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Variant 4

Write down your personal resume

Fill in the personal card

1. Name (as in official documents): (Family Name) (First Name) (Middle or Patronymic Name)

2. Country of Citizenship:

3. Country of Legal Residence:(City or Town) (Country)

  1. Place of Birth: (City) (Country)

5. Date of Birth: (Month) (Day) (Year)

6. Gender/ Sex : q Male    q Female

7. Marital Status: q Single    q MarriedCitizenship of Spouse (If applicable): ______

8. Home Mailing Address:

Street / building number: __Apartment: City: Postal Index:

Country: Region/Oblast:

Telephone: _ Fax: Email: ___

10. Work Address:(employer, university, other institutional affiliation):

Institution: Department: Title: Rank: ______

Street / building number City: __Postal Index: __ Country:

Region/Oblast: Telephone:

11 Native Language Contact Information:

Native language is:

Please complete just the following section in your native language.

(Family Name) (First Name) (Middle or Patronymic Name)

Home Address:

Street / building number: __Apartment: City: Postal Index: Country:__ Region/Oblast:_____

Telephone: _ Fax:

Current Work Institution: Position Department: _______

Emergency Contact Name: Relationship: _______

Emergency Contact Address:

Emergency Contact Phone/Fax/Email:

Have you ever received A U.S. visa? Q Yes     q No

Write by transliteration the following names in English:

Наєнко, Ілля, Шостка, Чернівці, Юрій Жванецький, Біла Церква, Харченко,

Кузьменко, Лебедин, Микола Носов, Одеса, Полтава, Ромни, Суми, Тетерів, Фролова, Раїса, Іркутськ, Крисюченко, Гадяч

Write the addresses in English:

Україна, м.Луцьк,

вул. Каразіна, буд.5, кв.17

Буд.124-А, пров.Єсеніна,


Дніпропетровська обл.


Кв.34,буд.2, проспект Дружби Народів,

м. Ічня, Закарпатська обл.,Україна

Буд.96, вул.50-річчя СРСР,

селище Червоний Дінець,

Артемівський р-н,

Донецька обл.

Проспект Карла Маркса 74,

м.Дніпропетровськ, Україна

Fill in the gaps with words:

1) check, 2) identity cards, 3) passport, 4) a visa, 5) driving licence

  1. Great Britain is one of the few countries where people still do not have _________.

  2. Officials often ______ your documents.

  3. The police may check your _______.

  4. Officials may check your _______.

  5. ______ may be for six months. If you want to stay in the country you must renew it.

There are also situations where you need to fill in (- complete) forms. Here are some:

landing card: a form you may have to fill in when you enter another country

enrolment / registration form: a form you often fill in when you do a course, go to a school or college,

application form: a form to write details of yourself, often when applying for a job.

With almost all forms, you will need to sign them (- write your signature)

6. Write down two words which can be used before the following ones:

card, license, form, certificate

How many of these documents do you have?

Translate the text into Russian