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6.1 Основная литература

6.1. Основная литература

1. Тусупбекова М.Ж., Мухтарханова А.М. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов неязыковых специальностей. 2000г. Стр. 10-171

2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File Oxford University Press 2006

3. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Маилова В.Д. EnglishGrammar. Санкт-Петербург, 2000.

4. Кошманова М.И., Сидорова Г.Л. Topicsfordiscussion. М, 1999.

6.2. Дополнительная литература

1. R.Murphy Essential Grammar in Use Cambridge University Press

2. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. «Учебник английского языка» Москва 2000

3. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003

    1. Контроль знаний

Планируется проведение текущего контроля в ходе аудиторных занятий, контроль качества выполнения СРО; два рубежных контроля в форме тестирования; промежуточная аттестация в форме устного экзамена.

Текущий контроль – 20%

Контроль СРО - 20%

Рубежный контроль:

тестирование - 10%

Текущий и рубежные контроли не менее - 60%

Итоговый контроль не менее - 40%

    1. Требования учебной дисциплины

Дисциплина «Английский язык» является обязательной. Объем учебной нагрузки составляет 3 кредита, из них из них 90 часов - практических занятий, 270 часов– СРО.

Требования дисциплины: обязательное посещение аудиторных занятий, активное участие в обсуждении вопросов, предварительная подготовка к лекциям и семинарским занятиям по учебно-методическому пособию и основной литературе, качественное и своевременное выполнение заданий СРО, участие во всех видах контроля (текущий контроль, контроль СРО, рубежный контроль, итоговый контроль).

Glossary Glossary

I semester

Unit 1

Acquaintance-association, companion, smb that you know;

To make friends with smb–to keep in touch with smb;

To meet–to get acquainted;

Unit 2

Surname–second name, family name, last name;

Teenager –adolescent, a child between 13 and 19 years old;

Age –lifetime, period, oldness;

Unit 3

Master– owner, landlord, proprietor;

Strong–hardy, muscular, powerful, ardent;

To court–to look after, to take care;

Unit 4

Fellow–guy, peer, chap;

To dwell–to think about smth/smb;

Honest –fair, truthful, upright;

Unit 5

Radiant–shining, bright;

To inherit–to take after;

Intelligent–literate, smart;

Unit 6

Building –house, edifice, dwelling;

To decorate–to design;

Inhabitant–citizen, resident;

Unit 7

To survey–to observe;

Expanse – spacious place;

Compact – pressed, constricted;

Unit 8

Environment - all living and non-living things that occur naturally on Earth

Pollution - the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms.

Dump - a place for disposal of domestic waste

Units 9,10,11

Health - the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being.

Patient -any recipient of healthcare services.

Disease- an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism.

Pain - an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut

Cure- the end of a medical condition; the substance or procedure that ends the medical condition, such as a medication, a surgical operation, a change in lifestyle, or even a philosophical mindset that helps end a person's suffering.

Diagnosis - the identification of the nature and cause of anything.

Units 12,13

Diary - a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period.

Food- any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body.

Meal - an instance of eating, specifically one that takes place at a specific time and includes specific, prepared food.

Snack - a portion of food oftentimes smaller than that of a regular meal, that is generally eaten between meals

Organic foods- foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.

Units 14,15

Shopping - the examining of goods or services from retailers with the intent to purchase at that time.

Shop window- window in a shop displaying items for sale or otherwise designed to attract customers to the store

Purchasing - refers to a business or organization attempting for acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of the enterprise.

Department store - a retail establishment which satisfies a wide range of durable goods and products to the consumer's personal and residential needs; and at the same time offering the consumer a choice of multiple merchandise lines, at variable price points, in all product categories.