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17) Minority Groups

minority group is a sociological category within a demographic. Rather than a relational "social group", as the term would indicate, the term refers to a category that isdifferentiated and defined by the social majority, that is, those who hold the majority of positions of social power in a society. The differentiation can be based on one or more observable human characteristics, including, for example, ethnicity, race, gender, wealth or sexual orientation. Usage of the term is applied to various situations and civilizations within history, despite its popular mis-association with a numerical, statistical minority. In the social sciences, the term "minority" is used to refer to categories of persons who hold few positions of social power.

The term "minority group" often occurs alongside a discourse of civil rights and collective rights which gained prominence in the 20th century. Members of minority groups are prone to different treatment in the countries and societies in which they live. This discrimination may be directly based on an individual's perceived membership of a minority group, without consideration of that individual's personal achievement. It may also occur indirectly, due to social structures that are not equally accessible to all. Activists campaigning on a range of issues may use the language of minority rights, including student rights, consumer rights and animal rights.

18 Money, economy and social relevance

A first definition of money is to define money as the mean of exchange between individuals. In a capitalist economy, this is a too simple definition. The fundamental purpose of money is a way to distribute the ownership in the society. And, by a consequence, money is also used as a mean of exchange.But, if you analyze the way that money works you will understand that as a tool to help exchange that money is a very imperfect tool. Furthermore, it should be analyzed that money is also a social instrument which help to coordinate social relation between individuals.

A world without money

France is a country where money has a monopoly in term of exchange so people can' t imagine what would happen in a world without money.It is interesting to have a look in society where money exists but exchange are just partly base of money. Other system are the solidarity system. People give with the expectation that the receiver will give them something back. This system has the advantage to be simple and so no accounting is needed. It is working with a society of people of common value and understanding. You should note that this system is based on trust and does not work in place where the population is moving (big city).The solidarity relation is also disappearing when money (called prosperity) is commonly used by the middle class as when people are capable to sell their service against money they prefer the guarantee of money than the guarantee of trust.

Money: greediness or generosity ?

In the current culture of media in France, it is current thinking that people who are money mind are greedy. This fact is the heritage of our long history about money as Money is considered to be the tool of greedy people. Good people are supposed to work (or sell) freely. If follow, this contest should lead to the suppression of money.So, the question is "Why money has been created ?"If you consider the money in the antic world, money was a way to take in account action of individual in order to guarantee an equivalent action.It is then more generosity to give out of money than against money.

The attraction for giving

All psychologist will agree that people are bound to give to other people.So, why not simply give. Why money should be used to take account giving ?The reason is that people wants to choose what they are giving to others. And, others people wants to choose what they are receiving from you. And in most case, they are a strong discordance between what the receiver wants to receive and what you want to give.If you try to live in society where the practice of solidarity is the main way of exchange. You will notice that giver are very happy but receiver are not so happy. In most case, receiver has to pretend to be happy by the generosity of the giver . But, in his inner being, he is thinking "I don' t need this".In a money leaded society, receiver (called "consumer") are very happy while getting (called "buying"). But, the giver (called "worker" ) is very often thinking that he is forced by money to do think that he doesn't want to do. So, he will complain about money as money is the institution which create the gap between what he is giving (called "selling") and what he wants to give.They will be happy if they are chosen what they are giving to others. If it is the receiver who choice what the person gives.In summary, money is a regulator between what people want to do and what other people want to receive.

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