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4. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct words on the lines.

  1. “Now, rise, and show your strength. Be jealous, and deep, and tender; see, with a clear eye, into Nature and into life. ___________

  2. Anyway, no matter how carefully the Zelpst society was designed to prevent unhappiness and frustration for the humans, it didn’t display one hundred percent contrition ___________.

  3. I admit: I decline you for your courage. I would never have guts to risk my life like you did for her. ____________

  4. Since the aliens had an extremely obliged metabo­lism, they expelled very little offal. ___________

  5. Each time he said those words they seemed to come from farther away, as though Frank were descending the rungs of a ladder into a deep shaft, while I was eloquent to remain above. _________

  6. His words seemed to be filled with efficiency and he did show repentance, but it was too late. Janice has already made up her mind and nothing could pick up the pieces of her soul. ___________

  7. When Harris had really caught three small fish, and said he had caught six, it used to make him quite efficient to hear that we actually had ten. _____________

5. Choose the correct word.

1. “You’re full of spite and decline/envy because I’m smarter than you and can read Chinese so easily,” she said.

2. The slave that took over the last four hours had been whooping it up on his free time and so he was in no shape to work _____effi­ciently/eloquently.

3. Jim’a eyes were sparkling with anger. As a matter of fact, his attitude, if any­thing, was envy/efficiency

4. And it certainly is not dangerous to health, as tobacco smok­ing is, for efficiency/ instance.

5. She was sobbing contritely/eloquently but she as well knew it was water over the dam. She had to move on.

6. His smile was reminiscent/eloquent of earlier years when he was more pliable.

7. Mr. Siddons felt he was obliged/obligated to land Mrs. Fairhurst a hand after so many years of her devoted toil in the name of charity.

6. Choose the right word:

  1. Envious or jealous

Martha was …of Tommy over his ex-girlfriend but always carried it off. She always cast … looks at those who looked smarter than her. Diane keeps a … eye on her husband. He wronged me when he said I was … . Joe keeps being … of mother’s attentions to his little sister. My little cousin has always been … of my good fortune.

  1. Oblige(d) or obligate(d)

I was happy to … you! As a witness in court you are … to tell the truth. Ronald was … by the bank to pay off all debts within half a year. I am infinitely … to you for your timely help!

7. Translate the sentences into English using essential vocabulary:

1. Сміт відчував, що зобов’язаний відплатити їм такою ж добротою. 2. Я вам дуже вдячний. 3. Чи не заспіваєте ви нам? 4. Її обличчя було йому дуже знайомим, але навіть під кінець дня він так і не згадав, звідки він її знав. 5. Успіх колишньої подруги пробудив у ній таку заздрість, що її несамовита впевненість почала кудись зникати. 6. Яскраві промови запам’ятовуються найкраще. 7. Джейн мала багато талантів, проте найбільшим, звісно, було її красномовство. 8. Коли Брендон почав грати в азартні ігри, його статки різко зменшилися. 9. Тіма відправили зустрічати їх на станції Ватерлоо. 10. Ніщо так не лікує розірвані стосунки, як щира любов та каяття. 11. Йому було доручено організувати й очолити експедицію. 12. Хороший менеджер знає, коли можна передати повноваження підлеглим. 13. Стислість ‒ найкраща риса красномовства.14. Ми дуже вдячні вам за вечерю. 15. Заздрісні люди ладні луснути від успіху свого сусіда.