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Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования


Оформление и перевод деловой документации на английском языке

Учебно-методические рекомендации

Киров 2005

ББК 81.2 (Англ)я 73

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Вятского государственного университета


Т. В. Щербакова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент

В. А. Банин, кандидат филологических наук, доцент

О. А. Петрова, старший преподаватель кафедры РЭС

Рецензент –

А. В. Казаков, кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Оформление и перевод деловой документации на английском языке: учебно-методические рекомендации. – Киров: Изд-во ВГУ, 2005. – 36 с.

Учебно-методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов факультета прикладной математики и телекоммуникаций, изучающих дисциплину «Оформление технической и деловой документации на иностранном языке».

Целью пособия является овладение навыками написания делового письма с учетом специфики речевого поведения англичан и американцев.

© Щербакова Т. В., Банин В. А., Петрова О. А., 2005


Настоящие учебно-методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов III курса специальности «Сети связи и системы коммутации» для работы над курсом «Оформление технической и деловой документации на иностранном языке». В рекомендациях приводятся требования к составлению деловых писем на английском языке, образцы документов и писем, связанных с перепиской во внешнеторговой деятельности и с кадровыми вопросами, а также практические задания к ним.


  1. Topic 1. Types of business letters. Layout of a business letter. ….………

  2. Topic 2. Direct mail advertising. Sales letters…………………………….

  3. Topic 3. Request letters…………………………………………………….

  4. Topic 4. Claims and adjusments……………………………………………

  5. Topic 5. Job hunting ……………………………………………………….

  6. Учебная литература……………………………………………………….







Topic 1 types of business letters. Layout of a business letter.

Task 1. 1) Correspond the titles with the texts. 2) Translate one of them.

  1. Request Letter

D. Enquiry Letter

G. Letter of Apology

  1. Letter of Invitation

E. Cover Letter

H. Letter of Complaint

  1. Congratulation letter

F. Order

I. Letter of Condolence

  1. Dear BrandСo Department Store,

I would like to order one of these Japanese kimonos you advertised in Provost Journal today. Please send me one light blue kimono with a white sash. My size is medium. I am enclosing a check for $25 to cover all costs.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Dane

  1. Dear Mr Ivanov,

On behalf of Sir John Cuckney, myself and all the employees of John Brown, please accept our expression of deepest sympathy and regret to you and your colleagues on the death of Mr. X.

Yours sinserely,

Allan Gormly

John Brown PLC

  1. Dear Sir,

We are interested in the new model of harvester advertised by you in the current number of The Industry and we are considerding ordering 3 machines on trial. The advertisement, however, does not give sufficient information about the delivery time and otherwise. Therefore we should appreciate further details as soon as possible. We hope to establish business relations with your company and are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

African Food Co. Ltd.

  1. Dear Sir,

We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the Contract No. 184/115 there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.

  1. Dear Sir,

We write to inform you about a delay in shipment of any goods from the London port because of a strike of transport workers. Your goods are actually in London and we are trying to get them to the docks so they can be loaded on the next vessel sailing on the 7th July. We apologize for this unfortunate delay and are doing our best to get your order away.

Yours faithfully,

The Brush Group

  1. Dear Sir,

We are interested in the equipment produced by your company and advertised in the latest issue of The Worker. Please send us your latest catalogues and price-lists of this equipment. We would be much obliged if we could have them by return.

Yours faithfully,

Stales & Co.

  1. Dear Mr Pavlov,

It would give us great pleasure if you and your wife could join us for dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, at seven o’clock.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Brown

  1. Dear Mr Stone

I have just read of your promotion to sales manager. Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I don’t have to tell you that all of us here wish you the best of luck in your new position.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith

9) Dear Sir,

At your request we are sending your under separate cover our latest illustrated catalogue and some other technical data about our new model of Harvester H-130. We hope that you will find our machine useful and reliable and place an order with us.

Yours faithfully,

Technical Machines Ltd.

Task 2. Read the rules about the layout a business letter. While reading 1) copy out the names of its parts together with models; 2) write out highlighted words and translate them into Russian.