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Английский / Biology Пособие по английскому языку.doc
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X. Check your comprehension.

Decide if each statement below is true or false according to the reading. If the statement is false, tell why.

  1. Most cells can be seen with the naked eye.

  1. It is now known how new cells are formed.

  1. The environment outside the walls of the cells does not affect the cells.

  1. No one knows how different kinds of cells function.

  2. Poison from chemical substances can kill cells.

  3. A disease does not damage or deform cells.

  4. Nerve cells cannot replace themselves.

  5. Secretions are poured out by epithelial cells.

  6. Scar tissue is a replacement of other tissue with muscle cells.

  1. Smooth muscle cells are found in the voluntary muscles of the body.

XI. Give English equivalents of the following phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

Стенки кровеносных сосудов, пищеварительный тракт, кост­ный мозг, по существу, репродуктивная система клетки, пере­давать сигналы, вырабатывать (производить) гормоны, крас­ные кровяные тельца, кроветворные органы, спинной мозг, гладкая мышца

XII. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Клетка — это масса протоплазмы, ограниченная клеточной стенкой.

  2. Ядро — это сердцевина и репродуктивная система клет­ки.

  3. Клетки соединительных тканей можно найти в костях, хря­щах, связках и сухожилиях.

  4. Белые и красные клетки крови (кровяные тельца) форми­руются в кроветворных органах (костном мозге).

  5. На развивающийся эмбрион повлияла (воздействовала) бо­лезнь матери.

  6. Крошечный паразит, который является причиной малярии, переносится москитами.

  7. Вирус полиомиелита вызывает паралич, разрушая (путем разрушения) определенный тип нервных клеток в спинном мозге.

  8. Виды клеток в человеческом теле могут быть классифици­рованы следующим образом.

  1. С 1892 года было открыто и исследовано большое количе­ство вирусов.

  2. Какова функция эпителиальных клеток?

XIII. Correcting mistakes.

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

  1. The human body is a kongregation of a large number of cells.

  2. New cells are form by division of old ones.

  3. What originally was called filterable viruses?

  4. Musle tissues are of three kinds.

  5. Signals are carried in nerve cells.

  6. John was born at 1971.

  7. Let's carry out the tests in Thursday.

  8. They decided to analyze a little blood samples.

  9. He has studied here since two years.

  10. Thousands species of microscopic organisms flourish on earth.

  1. Add 'few', 'a few', 'little', 'a little', as appropriate.

1. She had ___ interest in biotechnology.

  1. ___ biologists have studied this method of reproduction at Oxford University.

3. There's no blood left, but you can take ___ mucus for your investigation.

4. people have ever been to the North Pole.

5. There is hope of finishing the experiment this month.

6. These viruses have very ___ common characteristics.

7. They could find only ___ molds in that sample.

8. Prof. Silver is busy today, but he has ___ time to spare to­morrow.


Read and translate the following words:

to circulate through, to account for, readily, to spare, constituent, fraction, nutriment, convey, proper, carbon dioxide, fight off, adult.


Blood is the red fluid that circulates through the body by way of the blood vessels. It is a very complex substance, and more is con­stantly being learned about it. It is the flowing part of the circula­tory system, which may be called the transportation system of the body.

The adult human body contains between 5 and 6 quarts of blood, weighing about 7 to 8 pounds and accounting for about 5% of the body weight. If about one-third of the blood is lost, death usually occurs (unless the blood is replaced). A pint of blood, how­ever, can be readily spared at proper intervals. Blood in the arteries is bright red in color; blood in the veins is much darker, sometimes a brownish red.

Blood consists of many elements, liquid and solid. These in­clude red and white blood cells, blood platelets, and blood plasma. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood, something over 90% wa­ter. In it are dissolved essential elements that have to be carried from one place to another. These include, for example, organic con­stituents, such as blood sugar (glucose) arid urea; inorganic ele­ments, such as sodium and calcium; gases, such as oxygen and car­bon dioxide; and secretions from the endocrine glands (hormones), antibodies, enzymes, and plasma proteins.

The plasma proteins make up about 7 to 8% of the plasma. By electrical methods developed during and after World War II, these proteins can be broken down into various fractions. Best known is the fraction called gamma globulin, which contains antibodies against several diseases, notably measles and polio.

Among the many specific functions of the blood are the follow­ing: (1) It transfers oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the body cells; (2) It carries from the digestive system the nu­triments that cells need and gets rid of their waste products via the kidneys and other organs of excretion; (3) It conveys hormones; (4) It helps regulate body temperature; (5) It provides substances that fight off infection.


blood vessel - кро­веносный сосуд

circulatory system - сис­тема кровообращения

quart - кварта (равна 1,14 л)

pound - фунт (англ. =453,6 г)

pint пинта (мера емкости=0,57л)

(blood) platelet - тромбоцит, кровяная пла­стинка

urea - хим. мочевина

globulin - глобу­лин (белковое вещество)

kidney - анат. почка

excretion - фи­зиол. выделение

proper - пра­вильный; надлежащий