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to hold – (зд.) проводить, организовывать

basic performances – основные показатели

background paper – основной доклад

appendage – придаток

to linger – медлить

to lag behind – отставать

cargo – груз

equipment – оборудование

to breathe a new life – вдохнуть новую жизнь

to open up new vistas – открывать новые перспективы

mutually beneficial – взаимовыгодный

indispensable – необходимый

outflow – отток, flow – поток

oil-loading – нефтеналивной

to provide (with)– предоставить, снабжать, обеспечивать

to run a store – вести, содержать магазин; to run (do) business – вести, заниматься бизнесом; to run a household – вести домашнее хозяйство;

contacts, ties, links, relations – связи

Unit VIII. Business language and business practice

Ex. 1. Answer the questions about your English.

  1. Do you speak English? Do you speak English fluently or a little?

  2. Do you understand English perfectly? Do you understand English fast speech? Can you follow slow English?

  3. Have you got practice in actual speaking? Have you got experience in speaking with English or American people?

  4. What can you easily do: read or write in English? When do you often make mistakes (when reading, writing or speaking)? Is spelling your problem?

  5. Do you generally use common words or also slang, special words and idioms?

  6. What is better for you: to translate or interpret?

  7. How long have you been studying English? Have you ever passed exams in English? Are you studying other foreign languages?

Ex. 2. See the difference when using the following words.

To translate or to interpret?

1. Я его не понимаю. Переведи, пожалуйста. 2. Я должен перевести этот текст. 3. Сегодня он переводит на конференции. 4. У нее очень иного документов для перевода. 5. Им нужны два переводчика: для устного и для письменного перевода.

Language or tongue?

1. My native … is German. 2. His … is too long. 3. Don’t show your … . It’s impolitely. 4.Is Latin a dead …? 5. What other … can you speak? 6. He was … - tied. He could only moan.

Generally or usually?

1. … we spend weekends in the village. 2. … I only translate. 3. … we study British English, not US English. 4. … they’ve caught your idea.

To do … or to make … ?

A hair cut, a home task, a picture, one’s job, a test, contacts, sums, profits, decision, the shopping, a kite, tea, cake, a hole, a note, mistake, progress.

Ex. 3. Read and translate the text.

Why We Learn Foreign Languages

To learn foreign languages is very important today. They are the most efficient means of communication and information exchange between all nations in the world. Having understood each other people could solve problems of the war and peace, ecology, culture, economy, demography, cooperation, education, science and other problems. The knowledge of foreign languages will help improve the relationships between people of different cultures.

English is becoming a universal language. It is a mother tongue for those who live in Great Britain, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. English is also one of the official languages in the Irish Republic and South African Republic. Peoples of India, Malaysia and other former British and American colonies use English as a second language.

Nowadays every top specialist at computer software, tourism, economics, politics or modern music should speak English.

We live in the Russian Far East, which is situated in proximity to Japan, Korea and China. That is why it is also necessary for us to understand our neighbours and speak Japanese, Korean or Chinese. The development of mutual cooperation and trade demands also professionals able to associate in these languages.

To learn foreign languages is a long but interesting process. As a result, a person will be able to talk with foreigners, read books and periodicals, watch films or TV programmes in the original, visit web-sites and become a qualified specialist.

Ex. 4. Translate the phrases into English.

Иностранные языки, стать квалифицированным специалистом, эффективные средства общения, читать в оригинале, обмен информацией, иностранец, решать проблемы, в результате, знание иностранных языков, требовать профессионалов, улучшать отношения между людьми, быть способным общаться, различные культуры, развитие торговли, универсальный язык, понимать соседей, родной язык, поблизости с, официальный язык, компьютерные технологии, бывшие колонии, развитие взаимного сотрудничества, высококлассный специалист.

Ex. 5. Form pairs of synonyms.

Native language, collaboration, highly qualified specialist, next to, mother tongue, effective, professional, means, top specialist, cooperation, newspapers, expert, to associate, relationships, periodicals, efficient, to communicate, contacts, in proximity to, methods.

Ex. 6. Respond to a foreigner’s speech in the situations below.

1. A person is speaking too fast.

a. I’m awfully sorry, but I can’t catch the idea.

2. There are too many slang words.

b. Oh, could you say in other words, please.

3. The speech is rich in old English words.

c. Speak louder, please.

4. A person has finished his phrase quietly.

d. Will you speak a bit slower?

5. He is speaking in a quiet voice.

e. Excuse me, could you explain the word…

6. You want to stop one’s speech and express your opinion.

f. I can’t understand. I speak only English and Russian.

7. You haven’t caught the idea.

g. I beg your pardon, could you speak English?

8. One word is used very often, but you don’t know it.

h. Could you repeat it, please.

9. A person has changed the language and continued speaking French.

i. I’m afraid I‘ve misheard the last words.

10. You can speak English, but everyone around is speaking German.

j. Sorry, I can’t follow.

11. You’ve been inattentive during the talk.

k. May I interrupt you?

12. You are too tired to concentrate on the talk in English.

l. Sorry, I haven’t enough practice in common English.

Ex. 7. Answer the questions.

  1. What language is official in Scotland?

  2. What languages do the Canadians speak?

  3. What language is native for the inhabitants of France?

  4. What language did Pablo Picasso speak?

  5. What is Leonardo da Vinci’s mother tongue?

  6. In what South Eastern Asian country do people speak different dialects?

  7. What language will you associate with people of Japan?

  8. What language is mostly spoken in the world?

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences. Use modal verbs and their equivalents.

  1. Он может улучшить свой разговорный английский. 2. В настоящий момент мы должны решить проблему взаимного сотрудничества и понимания между нашими фирмами. 3. Сейчас вам не следует знать корейский язык в совершенстве. Ваша задача понимать разговорную речь. 4. Сегодня я должен переводить на семинаре? 5. Можно я приглашу переводчика? 6. Он не может ответить. Он сравнивает ваш перевод с оригиналом. 7. Он вынужден ходить на курсы китайского языка. Он собирается в Китай на год. 8.Мне нужно приобрести опыт в разговорном французском. Ты можешь разговаривать со мной на французском языке все время?

Ex. 9. Make up questions to the following sentences.

  1. My sister studies Korean in Seoul. 2. Nowadays many companies need specialists in foreign languages for translation and interpretation. 3. The students have not learnt idioms by heart because they found them unnecessary. 4. A year ago Robert could Japanese texts easily. 5. To translate is easier than to interpret. 6. That woman will be an interpreter.

Ex. 10. Read the passage and decide where these sentences (A – G) should go.

              1. What a good dog you have!

    1. offers a different route

    2. Can I buy anyone a drink

    3. why the English like dogs so much

    4. because they are rather shy

    5. Yes, it’s much too hot

    6. no one agrees about the weather in England

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