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Иностранный язык № 2.doc
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17. Read the dialogue:


Ann: What shall we do tonight?

Bob: How about going out for a meal?

Ann: That sounds like a good idea. We can go to some pretty café and have a snack there. But what shall we do then?

Bob: Why don’t we go to the theatre?

Ann: Well, we could, I suppose, but I don’t really feel like going to the theatre.

Bob: What do you suggest then?

Ann: Do you feel like going to the pictures?

Bob: Yes, that would be nice! Do you have any particular movie in mind?

Ann: Well, they say, «Fight with the Shadow» is very good. It’s in «Luch» now.

Bob: Is it an action film?

Ann: I think so.

Bob: Well, to tell the truth, I don’t like such films very much.

Ann: Oh, well, is there any particular movie you would like to watch?

Bob: How about «The Boogeyman»? I’ve heard it’s excellent.

Ann: Isn’t it a horror film?

Bob: It’s a mystical thriller, if I’m not mistaken.

Ann: Hmm…

Bob: Don’t you like mystical movies?

Ann: No, not really.

Bob: I have an idea. Here is the programme, so we shall choose a film together. Ok?

Ann: Yes, it seems all right.

Bob: Look! We can watch two main pictures. When does the performance begin at?

Bob: It begins at 11 p.m. When shall we meet?

Ann: I think, if we meet at 9 o’clock, it will be ok.

Bob: Fine.

Ann: So long.

Bob: So long.


To go out for a meal

To have a snack

To suggest

Film, movie, picture

To go to the cinema, to go to the pictures, to go to the movies

To have in mind

Mystical movies

Main picture


Performance begins at…/ ends at…

That’s the way out.

Conversational Phrases:

What shall we do tonight?

How (what) about going to the pictures? – I’m sorry, I can’t.

Do you feel like going to the pictures? – No, I don’t really feel like going…

Would you like to go to the theatre?

What do you suggest then?

Let’s watch the both pictures.

That sounds like a good idea.

(Yes), that would be nice.

That seems all right.

If I’m not mistaken

To tell the truth

18. Imagine that you are making plans for the evening, make up your own dialogues and act them out. Use vocabulary and conversational phrases.

19. Read and translate the text:


Have you ever dreamed of being rich and famous? You might change your mind if you considered all the disadvantages there are to being famous.

For one thing, celebrities have to look perfect all the time. There’s always a photographer ready to take an unflattering picture of a famous person.

They also sacrifice their private lives. They are followed by crazy fans wherever they go. Their personal problems, divorces or family tragedies all end up as front-page news.

The paparazzi sell photos of the rich and famous to the popular press. The tabloids are appeared to pay a fortune for these photos – hundreds of thousands of dollars! And paparazzi can make a fortune on those pictures. But for the celebrities these photos are an invasion of privacy. Celebrities also sacrifice their private lives. They are followed by the paparazzi wherever they go. Their personal problems, divorces, or family tragedies all end up as front-page news.

They worry constantly about their reputation. Actors may lose their popularity, singers may lose their voices and athletes may be injured.

It's difficult for famous people to know who to trust. Ex-lovers may sell their stories to the newspaper. Their accountants or impresarios may be secretly cheating them.

The rich and famous worry about money too. Sometimes they don't know what to do with it.

Famous people can never be sure whether people like them for themselves or because they are famous. For this reason, it's difficult for them to make true friends.

Furthermore, celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of attention. Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are not unusual things in their lives. So many celebrities suffer nervous breakdowns or drug and alcohol problems. Many of them say that their lives are far from being happy. As Fred Alan once said, «A celebrity is someone who works hard all his life to be known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized».

Britney Spears spends a fortune on security, but very often it doesn’t help. One crazy fan managed to photograph himself in her bath. Britney is cool about it though, saying it is the price of fame and she wouldn’t change her life for anything.

So Michael Jackson often wears a mask when he goes out. But all his efforts to disguise himself always have the opposite effect. There are a lot of strange stories about him. It has been said that he takes female hormones to make his voice higher, that he has had his whole face changed by plastic surgery, etc.

Elton John, Steven Spielberg, the Beckhams, the late Beatle George Harrison, Samantha Mumba, Ali G have all received death threats. But no celebrity has lived under the weight of constant threats more than Madonna. Some years ago, for example, she was followed everywhere by Robert Hoskins. He climbed the walls of her Hollywood Hills estate and left notes on her door. He threatened to cut her throat if she didn’t marry him. Hoskins was arrested and sentenced to 10years prison.

«There's no handbook on what it's like to become famous and how to survive it. Fame is a monster that you have no control over. If you try to fight it, it just feeds the fire», says Leonardo DiCaprio.

It's hard to believe Sylvester Stallone ever had money problems – but not only was he born poor. He once blew his fantastic $100-million-plus fortune from Rocky and Rambo on bad investment. He says he actually had nightmares that his family would end up in the street. «I was so broke that I tried to sell my dog in front of a supermarket»! Fortunately, Sylvester fought his way back to success and riches...