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УМК для заочников -право 2009.doc
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The present simple tense

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма

Полная Сокращенная

I walk I do not walk I don’t walk Do I walk?

You walk You do not walk You don’t walk Do you walk?

He walks He does not walk He doesn’t walk Does he walk?

She walks She does not walk She doesn’t walk Does she walk?

It walks It does not walk It doesn’t walk Does it walk?

We walk We do not walk We don’t walk Do we walk?

You walk You do not walk You don’t walk Do you walk?

They walk They do not walk They don’t walk Do they walk?


1. Обычное, постоянное действие, свойственное подлежащему.

The postman brings us the newspaper Почтальон приносит газету утром.

in the morning.

2. Повторяющееся действие (обычно с always, usually, often, sometimes, never,

every week, twice a month, etc.).

We go to the swimming pool twice a week. Мы ходим в бассейн дважды в неделю.

3. Констатация факта, постоянная характеристика объекта.

She speaks three foreign languages. Она говорит на трех иностранных


Упр. 10. Напишите следующие предложения в 3-м лице единственного числа.

1 They wish to speak to you. He_____________________________________

2 Buses pass my house every hour. It_________________________________

3 They help their father. He_________________________________________

4 We change planes at Heathrow. She_________________________________

5 You watch too much TV. He_______________________________________

6 They worry too much. He_________________________________________

7 I cash a cheque every month. He____________________________________

8 I always carry an umbrella. She_____________________________________

9 They wash the floor every week. She_________________________________

Упр. 11. Вставьте don’t или doesn’t.

Example: They don’t speak Greek.

1. He _____________ live in London. 9. We ______________ speak Russian.

2. Barbara ___________ like Tom. 10. I _____________ read newspapers.

3. They ____________ have a video. 11. She ___________ do her homework.

4. You ____________ get up early. 12. This hotel ______________ have a

5. We __________ to school by bus. swimming pool.

6. Our class __________ like English. 13. I ________________ play the piano.

7. You ______________ like spiders. 14. Mark __________ work in an office.

8. Steve ___________ speak Spanish. 15. This flat _________ have a balcony.

Упр. 12. В одном из предложений допущена ошибка. Выберите правильное


1. aShecomesfromSpain.

b She come from Spain/

2. a What he do in his free time?

b What does he do in his free time?

3. a Where lives she?

b Where does she live?

4. a He isn’t married.

b He doesn’t married.

5. a Does she has two sons?

b Does she have two sons?

6. a He doesn’t lay football.

b He no play football.

7. a She doesn’t love Peter.

b She doesn’t loves Peter.

8. a What you do on Sunday mornings?

b What do you do on Sunday Mornings?

9. a Do you play tennis sometimes?

b You play tennis sometimes?

10. a He doesn’t know the answer.

b He don’t know the answer.

Упр. 13. Вставьте do или does где необходимо.

1. _________you like playing tennis?

2. _________ your brother like cooking?

3. Where _________ she live?

4. ______your mother cook well?

5. Where __________ your friends work?

6. What ___ your father do in the evenings?

7. ______ your children go to school?

8. When __________ you clean your teeth?

9. When _______your mother go to work?

10. What _________ you think of me?

11. _________ you learn English?

12. Who __________ knows English?

13. _____ your father work in a garage?

14. How often _____ you go swimming?

15. How often ____ Dan come to the club?

16. How much _________your bag cost?

17. What floor __________ you live on?

18. What ___________ your husband do?

Упр. 14. Преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, а отрицатель-

ные в утвердительные.


She’sFrench.She isn’t French.

I don’t like cooking. I like cooking.

1. She doesn’t speak German.

2. They want to learn English.

3. We are tired and we want to go to bed.

4. John likes watching football on TV, but he doesn’t like playing it.

5. I work at home because I have a computer.

6. Sara isn’t happy because she doesn’t have a nice flat.

7. I smoke, I drink, and I don’t go to bed early.

8. He doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, and he goes to bed early.

9. They know my father very well but they don’t know my mother.

10. He wants to enter the university.

11. I don’t like meeting new people.

12. I learn French because I need it for my job.

Упр. 15. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1. Excuse me, ___________ (you / speak) English?

2. Tom ___________ (have) a shower at the moment.

3. I __________(love) you but you ____________(not / love) me.

4. Listen! Somebody ________________________ (sing).

5. She’s tired. She ______________________(want) to go home now.

6. How often ______________________ (you / read) a newspaper?

7. “Excuse me, but you ____________________(sit) in my place.” “Oh, I’m sorry.”

8. I’m sorry, I ________________________ (not / understand). Please speak more slowly.

9. “Where are you, Roy?” “I’m in the sitting-room. I ____________________ (read).

10. Look at Tom and Jim! They _____________________ (walk) up the hill.

11. What time ___________________ (she / finish) work every day?

12. You can turn off the radio. I ________________________ (not / listen) to it.

13. He ____________ (not / usually / drive) to work. He usually ___________ (walk).

14. They usually ___________(grow) vegetables in their garden but this year they ___________

(not grow ) any.

15. I _______________________(not believe) this man’s story.

16. Where _______(be) Boris I _____________(look) for him.- He ___________(talk) to Jane

in the next room.

17. This bike ____________(cost) a lot of money.

18. Someone _____________(wait) for you outside. Who is it?

19. What you ____________(think) about this book? – I think, it’s fantastic!

Упр. 16. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. She drinks milk every morning. 9. John _____________ to school now.

a) drinks b) is drinking c) drink a) walks b) is walking c) walk

2. We ______________to the park now. 10. My cat usually ________by the fire.

a) goes b) are going c) go a) sleep b) is sleeping c) sleeps

3. They ________shopping every week. 11. I _________ a letter at the moment.

a) goes b) go c) are going a) write b) am writing c) is writing

4. She often_____________her red dress. 12. They ____in a restaurant every Sunday.

a) wears b) is wearing c) wear a) eats b) are eating c) eat

5. Look! The cat _________ up the tree. 13. Father always _________the grass.

a) climbs b) is climbing c) climb a) cuts b) cut c) is cutting

6. He never ______________ the dishes. 14. I ____________ to tidy up my room.

a) wash b) is washing c) washes a) hates b) hate c) am hating

7. This book ________________ to me. 15. We ___________ abroad last summer.

a) belongs b) belong c) is belonging a) travel b) travels c) traveled

8. Ann ________________ coffee now! 16. Do you like spaghetti? Yes, _______

a) drank b) drink c) is drinking a) do I b) I do c) I don’t