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38. Please explain and describe the difficulties that you can encounter in defining a problem when you are conducting a sociological research

The first problem which I faced, it was to find an actual problem, I wanted to investigate something that would be interesting to all. The second problem, social poll because all answered differently, it was necessary to count voices, and whether it is correct to understand my statement or I wasn't right. And at the end to make the conclusion to my researches that is if I am right, my statement is correct but and if I’m not, to make other conclusion.

Здесь я ответила по своему. То есть какие проблемы возникли у меня, когда я делала свой проект. Если у вас возникли другие проблемы при проекте, то можете использовать свои.

39. Please explain how sociologists define operational definitions in their sociological project

Operational definition is simply YOUR definition or the one you want to use in research/most widely accepted/average.

Operational definition, operationalization The transformation of an abstract, theoretical concept into something concrete, observable, and measurable in an empirical research project. Operational definitions are pragmatic and realistic indicators of more diffuse notions. Early in their research, these sociologists faced the task of developing an operational definition of mental illness. An operational definition is an explanation of an abstract concept that is specific enough to allow a researcher to measure it. For example, a sociologist interested in status might use membership in exclusive social clubs or pro­fessional organizations as an operational defini­tion of high status. A sociologist who intended to examine prejudice might rely on responses to a series of questions concerning willingness to hire or work alongside members of racial and ethnic minority groups.

40. Please explain and give reasons why sociologists review special literature on their social problem

By conducting a review of the literature, researchers refine the problem under study, clarify possible techniques to be used in collecting data, and may avoid making unnecessary mistakes. When David Snow and his colleagues began considering mental illness among the homeless, they turned to two types of literature. First, they reviewed "popular" magazines such as Time, News-week, and People and found a consistent image of the homeless as "street people" who had previously spent time in mental hospitals. Second, they examined systematic studies done in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia which indicated that homeless persons coming to emergency shelters and psychiatric hospitals were usually found to have a diagnosable mental illness.

But were these studies representative of the homeless? Still further review showed that when researchers focused on the homeless in general— rather than solely on those treated by psychiatrically based agencies under emergency conditions—the proportions of homeless persons found to be mentally ill were much lower. These conflicting findings called into question the common media image of the homeless as predominantly mentally ill. The researchers' review of the litera-ture underscored the importance of thoroughly examining previous studies that use different techniques before proceeding with one's own research.

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