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The verb

1. The verb “to be”

The verb “to be” in the Present Simple Tense

Утвердительная форма

единственное число множественное число

I-am (I’m) we(we’re)

he (he’s) you - are (you’re)

she - is (she’s)

it (it’s) they (they’re)

Отрицательная форма

I - am not (I’m not) we - (we’re not или we aren’t)

he (he’s not или he isn’t) you - are (you’re not или you aren’t)

she - is not (she’s not или she isn’t)

it (it’s not или it isn’t) they - (they’re not или they aren’t)

Вопросительная форма

Am I? Are we? Yes, I am No, I’m not

Is he? Are you? Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isn’t

Is she? Are they? Yes, we /you /they are No, we /you /they aren’t

Is it?

Упр. 1. Составьте предложения. Употребите am / is/ are.

1. My shoes __________ very dirty.

2. My bed __________very comfortable.

3. Your cigarettes____________ in your bag.

4. I_________ very happy today.

5. This restaurant __________very expensive.

6. The shops _________open today.

7. Mr Kelly’s daughter ____________ six years old.

8. The houses in this street ___________very old.

9.The examination____________ very difficult.

10. Those flowers ____________very beautiful.

11. I ________cold.

12. These windows __________very clean.

13. His car _________fast.

14.Roses in Mrs Kelly’s garden ______________very beautiful.

Упр. 2. Вставьте am / is / are.

Example: Am I late?

1. __________ you English? 7. ____________ we late?

2. _________ he a student? 8. ____________ you teachers?

3. __________ they in London? 9. ____________ it a robot?

4. __________ it a computer? 10. ____________ she Carol?

5. __________ they American? 11. ____________ the dogs hungry?

6. __________ Miss Grant in New York? 12. ____________ you a doctor?

Упр. 3. Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные короткие ответы.

1. Are you married? No, I’m not. 6. Is your teacher a woman? ________

2. Are you at school now? Yes, I am. 7. Are your hands cold ?___________

3. Is it cold today?_________________ 8. Are you hungry? _______________

4. Are you a teacher?_______________ 9. Is your father tall? ______________

5. Is your teacher a man?____________ 10. Is it sunny? __________________

Упр. 4. Вставьте am / is / are.

1. She _______ in my class. 19. __________ they late?

2. They _______ in the office. 20. It _________ not his pen.

3. We _________ at home now. 21. We _______ in the classroom.

4. It ________ very difficult. 22. __________ you an engineer? –

5. I _________ not from England. - Yes, I ________.

6. He _______ a good student. 23. _________ your sister at school?

7. How ________ you? 24. What _______ your name?

8. ________ they at home? 25. Mary and Kate _________ economists.

9. The book __________ here. 26. How ________ your daughter today?

10. The class ______ not very big. 27. ________ Alison pretty?

11. The books ______ on my desk. 28. This ____ Lora and this ____ Sally.

12. ________ English very difficult? They _________ my friens.

13 The shop __________ not open. 29. My cat ________ very big.

14. The rose ________ beautiful. 30. I __________ twenty-five.

15. ________ I right? 31. _____ you a student? – Yes, I _____.

16. It ___________ not my book. 32. The spoons ______ on the table.

17. Jane ________ not a teacher. 33. This boy ________ a pupil

18.They _________ in the street. 34. __________ your father a worker?

Упр. 5. Составьте предложения начав с WHAT / WHO / HOW / WHERE / WHY.

1. (what colour your car?) What colour is your car?____________________

2. ( where my key) Where __________________________________________?

3. (where my socks?) ________________________________________________?

4. (how old your father?) How ____________________________________________?

5. (what colour his eyes?) ________________________________________________?

6. (why John angry with me?) ________________________________________________?

7. (how much these shoes?) ________________________________________________?

8. (who your favourite actor?) ________________________________________________?

The verb “to be” in the Past Simple Tense



I was

You were

He / she / it was

We / you /they were

I was not (wasn’t)

You were not (weren’t)

He / she / it was not (wasn’t)

We / you / they were not (weren’t)


Short answers

Was I?

Were you?

Was he / she / it?

Were we / you / they?

Yes , I was

Yes, you were

Yes, he/ she / it was

Yes, we / you / they were

No, I wasn’t

No, you weren’t

No, he / she / it wasn’t

No, we / you / they weren’t

Упр. 6. Вставьте WAS / WASN’T / WERE / WEREN’T.

1. We didn’t like that house. It __was__ very old and it __wasn’t__ large enough.

2. Helen got married when she __________ 21 years old.

3. I called you yesterday evening but you ___________ at home. Where ___________ you?

4. My son ________ at work last week because he ________ ill. He’s better now.

5. The shops ___________ open yesterday because it _________ a public holiday.

6. “_________ at home at 9.30?” “No, I ___________. I _________ at work.”

7. Kate _______ in the south last year but Sue ________. She _______busy with her work.

8. When my parents ___________ young they rented a flat.

Упр. 7. Вставьте AM / IS / ARE / WAS / WERE.

1. Last year she __was 22, so she ___is__ 23 now.

2. Today the weather _______ nice, but yesterday it ________ cold.

3. I _________ hungry. Can I have something to eat?

4. I _________ hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

5. Where ________ you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?

6. Don’t buy those shoes. They _________ too expensive.

7. Why _________ you so angry yesterday?

8. We must go now. It ________ very late.

9. This time last year I _________ in Paris.

10. “Where ______ the children?” “I don’t know. They _______ in the garden ten minutes ago.