnəmi] экономика, хозяйство; экономия, бережливость

next year (month, week) в следующем году (месяце, на следующей неделе)

of [ɔv / əv] a) из; b) о, об; c) передается род. падежом: a cup of tea чашка чая

B. 1. Translate the sentences

1. I am a student. 2. My summer plans are interesting. 3. She is very busy today. 4. There are 300 pages in the book. 5. The students are at the lecture. 6. We have a big house in the country. 7. The workers are at the construction site. 8. He has a comfortable flat. 9. My parents are at home. 10. There is a beautiful garden near the house. 11. There are several institutes at the university. 12. It is not cold today. 13. It is winter.

B. 2. Read the numbers

7, 23, 34, 17, 45, 15, 50, 14, 8, 38, 97, 12, 11, 100, 36, 54, 87, 13, 30, 5, 79, 84, 55, 400, 1200, 300, 50, 9, 1400, 67, 89, 91, 700, 1800, 2700, 39, 1st, 28th, 3rd, 19th, 30th, 2nd, 4th , 29th , 20th, 21st , 28th, 15th , 14th, 31st, 23rd

B. 3. Say these dates

e.g. 3 April, 1992 / 03. 04. 1992 = the third of April, nineteen ninety-two or April the third, nineteen ninety-two

Jan. 13, 1965 Apr. 15, 1943

Feb. 22, 2007

Nov. 12, 1096

Oct. 10, 1906 Nov. 2, 2000

March 3, 1960 Dec. 1, 1900

Jan. 15, 1954

Apr. 1, 1985 Feb. 2, 1997

March 11, 1909

June 30, 1973 Jan. 1, 2001

Dec. 31, 1800 May 3, 1999

B. 4. Make the following sentences: a) negative, b) interrogative

1) She is at the lecture. – a) She is not at the lecture.

b) Is she at the lecture? – Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

1. This street is long. 2. I am very busy today. 3. Her house is in the centre of the city. 4. He is late for the lecture. 5. They are in the reading-room now. 6. She is free in the evening. 7. His answer is good.

2) There is a book on the table. a) There isn't a book on the table. = There is no book on the table. b) Is there a book on the table? – Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

1. There are five diagrams on the wall. 2. There are many new books in the library. 3. There is a telephone in our office. 4. There are two lifts in the house. 5. There is a large reading-room at our University. 6. There is a new film on at the cinema. 7. There is a letter for him on the table.

3) They have a car. a) They haven't = have not a car = have no car. b) Have they a car? - Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.

1. His mother has a good library. 2. They have a big house in the country. 3. The book has many diagrams. 4. My friend has many interesting books. 5. He has a comfortable flat. 6. Students have two exams in January. 7. They have many English magazines.

B. 5. Put the following into the: a) Past, b) Future adding: yesterday, tomorrow, next week, last month, two years ago, in five days

1) They are at the University. - a) They were at the University yesterday. b) They will be at the University in five days.

1. He is the head of the delegation. 2. The workers are at the plant. 3. The delegation is at the conference. 4. It is warm today. 5. My friend is free in the evening. 6. The students are at the lecture. 7. I am busy today. 8. She is late. 9. They are second-year students.

2) There is a new film on at the cinema. - a) There was a new film on at the cinema last week. b) There will be a new film on at the cinema next month.

1. There is a letter for him on the table. 2. There are four diagrams on the wall. 3. There are ten faculties at our University. 4. There are six Universities in this city. 5. There are no mistakes in this test. 6. There is a mining faculty at the Institute. 7. There is a theatre in that small town.

3) He has a beautiful picture. - a) He had a beautiful picture two years ago. b) He will have a beautiful picture next week.

1. These students have six lessons every day. 2. They have a map of London. 3. My friend has many books. 4. His mother has a good garden. 5. He has a comfortable flat. 6. We have a big house in the country.

C. 1. Read the dialogue in pairs and then discuss it using the following expressions: As is known (как известно), you see (видите ли), in fact (действительно), I should say (я должен сказать)

A: What University do you study at?

B: I study at Chita State University.

A: How many students are there at your University?

B: At present there are about 1800 students at our University.

A: And what Institute do you study at?

B: I am a first year student of the Institute of Construction and Ecology.

A: How many students study at the Institute?

B: I think there are about 400 students at that Institute

A: And how many faculties (departments) are there?

B: There are seven faculties at the Institute and I study at the Road Construction Department.

A: How many classrooms and laboratories are there at the Institute?

B: There are 17 classrooms and 9 laboratories at the Institute.

A: How many students are there in your group?

B: There are 15 students in our group.

D. 1. Speak about your University

B. 6. Translate the sentences

1. There are no mistakes in this test. 2. There is a connection between atmospheric pressure and the weather. 3. There are many specialists in this field in our country. 4. There are hundreds of different plastics. 5. There is a scientific conference in Moscow. 6. There are many interesting articles in this journal. 7. There are a large number of automobiles in the streets of our towns. 8. There are 9 laboratories at the Institute. 9. There are several faculties at the Institute.

B. 7. Translate the sentences

1. His father works at the plant. 2. We go to the Institute every day. 3. They have a lecture on Chemistry today. 4. She knows Mathematics very well. 5. We study six days a week. 6. We read a lot. 7. They have breakfast at eight o’clock. 8. He teaches French. 9. They often buy newspapers. 10. She goes to the cinema every week.