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23) How has television affected social and political discourse in modern society?

Everyday every people watch the television. And they forget about books and newspaperes. Children enjoy sitting in front of television and doing nothing. Due to it we are

getting sillier by the minute. And I think that is why television has affected any discourse in modern society (оз ойларынды жазндар)

24) In what sense is technological change "ecological" in nature?

Technology contributes both positively and negatively to the resilience of ‘social-ecological systems’, but is not considered in depth in that literature. A technology-focused literature on sociotechnical

transitions shares some of the complex adaptive systems sensibilities of social-ecological systems research. It is considered by others to provide a bridging opportunity to share lessons

concerning the governance of both. We contend that lessons must not be restricted to advocacy of flexible, learning-oriented approaches, but must also be open to the critical challenges that

confront these approaches. Here, we focus on the critical lessons arising from reactions to a ‘transition management’ approach to governing transitions to sustainable socio-technical regimes.

Moreover, we suggest it is important to bear in mind the different problems each literature addresses, and be cautious about transposing lessons between the two. Nevertheless, questions for

transition management about who governs, whose system framings count, and whose sustainability gets prioritized are pertinent to social-ecological systems research. They suggest an agenda that explores critically the kinds of resilience that are helpful or unhelpful, and for whom, and with what social purposes in mind.

25) In what ways has our production system become hostile to the environment?

The source of contamination of the environment serves human activities (industry, agriculture, transport). Depending on the region, the share of a particular source of contamination can vary considerably. Thus, in the cities of the largest share of pollution provides transportation. Its share of the pollution is 70-80%. Among the industrial enterprises the most "dirty" considered smelters. They have a 34% polluting. This is followed by the energy industries, particularly power plants, which is 27%-polluting. The remaining percentage fall on the chemical (9%), oil (12%) and gas (7%) industries. In the first place has popped up on pollution agriculture. This is due to two factors. The first - an increase of building large livestock facilities in the absence of any treatment of waste and recycling, and the second - increasing use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which, together with rain and ground water flows into rivers and lakes, causing serious damage to the basins of major rivers, their fish resources and vegetation. Annually per person on Earth has more than 20 tonnes of waste. The main objects of pollution are air, water, including the oceans and soil. Into the atmosphere every day thousands and thousands of tons of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur and other harmful substances. Only 10% of which is absorbed by plants. Sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide) - the main pollutant, which is emitted by power plants, boilers, steel plants.   Nature and society has been for many years, almost inseparable, unfortunately, on the negative side. Man destroys the living world. Countless factories, nuclear power plants have captivated all around. Building them, one thinks only of his own profit, not of nature. But even the slightest contamination of air, soil, water damages every flower, every animal, every bird, and every fish. After all, you can also put all sorts of treatment plant! But a society allows itself to build all the plants on the banks of rivers and lakes! And it really is a global problem today. The man is doing great damage to the environment. He is guilty of numerous fires in forests and fields. As a result, kill insects, reptiles, birds and animals. Now people thought that can do everything. Although, if he so pollute the environment, nature can no longer live and will gradually die. One after the other will die birds, animals, butterflies, flowers, fish, and soon the man himself, because he is a nobody without nature.

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