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CONTENTS бахчисарайцева .doc
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/. Translate the following sentences and define the func­tions of the participle:

1. Working at his new device, the inventor made numer^ ous experiments. 2. We have been speaking about the peace-ful uses of atomic energy. 3*.In future the nuclear reactor must be one of the most reliable furnaces producing atomic energy. 4. Atomic energy being developed in a reactor in the form of heat, we can get both heat and power. 5. The con­struction of power stations operating on atomic fuel and generating electric current is quite necessary. 6. Being a source of heat and power, atomic energy can also serve as a source of useful products. 7. The energy sources of the world decreasing, it is necessary to turn to atomic energy. 8. Water falling from its raised position changes potential energy into kinetic energy.

//. Form one sentence of each pair of sentences using the Absolute Participle Construction:

Model: The train has left; we went home.

The train having left, we went home.

1. atoms split in the reactor; heat is developed. 2. there are many different sources of energy; coaT is the most impor­tant of them. 3. atomic energy replaces the present sources of energy; we shall get more energy in the future. 4. the reac­tor produces energy in the form of heat; heat is developed owing to the splitting of atoms in the reactor. 5. a nuclear power station is like any other power station; the coal burn­ing furnace is replaced by a nuclear reactor.

///. Answer the following questions:


1. What is the difference between potential energy and kiiletfc energy? 2. What sources of energy do you know?

  1. What form of energy can be changed into another form?

  2. What are the industrial uses of electricity? 5. Can you name the device which changes chemical energy into electrical energy? 6. What is the difference between a battery and a generator? 7. What may coal be replaced by in future? 8. When was the first industrial nuclear power station put into ^op­eration? 9. What contribution to nuclear engineering did Soviet scientists make? 10, What electrical devices do you use at home? 11. What forms of energy do you know?

IV. Comrade A., ask Comrade B. Comrade В., answer Com- rade A.'s questions:

1. if it is possible to see a single drop of water in the sea.

  1. if the steam generator of a nuclear reactor contains water.

  2. if man has learned to split atoms. 4. if atomic energy finds any new application in industry. 5. if the Soviet Union con­structed the first nuclear power plant in the world.

V. Arrange the -words given in columns I and II in pairs of antonyms:



possible useful

to construct present largest unlimited to increase to lose


impossible to find useless limited smallest to destroy to decrease



VI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1. Electricity plays an important part ... everyday life. 2. It is difficult to imagine now how people could do ... electricity. 3. As my friend lives near the institute he usually goes there ... foot. 4. I often go... bed late ... night. 5. One form ... energy can be changed... another form. 6. Only a little part ... solar energy is used directly ... present. 7. Soviet scientists made a great contribution ... nuclear en­gineering.

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. Modern civilization needs more and more electricity. 2. You needn't go to the laboratory today. "3, The energy needs in industry are increasing day by day. 4. People needn't use kerosine lamps today. 5. What do we need electric WBffffi* for? 6. Cgld turns water into ice. 7. The sun, in its turn, turns ice into water. 8 The turbines are turned by steam, gas and water. 9. In their turn, turbines tarn generators. 10. The teacher says: "It is your turn to read." 11. When you enter a dark room, turn the light on, and leaving it turn the light off. 12. It is possible to turn solar energy into elec­tric energy owing to semiconductors.

VIII. Put all possible questions to the following sen- tences:

1. Useful energy can be got from a nuclear reactor. 2. The first nuclear power station was constructed in the USSR.

IX. Define the following words according to the model given below:

Model: The motor is a device transforming electric en­ergy into mechanical energy.

energy, battery, kinetic energy, nuclear reactor, poten- . tial energy

X. Speak on:

  1. The operation of a nuciear reactor.

  2. The first industrial nuclear power station.

  3. The peaceful uses of atomic energy.



XI. Describe Fig. 2.

XII. Retell the text



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