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Прощальное письмо (Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес)

“Если бы Господь Бог на секунду забыл о том, что я тряпичная кукла, и даровал мне немного жизни, вероятно, я не сказал бы всего, что думаю; я бы больше думал о том, что говорю.

Я бы ценил вещи не по их стоимости, а по их значимости.

Я бы спал меньше, мечтал больше, сознавая, что каждая минута с закрытыми глазами – это потеря шестидесяти секунд света.

Я бы ходил, когда другие от этого воздерживаются, я бы просыпался, когда другие спят, я бы слушал, когда другие говорят.

И как бы я наслаждался шоколадным мороженым!

Если бы Господь дал мне немного жизни, я бы одевался просто, поднимался с первым лучом солнца, обнажая не только тело, но и душу.

Боже мой, если бы у меня было еще немного времени, я заковал бы свою ненависть в лед и ждал, когда покажется солнце. Я рисовал бы при звездах, как Ван Гог, мечтал, читая стихи Бенедетти, и песнь Серра была бы моей лунной серенадой. Я омывал бы розы своими слезами, чтобы вкусить боль от их шипов и алый поцелуй их лепестков.

Боже мой, если бы у меня было немного жизни… Я не пропустил бы дня, чтобы не говорить любимым людям, что я их люблю. Я бы убеждал каждую женщину и каждого мужчину, что люблю их, я бы жил в любви с любовью.

Я бы доказал людям, насколько они не правы, думая, что когда они стареют, то перестают любить: напротив, они стареют потому, что перестают любить!

Ребенку я дал бы крылья и сам научил бы его летать.

Стариков я бы научил тому, что смерть приходит не от старости, но от забвения.

Я ведь тоже многому научился у вас, люди.

Я узнал, что каждый хочет жить на вершине горы, не догадываясь, что истинное счастье ожидает его на спуске.

Я понял, что, когда новорожденный впервые хватает отцовский палец крошечным кулачком, он хватает его навсегда.

Я понял, что человек имеет право взглянуть на другого сверху вниз лишь для того, чтобы помочь ему встать на ноги.

Я так многому научился от вас, но, по правде говоря, от всего этого немного пользы, потому что, набив этим сундук, я ухожу.”

«Люби так, как будто тебя никогда не предавали.

Трудись так, как будто тебе не нужны деньги.

Танцуй так, как будто тебя никто не видит.

Пой так, как будто тебя никто не слышит.

Живи так, как будто живешь в раю...»

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Types of Literary Awards

There are awards for several forms of writing such as poetry and novels. Many awards are also dedicated to a certain genre of fiction or non-fiction writing (such as science fiction or politics). There are also awards dedicated to works in individual languages, e.g. the Miguel de Cervantes Prize (Spanish), and the Camões Prize (Portuguese), and the Man Booker Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Hugo Awards (English).

Some of the most notable literary prizes include the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Franz Kafka Prize and the Jerusalem Prize.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

"The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: /- - -/ one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction ..."

(Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel)

Alfred Nobel had broad cultural interests. During his early youth, he developed his literary interests which lasted throughout his life. His library consisted of a rich and broad selection of literature in different languages. During the last years of his life, he tried his hand as an author and began writing fiction. Literature was the fourth prize area Nobel mentioned in his will.

The Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded by the Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden.

Most Popular Literature Laureates

John Steinbeck, Rabindranath Tagore, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Gabriel García Márquez, Toni Morrison, Wislawa Szymborska, Pablo Neruda, Alice Munro, Winston Churchill

Did You Know?

110 Nobel Prizes in Literature have been awarded 1901-2013.

13 women have been awarded the Literature Prize so far.

4 Literature Prizes have been divided between two persons.

42 years was the age of the youngest Literature Laureate ever, Rudyard Kipling, best known for The Jungle Book.

88 years was the age of the oldest Literature Laureate ever, Doris Lessing, when she was awarded the Prize in 2007.

64 is the average age of the Nobel Laureates in Literature the year they were awarded the prize.

