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Английский / Biology Пособие по английскому языку.doc
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VI. Study the form of the sentences.

1. The more the droplets the denser the fog. 2. The higher the humidity of the air the denser the fog. 3. The lower the temperature the faster the solidification of water droplets. 4. The longer the days the shorter the nights. 5. The longer the man lives the more he learns.

Write sentences using: the more ... the less; the higher ... the slower; the better ... the faster.

VII. Explain the meaning of "since" in these sentences.

1. Since water is 800 times denser than air it seemed strange why fogs did not disappear through fallout of the water particles to the ground.

2. Ice fogs occur in cold climates since the water droplets in a cloud solidify only if the air temperature is far below freezing.

3. Fogs have become particularly dense since autumn.

VIII. Write all kinds of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive) to the following sentences.

1. Ice fogs usually occur only in extremely cold climates. 2. The transparency of a fog depends mainly on the concentration of droplets.3. A wet sea fog may contain a gram of water per cubic meter. 4. Many early investigators concluded that the droplets must be hollow. 5. The density of a fog and its microphysical properties will depend on the availability of condensation nuclei and their nature.

IX. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

    1. Fog is a cloud on the ground composed of droplets of water.

    2. The water droplets do not solidify until the air temperature is far below freezing because they are very tiny.

    3. A wet sea fog may contain a gram of water per cubic centimeter.

    4. Fogs quickly disappear through fallout of the water particles to the ground.

    5. There is always some water vapour in the atmosphere.

    6. Condensation nuclei are hydroscopic particles which initiate condensation at subsaturation humidities.

    7. Fogs are never dense near industrial plants.

X. Translate into English.

1. Туман – это облако, состоящее из мельчайших капелек воды. 2. От концентрации капель зависит прозрачность тумана: чем больше капель, тем плотнее туман. 3. В атмосфере всегда содержится какое-то количество водяного пара, который появляется в результате испарения с поверхности воды, растительности и других источников. 4. Капли конденсируются на мельчайшие частицы пыли в воздухе, называемые ядра конденсации. 5. Ядро, на которое конденсируется вода, обычно растворяется в капле.6. В растворе капли конденсируют больше водяного пара и увеличиваются в размере. 7. При благоприятных условиях температуры и влажности плотность тумана и его микрофизические свойства будут зависеть от наличия ядер конденсации и их природы.

TEXT 12.

Read and translate the following words:

scientist, important, mutation, ordinary, zoology, drosophila, insect, unusual, sight, offspring, colour, discover, affect, through, colleagues, arrange, chromosomes, creature, treatment, clear, features, mature, mold, parent, generation, occur, circumstances, characteristics, rarely, evolution, few, genes, ancestor, unfortunately, actually, increase, possibility, nature.