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УМП для неязык.спец..doc
13.15 Mб

3 Уровень

1 Семестр

Topics for oral composition “My parents”, “Being the only child”

Topics for oral composition: 1. 10 likes and dislikes in person’s appearance, 2. What’s your ideal of male or female beauty?

Discussion “What makes a student popular with others?”

Topics for oral composition, presentation “Describe your apartment”, describe your favorite buildings in Astana”

Man and Biosphere, presentation

Discussion “How healthy are you?”

Dramatizing the situations, presentation “At the hospital”, “Coming back to the University after being ill”.

Discussion “What you know about traditional dishes of various countries?”

Discussion “What is the best time for shopping? Why?”

2 Семестр

Discussion “New face of schools in Kazakhstan”

Topics for oral composition: 1. “Can education solve all the problems of society”, 2. “A little learning is a dangerous thing”

Role play, press- conference “Better untaught than ill taught”

Presentation: Some aspects of British university life,

Presentation, Discussion “ Harvard University” , “Problems of student’s life”

A panel discussion, presentation “Our university”

Discussion 1. “Move the body- move the brain”, 2. “Sport and health”

Discussion, Presentation “Why do people travel?”

Presentation “Travelling is the name of modern disease”, Travelling is the name of modern disease,

Topics for composition: "How to spend leisure time”, “Why do people travel?”

6. Задания для самостоятельной работы с определением трудоемкости и методические рекомендации по их выполнению Методические рекомендации по выполнению самостоятельной работы

Самостоятельная работа студента по изучению иностранного языка охватывает следующие аспекты: заучивание слов и уяснение действия правил самообразования, грамматических правил, понимание на слух сообщений, построение вопросов и ответов к текстам, осуществление переводов с иностранного языка на родной и с родного на иностранный, умение высказывать свою точку зрения по той или иной теме.

Самостоятельная работа студентов по данному курсу направлена на:

- подготовку и зашиту реферата;

- подготовку презентации по изученным темам;

- участие в ролевых играх;

- разработку проектов по проблемным ситуациям.

1 Семестр

  1. Manners and friendship in the USA and U.K. - 3ч.

  2. Topics for oral composition “Talk about your parents”, “Is it difficult to be the only child?” -3ч.

  3. American family trends, discussion - 3ч.

  4. Topics for oral composition “name 10 likes and dislikes in person’s appearance”, “What’s your ideal of male or female beauty?” - 3ч.

  5. Discussion “What makes a student popular with others?” - 3ч.

  6. Topics for oral composition, presentation “Describe your apartment”, describe your favorite buildings in Astana”. - 3ч.

  7. The Language Estate Agents - 3ч.

  8. Man and Biosphere, presentation - 3ч.

  9. The Last Leaf, discussion - 3ч.

  10. Discussion “How healthy are you?” - 3ч.

  11. Dramatizing the situations, presentation “At the hospital”, “Coming back to the University after being ill”. - 3ч.

  12. Composing the dialogues “Describe your first to a restaurant”, “Tell about your families favorite dishes”, presentation - 3ч.

  13. Discussion “What you know about traditional dishes of various countries?”

  14. Buying food, presentation - 3ч.

  15. Discussion “What is the best time for shopping? Why?” - 3ч.