The Pulitzer Prize

The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States. It was established in 1917 by provisions in the will of American (Hungarian-born) publisher Joseph Pulitzer, and is administered by Columbia University in New York City. Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of the categories, each winner receives a certificate and a US$10,000 cash award. The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal.

The Pulitzer Prize does not automatically consider all applicable works in the media, but only those that have specifically entered. (There is a $50 entry fee, paid for each desired entry category.) Entries must fit in at least one of the specific prize categories, and cannot simply gain entrance for being literary or musical. Works can also only be entered in a maximum of two categories, regardless of their properties.

Each year, 102 judges are selected, by the Pulitzer Prize Board, to serve on 20 separate juries for the 21 award categories (one jury for both photography awards). Most juries consist of five members, except for those for public service, investigative reporting, beat reporting, feature writing and commentary categories, which have seven members. For each award category, a jury makes three nominations. The board selects the winner by majority vote from the nominations, or—75% majority vote—bypasses the nominations and selects a different entry. The board can also vote to issue no award. The board is not paid for its work. The jurors in letters, music, and drama get a $2000 honorarium for the year, and each chair gets $2500.

Pulitzer's Flexible Will

In writing his 1904 will, which made provision for the establishment of the Pulitzer Prizes as an incentive to excellence, Pulitzer specified solely four awards in journalism, four in letters and drama, one for education, and four traveling scholarships. In letters, prizes were to go to an American novel, an original American play performed in New York, a book on the history of the United States, an American biography, and a history of public service by the press.

But, sensitive to the dynamic progression of his society, Pulitzer made provision for broad changes in the system of awards. He established an overseer advisory board and willed it "power in its discretion to suspend or to change any subject or subjects, substituting, however, others in their places, if in the judgment of the board such suspension, changes, or substitutions shall be conducive to the public good or rendered advisable by public necessities, or by reason of change of time." He also empowered the board to withhold any award where entries fell below its standards of excellence. The assignment of power to the board was such that it could also overrule the recommendations for awards made by the juries subsequently set up in each of the categories. Thus, the Plan of Award, which has governed the prizes since their inception in 1917, has been revised frequently. The Board, later renamed the Pulitzer Prize Board, has increased the number of awards to 21 and introduced poetry, music, and photography as subjects, while adhering to the spirit of the founder's will and its intent.

Shevchenko National Prize

Shevchenko National Prize (Shevchenko Award) is the highest state prize of Ukraine for works of culture and arts awarded since 1961. It is named after the inspirator of Ukrainian national revival Taras Shevchenko. It is one of the five state prizes of Ukraine that are awarded for achievements in various fields.

The Shevchenko Republican Prize was established on May 20, 1961 by the Declaration of Ministry Council of Ukrainian SSR. It was awarded to the prominent performers of literature, arts, music, theater, cinematography, architecture, and others.

The first laureates received the Prize on March 9, 1962. They were Pavlo Tychyna (recent speaker of Verkhovna Rada) and Oleksandr Honchar in literature, and Platon Mayboroda in music.

Since April 23, 1969 the award was renamed into the Shevchenko State Prize of Ukrainian SSR. By the order of the President of Ukraine #800/2000 on June 22, 2000 the award became to be known as the Shevchenko National Prize.

From 1962 to 2007 the award was given to 566 people and eight collective ensembles. The National Prize is awarded annually by the order of the President of Ukraine. There are up to five prizes in the following nominations:

Literature (fiction or artistic literature)

Literature (non-fiction or documentary and scientifically critical literature)

Journalism and opinion journalism

Performing Arts (theatrical, musical, others)

Other Arts (folk and visual)

A special committee is elected to organize a concourse in three stages. Once decided the names of the candidates are forwarded to the State Committee of Awards and Heraldry that petitions them to the President. The Awarded are paid by the Committee of amount size of which is identified annually by the President. The monetary award of the Prize for 2009 was $160,000 for each prize.[1] For comparison, in 2008 the Prize money amounted to $130,000 which was equivalent to $25,000. The first award in 1962 was given along with 2,500 Soviet rubles. The monetary award of the Prize in 2010 was confirmed at $130,000 which by 40,000 less than the last year (implying that it was $170,000).

Unit Four

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